In dei nomine Amen. Anno Domin millesimo quingentesimonom die mense Septembris die quarto Ego Dominus Robertus Faulkener Elicui condo testamentum ???im in hinc Modum Lego animam meam Deo andpotenti Corpus?? Meam sepelivi in temtesio sancti Johannis Baptiste in Bysseley in Countatu Surrey Item lego ordin ecclisie tres Solidus et quatro? Denarios Item matriri Ecclisie Winton Sex Denarios Item Ecclisie De Chabham viginti Denarios Item Ecclisie De Horsehill solidari Item Ecclisie De Worplesdun solidari Residini vero bonorini invorum non legat Do et lego Duo Roberto Elliot Rectori ????e De Ockam in Comitatis predict et Thoma Fawkener Pratri nu?? ad opus eorundem Et ipi Disporrant ?? ?? in ??clins videtur ob salutem anime ???? et ann fidelis Et ordino et constitno presatat Dim Robertum Elliot et Thomasi Fawkener hinns moi testamenti h????tores ????? testibus fidediginis videlicet Johanne Freland adt??r De Horsehill modo De Ockam Willmo Gilles als ??? Warbery De Horsehill cum multis ?li?? In the name of God Amen. In the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred on the fourth day of the month of September I Sir Robert Fawkener make Testament in form and manner following I bequeath my soul to Almighty God my body to be buried in the church yard of St John the Baptist in Bisley in the County of Surrey. Item I bequeath to the ???? church three shillings and four pence Item to the mother church Winchester six pence Item to the church at Chobham twenty pence Item to the church at Horsell one shilling Item to the church at Worplesdon one shilling