In the Name of God Amen I Moses Evered of the Parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey Yeoman do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament as followeth First I comend my Soul to the mercys of God and my Body to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executrix herein after named and as to my Worldly Estate I give and dispose thereof as followeth first my Will and meaning is that all my just debts and funeral expences be fully satisfied and paid out of my personal Estate I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my beloved Wife for the term of her natural life all my Freehold and Copyhold house and Lands and premises with all their Appurtenances called or known by any Name or Names whatsoever lying and being in the Parishes of Chobham Bisley and Woking all in the County of Surrey and further my Will and meaning is that my said Wife do cut down and sell so much Timber from my Copyhold Lands in Bisley called Goddings that will yeild money enough to pay all the expences she may be at the Courts in taking up my Copyhold Estates and to pay the Lord of the Manor his just dues out of the said Timber and if it shall happen that there shall be any money left for the Timber more than paying the Lord and the Steward their just dues then I give such money to my Nephew Moses Beauchamp of Chobham And from and after the death of my said Wife I give and dispose of all my real Estate as followeth I give and bequeath unto my Niece Elizabeth Daughter of my late Sister Elizabeth Beauchamp and her heirs and Assigns for ever all that my Freehold Lands in Chobham with their Appurtenances by estimation six Acres more or less she allowing my said Wife three of the best Oak Trees to sell to help pay her expences at the Courts and if she should at any time have a mind to sell it I beg she will give the Parish of Bisley the first offer of it I give and bequeath unto Sarah now the Wife of James Stimson and other daughter of my said Sister and her heirs and Assigns for ever all that my Copyhold Close of Land in Bisley by estimation three Acres more or less called Neltroe and one Acre in the Common Field called Neltroe with all their Appurtenances Also I give and bequeath unto the said Sarah Stimson and her heirs and Assigns for ever all that my Copyhold Meadow in the Parish and Manor or Wokeing aforesaid by estimation two Acres more or less with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging she allowing my said Wife four of the best Oak Trees to sell to help pay her expences at the Courts I give and bequeath unto my Nephew Moses Beauchamp of Chobham and his heirs and Assigns for ever All that my Copyhold Messuage Barn Garden and all my copyhold Lands thereunto belonging with their Appurtenances called Godding lying in Bisley Aforesaid but my will is that my Wife do not cut any Timber from Goddings as I have given her these seven Oak Trees in their stead Also I give and bequeath unto the said Moses Beauchamp and his heirs and Assigns for ever all those my two Closes of Arable Land with their Appurtenances by estimation three Acres more or less lying and being in Bisley aforesaid adjoining to the end of Port Lane and Bisley Green and my Will is that neither of the said Moses nor Elizabeth nor Sarah nor their heirs should have any thing to do with any of my said Estates until after the Death of my said Wife All the Rest of my Goods and Chattels ready money and money due to me together with all my Personal Estate called or known by any name or names whatsoever that is not herein by me given I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my beloved Wife and her heirs and Assigns she paying my just debts funeral expences and the probate of this my Will and I charge my Esttae as above directed Lastly I nominate my said Wife sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this thirteenth day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Eighty five Moses Evered Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Moses Evered the Testator to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who subscribed our names as Witnesses in the presence of the Testator. John Deedman his X mark ~ Philip Gyles Senior ~ Philip Gyles Junior This Will of Moses Evered late of the Parish Bisley in the County of Surrey deceased was proved on the fifth day of April 1787 before the Reverend Francis Scransfield Clerk a Surrogate by the Oath of Elizabeth Evered Widow the Relict of the said deceased and the sole Executrix named in the said Will to whom Administration was granted she having been first sworn duly to Administer.