In the Name of God Amen. The Eighteenth day of April Anno Dm One Thousand Six hundred Ninety Five and in the Seventh year of the reign of our gracious Sovereign Lord Kind William &r I Mary Feild of Bisley in the County of Surrey Widow being of good and perfect health mind and meory (praise be given to God) doe make ordain and declare this my last Will and Testament in maner and forme following revokeing and adnulling all former and other Wills by me heretofore made and this is to be taken for my last Will and Testament and no other that is to say First and principally I commend and bequeath my Soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator and Redeemer hoping by the reconciliation of Jesus Christ to be saved only and my Body to the Earth from whence it came to be decently buried in christian Burial by the discretion of my Executor hereafter named and as touching such temporal Estate as the Lord of his mercy far above my deserts hath bestowed upon me my Will and meaning is the same shall be employed and bestowed as hereafter by this my Will is expressed Imprimis I give and bequeath unto Mary the Wife of Thomas Lumberstone my oldest Daughter Five pounds to be paid within one year next after my Decease Item I give and bequeath unto Joane the Wife of Rowland Read Alice the Wife of John Edmead Anne the Wife of Thomas Smallpeece and Henry my Four Children One shilling a peice Item I give and bequeath unto the Five Children of Rowland Read Five shillings a peice I doe nominate and appoint William Beauchampe the Elder and Edward Feild my Son to be in Trust for my Grandson Humphrey Feild until he comes to the age of one and twenty years And as for all my goods chattles and debts not above given and bequeathed I give and bequeath unto Edward my youngest Son whom I make and ordain sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament he paying my debts legacies and Funeral expenses In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written The marke of Mary Feild Signed Sealed pronounced published and declared by the said Mary Feild to be her last Will and Testament (and also the paper being first marked with a sixpenny stamp according to the late Act of Parliament) in the Psence of Thomas Emmett Senr. John Cox Willm French Junr. And further I appoint William Beauchampe and Edward Feild to be Guardians of the Body and Estate of my Grandson Humphrey Feild dureing the time of his minority or till he comes to the age of one and twenty years And further my will and meaning is that he the said Humphrey Feild in Bisley shall pay unto Edward Feild the Sume of Fifteen pound for his board and schooling whom I have ordained sole Executor And this to be a Codicil to my last Will with the above said Will not altering anything nor adnulling any thing therein written or containing In Witness my hand the Two and twentieth day of April One Thousand six hundred Ninety Five The marke of Mary Feild Signed Sealed and delivered in the Psence of Henry Savidge The marke Probatum fuit humoi Testum Maria Feild ?? de Bisley in Com Surr defri Septimo die mensis July Anno Dm Millimo Septingesimo Secundo cor Venti viro Thoma Aylotte Legum Drore Surro ?? juramto Edvardi Feild Exis indro Testoniar Cui &r de bene &r deq Inrio et Computo &r Ad Sta dei Evangelia prins jurat