In the Name of God Amen I George Rempnant of the parish of Bisley in the County of Surry yeoman do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following First I commend my soul to the Hands of God and my Body to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executrix hereinafter named and as to my worldly estate I give and dispose thereof as followeth First my will is that all my just debts and Funeral expenses be fully satisfied and paid by my Executrix and in six Months after my Decease I Give and bequeath unto my Son in Law John Street for the term of his natural Life all my Freehold Lands in Chobham by Estimation thirty six acres more or less also all that my Copyhold Messuage or Tenement called Bullrousen and all that my Copyhold Lands thereunto belonging with the Appurtenances situate lying and being in Bisley aforesaid he paying out of the same unto my Grandaughter Mary Searl the sum of one hundred pounds at the time that she attains to the age of Twenty one years Also my will is that Ann my beloved wife should have the use of three Rooms in the said House for the term of her natural Life free from all payments (that is to say) the Parlour and the chamber over it and a little room at the end of the House for a Buttery and I charge the said House and lands with the payments as above directed and from and after the Decease of the said John Street I Give and bequeath unto my Grandson Henry Street for the term of his natural Life my aforesaid copyhold House and Lands charged aforesaid Further my will is that if my said Son in Law John Street should happen to dye before my said Grandaughter Mary Searle have attaind to the age of twenty one years then my will is that my Grandson Henry Street should pay her the said hundred pounds at the time she attains to the age of Twenty one years and I charge aforesaid Estate with the payment of the said hundred pounds and from and after the Death of both my Son in Law John Street and my Grandson Henry Street I Give and bequeath all my aforesaid estate to my lawful heirs and Assigns for ever I Give and bequeath unto my Grandson George Rempnant Searle and his Heirs and Assigns for ever all that my Copyhold Messuage or Tenement and Ten Acres of Land more or less with the appurtenances to the same belonging lying near the pound in Bisley aforesaid the which I purchased of one Terry I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary now the wife of Thomas Searle for the Term of her natural Life all that my Copyhold Messuages or Tenements Lands and premises lying near the Ford in Bisley aforesaid formerly the Estate of William Millest containing by Estimation twenty eight acres more or less and from and after her Decease I Give and bequeath my said House and Lands to and amongst my three Grandsons (that is to say) Thomas and William and James sons of my said daughter Mary Searle to them their Heirs and Assigns for ever they paying out of the same unto their Father Thomas Searle the Sum of Ten pounds a year and every year for the Term of his natural life And I charge the said House and Lands as above directed All the rest of my Goods and Chattles that is not before by me given I Give and bequeath unto Ann my beloved Wife and I nominate and appoint my said Wife sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal to this my last Will and Testament contained in this and one other Sheet of Paper this Seventh Day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred seventy and four. George Rempnant Signed Sealed published and declared by the Testator to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who Subscribed our Names as witnesses in the presents of the Testator Sarah Gyles S her mark Philip Gyles Mary Gyles This Will of George Rempnant late of the Parish of Bisley in the County of Surry deceased was proved the Fifth Day of May 1774 before The Reverend Richard Vincent Clerk Surrogate of the Worshipful George Harris Doctor of Laws and Commissary lawfully appointed (pending the annual visitation) by the oath of Ann Rempnant widow the Relict and sole Executrix named in the said will to whom admon was granted having been first sworn faithfully to Admstr.