In the Name of God Amen I Andrew Lamont of the Parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey Dr. of Divinity being of good health and sound mind and memory and having Attaind to a good Old Age for which I Glorifie and praise God And knowing the frailtie of human Life Doe make this my Last Will and Testament in manner following Imprimis I give my Soul to Almighty God in his Pure and steadfast Assurance of the Resurrection of Body and Soul through the meritts of my Dear Saviour Jesus Christ Item I give my body to be desently buried in the Chancel of the Church of Bisley by the Discretion of my Executors hereafter Named And as to such worldly goods as it hath pleased God in this world to bestow upon me I dispose of in Manner following Imprimis I Give and Bequeath to the poor of the parish of Bisley aforesaid the Sume of One hundred pounds to be paid out in a Purchase for the use of the said poor by the Church Wardens and Overseers of the poor of Bisley aforesaid for Ever the yearly Grant of such Purchase to be distributed to the poor of Bisley aforesaid yearely by the discretion of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor for the time being as such Grants shall be received by them. Item I give the sume of Fifty pounds to be laid out in a purchase for the use of the Rector of Bisley aforesaid from time to time as an Augmentation to the said Rectory for Ever And I doe order that my executors hereafter named doe with all Convenient speed after my decease make such Purchases as aforesaid for the uses aforesaid in such Legacies ????? ???? ????? Le???ied in the L??? devised Item I give and Bequeath unto Humphry Field my Landlord of Bisley aforesaid All the household Goods that I now have in his house which I bought of Edward Field Item I Give to my Nephew Allan Lamont the sume of Five pounds Item I Give to my Nephew George Constable of Shadwell Church? in the County of Middlx Clerk the sume of Five pounds Item I Give to my Neice Isabelle Smith wife of Thomas Smith of ?illam in the County of York the sume of Five pounds Item I Give to my two Nephews the sons of my Sister Hauxwell five pounds a piece And to my Neice Hauxwell the sume of Five pounds which said several Legacies I give in full of what they may expect or Claime out of my Estate And lastly I Constitute Name and Appoint my well beloved nephewes Robert Constable Esq. And Allan Lamont gent my joynt Executors of this my last will and Testament And all the rest and Residue of my Estate after the Expences of my Funeral and Legacies paid I Give to my said Executors And I doe hereby revoake all former and other wills by me made In Wittnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the twelveth day of July Anno Domini 1709. And: Lamont. Sealed Published Declared in the presence of us George Rempnant Senr. Willm Pigge snr. George Rempnant Junr. John Cox