This is the last Will and Testament of me Edward Cawkitt of the Parish of Bisley in the County of Surry I give unto my two Daughters viz. Mary Mason the Wife of James Mason of Chapel street Grosvenor Place London Baker and Sarah Ann Robinson the Wife of John Robinson of Bisley in the County of Surry Shoemaker my two Leasehold houses situate in Tyson Street Bethnal Green London to be by them after my decease disposed of and the money arising from the Sale thereof to be equally divided between them shaer and share alike I have the following Grandchildren now living viz. Sarah Edward William James Medlicot and Louisa Maria Cawkitt being the Children of my late Son Edward Cawkitt and James Mary Christiana George and John Mason being the Children of my daughter Mary Mason aforesaid and also Edward Robert and John East being the Children of my Daughter Sarah Ann Robinson aforesaid by a former marriage Now I give to each of my Grandchildren aforesaid the Sum of twenty pounds to be by my Executrix invested in some Savings Bank or on other good Security and the interest arising therefrom to be every year added to the Principal & be suffered to accumulate therewith until my said Grandchildren shall respectively attain the age of twenty one years and my Will is that the said Sum of twenty Pounds together with the accumulated interest thereon be by my Executrix paid to each and every one of my said Grandchildren as each of them arrive at the age of twenty one years but in case any of the Children of my late Son Edward Cawkitt die before they attain the age of twenty one years my Will is that his hers or their shares be equally divided amongst the survivors share and share alike and so in like manner with the Children of my Daughter Mary Mason and Sarah Ann Robinson And whereas my said Daughter Sarah Ann having by her marriage with John Robinson aforesaid three Children viz. Sarah Charles and Mary I give to my said three Grandchildren fifteen pounds each which at my decease I direct my Executrix to pay over to my said Son in Law John Robinson thay taking such security for the payment of the Sum of forty five pounds in manner following viz. fifteen pounds together with the accumulated interest thereon at the rate of two and half per Cent as each of my said Grandchildren shall respectively attain the age of twenty one years and in case any of my said Grandchildren should die before they attain the age of twenty one years then his her or their share be paid to the survivors or survivor I give to my Son in Law John Robinson the house and Premises in which I now live being Copyhold of the Manor of Bisley I give to my Daughter Mary Mason aforesaid the two Mahogany dining Tables low Chest of Drawers Night Table six mahogany Chairs and one Elbow Mahogany Chair the Rest of my household Plate and Linen I give to my two Daughters aforesaid to be equally divided between them My Wearing aparel I give to my Son in law John Robinson and I do hereby appoint my said two Daughters Mary Mason and Sarah Ann Robinson Executrix to this my last Will and Testament and my Will is that no act of one of my Executors shall be valid as touching the execution of this my Will without the consent of the other and as to all the Rest & Residue of my Personal Estate not hereinbefore disposed of I give to my said two Daughters as my Residuary Legatees and hereby revoking all other Wills by me at any time heretofore made I do publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament to which I have this seventh day of October 1825 set my hand and seal Edwd Cawkitt Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said Testator as for and as his last Will and Testament who in his presence and in the presence of each other and at his request have hereunto set our hands as Witnesses thereof. Wm Aulsebrook of Woking ~ Jno. Smith of Woking Proved at London 19th March 1827 before the Worshipful Jesse Adams Dr of Laws and Surrogate by the oath of Mary Mason (Wife of James Mason) the Daughter one of the Executrixes to whom admon was granted being first sworn duly to administer. Power reserved to Sarah Ann Robinson (Wife of John Robinson) the Daughter also the other Executrix.