In the name of God Amen The second day of January Anno Dm on thousand six hundred ninety three and in the fifth yeare of the reigne of our gracious Sovereigne Lord and Lady King William and Queene Mary &t. I Robert Davye of Bisley in the County of Surrey Yeoman being aged weake and infirme in body but of good sound and perfect mind and memory (praise be given to God) Doe make ordaine and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following revokeing and anulling all former and other Wills by me heretofore made and this is to be taken for my last Will and Testament and noe other that is to say First and principally I comend and bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator and Redeemer hopeing that I shall receive full pardon and free remission of all my sinns for the precious death and passion sake of my blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ And my body in the earth from whence it came to be buryed in such decent manner in the Church yard of Bisley as it shall please my Executrix hereafter named to appoint And as touching such temporal estate as the Lord of his mercy far above my deserts hath bestowed upon me my will and meaning is the same shall be imployed and bestowed as hereafter by this my Will is expressed Inpris I give and bequeath unto Mary Davye my eldest daughter my best feather bedd with the bedstedle healings and furniture and all things belonging to it one table in the Hall with the frame the great iron pott one bell mettle skillett and my great bible And as for all the rest of my goods chattells and cattells whatsoever not herein bequeathed and given I give and bequeath unto Anne Davy my youngest daughter And because my daughter Anne is under the age of one and twenty yeares I make and ordaine Bridgett my beloved wife Executrix in trust of this my last Will and Testament untill my said daughter Anne doth come and attaine to the age of one and twenty yeares And my will is that Bridgett by beloved wife shall have full power to put out my moneys to interest and to receive the same with interest for the use of Anne my youngest daughter and to be accountable for the same unto my youngest daughter Anne when she marryes or comes to the age of one and twenty yeares And my will is that Bridgett my beloved Wife shall be paid such necessary disbursements which she shall lay out and expend in seeing this my Will performed In witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written. The marke of Robert Davye. Signed sealed pronounced published and declared by the said Robert Davy to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of The marke of John Cobbett the marke of James Dallye Willm French.