This is the last Will and Testament of me Elizabeth Mepham of the Parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey Spinster as follows (that is to say) In the first place I direct that all such debts as I shall justly owe at the time of my decease together with my funeral and testamentary charges and expenses be fully paid and satisfied by my Executrixes hereinafter named And subject thereto I give and bequeath all my personal estate and effects whatsoever and of what nature or kind soever unto my sisters Mary Mepham and Martha Mepham their executors administrators and assigns Upon Trust to convert into money all such part or parts thereof as shall not consist of money or securities for money And to call in and compel payment of all such parts thereof as shall consist of money out upon security at interest or otherwise And also to collect and get in all debts which shall be owing to me at the time of my decease in such manner as they shall think fit And I hereby declare and direct that the said Mary Mepham and Martha Mepham and the survivor of them and the executors and administrators of such survivor shall stand and be possessed of the monies I may be entitled to at the time of my decease and the monies to arise from the sale and conversion of my said personal estate Upon Trust to pay retain and divide the same unto and amongst and between my Brothers James Richard and George my said sisters Mary and Martha and my sisters Jane Ann Hannah and Charlotte and my Brother in Law Henry Sherwood or such of them as shall survive me or shall depart this life in my lifetime leaving lawful issue who being a son or sons shall attain the age of Twenty one years or who being a daughter or daughters shall attain that age or marry to be divided between them in equal shares and proportions according to the number of stocks and not to the number of individual objects as tenants in common I give and devise unto my said sisters Mary Mepham and Martha Mepham and their heirs all that my undivided moiety of and in all that messuage or tenement with the garden ground outhouses land and appurtenances thereunto belonging containing by estimation one acre (be the same more or less) situate lying and being near Hook Lane at the West End of the Parish of Chobham in the said County of Surrey and now in the tenure or occupation of Joseph Granger and Crane Together with all other my real estate whatsoever and wheresoever situate lying or being with their rights members and appurtenances To hold the same unto and to the use of the said Mary Mepham and Martha Mepham their heirs and assigns for ever as Tenants in common and not as joint Tenants And Lastly I hereby nominate and appoint my said sisters Mary Mepham and Martha Mepham Executrixes of this my last will and hereby revoking and making void all former and other will and wills by me at any time heretofore made I declare this only to be my last Will and testament In witness whereof I the said Elizabeth Mepham the Testatrix have to this my last Will and Testament subscribed my name this fifteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty - Elizabeth Mepham Signed declared Acknowledged by the said Elizabeth Mepham the Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time and who in her presence at her request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses attesting the same - S??an Downer Dean Clerk to Mr. Jno. Mears Sol.r Bagshot Surrey - Sarah Gosden Bisley Surrey Proved at London 11th July 1853 before the Worshipful Thomas Spink Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oath of Mary Mepham Spinster the Sister one of the Executrixes to whom Admon was granted having bee first sworn duly to Administer Power reserved of making the like Grant to Martha Mepham Spinster the Sister also the other Executrix when she shall apply for the same.