In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Sponge being in good and perfect memory submitt my selfe to God Almighty Item I give Sara Sponge my daughter all my stock within and without And I make her my Executor Item I give to my Sonne Thomas Twelve pence Item I give to my Son Nicholas twelve pence Item I give to my Son in Law Moases Eneres Twelve pence Item I give to my three Grand children twen shilling a peece Dated the 25 day of January 1674. Thomas Sponge Witnesses John Cobbuttt John Hone. Probatum suit lininoi testamentum Primo die Aprilis Anno Dm Millimo Sexcemo Septuagesimo quinto coram disereto viro Johanne Holland clero Surrogate routio viro Diri Mondefordi Bramston militie et Legum Doctorie Diri Archini Archinat Surria Affilio litimo constitut Juramento Sara Sponge filia dicti defuncti Qui Comissa suit Admiro oinin et singulerum benens Jurium et Creditorum dicti defti de bene et fidelr astrando eadem &r adsta Dei Evangelistum debita Jurie forma prine Jurat &r.