In the Name of God Amen I Mary Freeland of Bisley in the County of Surry Widow being of sound mind and Memory tho infirm in Body do make and Ordain this to be as and for my Last Will and Testament revoking all other Wills by me heretofore made In the First Place whereas I have surrendered all that my Copyhold Estate at Bisley aforesaid to such uses as I should in and by my last Will Appoint now in pursuance of such Surrender I do hereby give and bequeath the same to my Son Richard Freeland his heires and assignes forever on this Conditions nevertheless that is to say that he permitt my Eldest Son Jeremiah to have a Lodging in my said House at Bisley during the Naturall Life of him the said Jeremiah in case he the said Jeremiah shall live so long single and unmarried And also pay to my said Son Jeremiah the sum of Eight Pounds of Lawfull money of Great Britain Forty shillings to my Daughter Damaris the wife of John Vickary To my Son Henry the sum of Four Pounds To my Son William Four Pounds To my son John Four Pounds To my Son Walter Four Pounds to my Grandson James Freeland the sum of Four Pounds all of Like lawfull money to be Severally paid to them in Twelve Months after my Decease and as to all my Goods and Wearing Apparell I do hereby dispose of the same as follows That is to say I do hereby give all the Goods which I am now possessed of or intitled unto and which naw are in my said House or any way belonging to me to be equally Divided between my Sons and Daughters that shall be Living at the Time of my Death Share and Share alike Except my Bed and Bedding in the best Room which I do hereby give to my Son Richard towards the Expenses of my Funeral And I do hereby Devise all my Wearing Apparell to my Daughters Damaris Vicary and Mary Hooper to be Divided between then by my Son Richard Share and Share alike And I do hereby Appoint my Son Richard Sole Executor of this my Will In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal this Twelfth day of June One Thousand Seven hundred and Thirty Eight The mark of Mary Freeland Signed Sealed Published and declared as and for the Last Will and Testament of the said Testatrix Mary Freeland in the presence of us who in her presence and at her request have Set our Names as Witnesses thereto Wm Collyer Mary Freeland The mark of Mary M Howard This Will was proved on the Ninth day of October in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Eight before the Reverend George Stephens Clerk a Surrogate by Richard Freeland the Executor named in the said Will to whom administration was Granted he being first Sworn duly to Administer.