In the Name of God Amen I William Cobbett of Bisley in the County of Surrey Yeoman do make this my last Will and Testament. First I give unto my Wife Ann my best Bed and bedstead with its furniture and my Clock for her use during her natural life and after her decease to my Daughter Elizabeth and as to all the rest and Residue of my Estate both real and Personal I Give the same unto my son William Cobbett subject nevertheless as wherein after mentioned that is to say in the first place in answering and paying all my just debts and funeral expences In the next place I give six pounds a piece unto Ann my said Wife and to my three Daughters Ann Elizabeth and Hannah to be paid within twelve Months after my decease out of the same Also I give thirty pounds unto my son John Cobbett and do hereby subject my Real Estate for payment thereof and as to the said Thirty pounds I desire that after the rate of four pr Cent may be paid for the same until my said son John shall attain the Age of twenty one years but if necessity shall require for his maintenance before that then the same may be lessened at the discretion of my Executor and such part thereof as shall remain to be paid to him at his age of Twenty one years and I do hereby Nominate and appoint my said Son William Cobbett Executor of this my Will hereby revoking all former Wills by me made and declare this only to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this fifth Day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty three The mark X of William Cobbett. Signed Sealed Published and declared by the above named William Cobbett the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses. James Stedman John Knowles The Mark X of Jethro Cheeseman This Will of William Cobbett late of Bisley in the County of Surry deceased was proved on the Twenty seventh day of September 1785 before the Reverend James Weller Clerk a Surrogate by the Oath of William Cobbett the Son of the said deceased and the sole Executor named in the said Will to whom Administration was granted he having been first sworn duly to Administer.