This is the last Will and Testament of me James Loveland of the Parish of Bisley in the County of Surry Gentleman who am in health and of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding First I commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it and my body I commit to the Earth to be decently and frugally interred at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named and as to all my Worldly Estate whatsoever and wheresoever wherewith it hath pleased and may please God to bless me I give devise and bequeath the same as hereinafter is mentioned I give devise and bequeath unto my son Richard Loveland all that my Copyhold or Customary Cottage Turf house and Garden thereunto belonging formerly Henry Carters situate in the said Parish of Bisley and within and holden of the Manor of Bisley in the County of Surry and also all that my Copyhold Messuage or Tenement called or known by the name of Staple Brook with the Barns and all Buildings Orchard Garden Yards and one Close of Meadow Land by estimation two acres more or less and one acre of arable Land also within and holden of the Manor of Bisley and which said Heredits and Premises were purchased by me of James Stovell To have and to hold the same unto and to the use of my said Son Richard Loveland his heirs and assigns for ever Subject nevertheless to and charged and chargeable with the payment of the annuity next hereinafter mentioned and I do hereby give devise and bequeath unto my said dear wife Elizabeth for and during the term of her natural life one annuity or clear yearly rent or Sum of Ten pounds of lawful money of Great Britain free and clear of and from all Taxes and deductions whatsoever parliamentary or otherwise the said annuity to be charged and chargeable upon and issuing and payable out of the said Copyhold or Customary Cottage Turf House and Garden and the said Messuage or Tenement Barns Buildings Orchard Garden Yards and Land within and holden of the Manor of Bisley aforesaid hereinbefore given and devised unto my Son Richard Loveland and to be paid and payable by him the said Richard Loveland his heirs and assigns by even and equal quarterly payments that is to say Two pounds ten shillings per quarter the first payment thereof to begin and be made at the end of three Calendar months next after my decease and it is my Will and desire that in case the said annuity or yearly Rent or Sum of ten pounds or any part thereof shall at any time during the life of my said Wife Elizabeth be behind or unpaid by the space of fourteen days next over or after any or either of the days of payment whereon the same is hereinbefore directed to be paid as aforesaid being lawfully demanded That then and so often it shall and may be lawful to and for my said dear Wife Elizabeth to enter upon the said Cottage Turfhouse and Garden and the said Messuage or Tenement buildings Lands and Premises hereby charged with the said annuity as aforesaid and to distrain for the same and the distress and distresses then and there found to detain and keep until she shall be fully paid and satisfied all such arrears of the said annuity with all Costs and Charges in and about the making and keeping the said distress for the same I give devise and bequeath unto James Stovold a Son of my said Wife Elizabeth all that my Copyhold Messuage in two Tenements Barn Stable buildings and Lands with the appurts lying within and holden by me of the Manor of Frimley in the County of Surry To have and to hold the same unto and to the use of the said James Stovold the Son of my said Wife his heirs and assigns for ever Subject nevertheless to and charged and chargeable with the payment of the annuity hereinafter mentioned and I do hereby give devise and bequeath unto my said wife Elizabeth for and during the term of her natural life one other annuity or yearly rent or Sum of Twelve pounds of lawful money of Great Britain free and clear of and from all Taxes and deductions whatsoever Parliamentary or otherwise the said annuity to be chargeable upon and issuing and payable out of the said Copyhold Messuage in Two Tenements Barn Stable Buildings and Lands with the appurts lying within and holden of the said Manor of Frimley hereinbefore given and devised to the said James Stovell and to be paid and payable by him the said James Stovell his heirs and assigns by even and equal quarterly payments that is to say three pounds per quarter the first payment thereof to begin and be made at the end of three Calendar months next after my decease and it is my Will and desire that in case the said annuity or yearly Rent or Sum of twelve pounds or any part thereof shall at any time during the life of my said dear Wife Elizabeth be behind or unpaid by the space of fourteen days next over or after any or either of the days of payment whereon the same is hereinbefore directed to be paid as aforesaid being lawfully demanded That then and so often it shall and may be lawful to and for my said dear Wife Elizabeth to enter upon the said Copyhold Messuage in two Tenements Barn Stable Buildings and Land hereby charged with the said annuity as aforesaid and to distrain for the same and the distress and distresses then and there found to detain and keep until she shall be fully paid and satisfied all such arrears of the said annuity with Costs and charges in and about the making and keeping the said distress for the same I give devise and bequeath unto my son William Loveland all that my Freehold Messuage or Tenement Barn Buildings and Land with the appurts which I purchased of Miss Sarah Sibthorpe situate lying and being in the Parish of Bisley aforesaid To have and to hold the same unto and to the use of my said Son William Loveland his heirs and assigns for Ever also I give devise and bequeath unto my Son William Loveland all and every the Copyhold or Customary Messuages or Tenements Buildings Lands and Heredits with the appurts situate lying and being in the Parish of Bisley aforesaid and holden by me of the said Manor of Bisley which I purchased of Miss Sarah Sibthorpe and to which I was admitted Tenant at a General Court Baron holden in and for the said Manor of Bisley on the Eighth day of October 1812 save and except all that parcel of Ground containing by estimation one acre and an half more or less called Bisley Mead To have and to hold the same except as before excepted unto and to the use of my said Son William Loveland his heirs and assigns for Ever Subject nevertheless to and charged and chargeable with the payment of the annuity and several Legacies or Sums of money next hereinafter mentioned and I do hereby give devise and bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Martin the Wife of Richard Martin for and during the term of her natural life one annuity or clear yearly rent or Sum of Seven pounds sixteen shillings of lawful money of Great Britain free and clear of and from all Taxes and deductions whatsoever Parliamentary or otherwise the said annuity to be charged and chargeable upon and issuing and payable out of the said Copyhold or Customary Messuages or Tenements Buildings Lands and Heredits within and holden of the Manor of Bisley aforesaid hereinbefore given and devised to my Son William Loveland and to be paid and payable by him the said William Loveland his heirs and assigns by even and equal weekly payments that is to say Three shillings per week the first payment thereof to begin and be made at the end of the first week next after my decease and I do hereby charge and subject the said Copyhold or Customary Messuages or Tenements Buildings Lands and Heredits last mentioned to and with the payment of the said annuity yearly Rent or Sum of Seven pounds sixteen shillings accordingly and it is my Will and desire that in case the said annuity or yearly Rent or Sum of Seven pounds sixteen shillings or any part thereof shall at any time during the life of the said Sarah Martin be behind or unpaid by the space of fourteen days next over or after any or either of the days of payment whereon the same is hereinbefore directed to be paid as aforesaid being lawfully demanded That then and so often it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Sarah Martin to enter upon the said Messuages or Tenements Buildings Lands and Heredits hereby charged with the said annuity as aforesaid and to distrain for the same annuity or for so much thereof as shall be so in arrear and the distress and distresses then and there found to detain and keep until she shall be fully paid and satisfied all such arrears of the said annuity with costs and charges in and about the making and keeping the said distress for the same and I do give and bequeath to my Daughter Elizabeth the Wife of James Howard of Chobham in the County of Surry Laborer the Sum of twenty pounds of lawful money aforesaid to and for her own use and benefit also I give and bequeath to my Daughter Mary the Wife of Edward Sturt of Chobham aforesaid Laborer the Sum of Twenty pounds of like money to and for her own use and benefit also I give and bequeath to my Daughter Ann Burchett Widow the Sum of Twenty pounds of like money to and for her own use and benefit and I direct the said three several legacies of twenty pounds to be paid at the end of twelve Calendar Months next after my decease and I do hereby charge and subject the said Copyhold or Customary Messuages or Tenements buildings Lands and Heredits above devised to my said Son William Loveland to and with the payment thereof but in case any or either of them the said Elizabeth Howard Mary Sturt and Ann Burchett shall happen to depart this life before their said respective Legacies of twenty pounds each shall become payable by virtue of this my Will Then I give and bequeath the said Legacy or Legacies of her or them so dying unto my Son George Loveland to and for his own use and benefit and I give devise and bequeath unto my son James Loveland all that Copyhold or Customary parcel of Ground containing by estimation one acre and an half more or less called Bisley Mead within and holden of the Manor of Bisley which I purchased of the said Sarah Sibthorpe and to which I was admitted at the said General Court Baron holden for the said Manor on the Eighth day of October 1812 To have and to hold the same unto and to the use of my said Son James Loveland his heirs and assigns for Ever I give devise and bequeath unto my son Henry Loveland all that Copyhold Messuage or Tenement Barn Buildings and about five acres of Land with the appurts situate lying and being within the Manor of Woking in the said County of Surrey which I purchased of William Ellis and also all those two Closes of Arable Land called the Bisley field and Float field containing by estimation together ten acres more or less situate lying and being within and holden of the said Manor of Bisley which I purchased of John Goring To have and to hold the said last mentioned Message or Tenement Barn Buildings and Lands with the appurts unto and to the use of my said Son Henry Loveland his heirs and assigns for Ever Subject nevertheless and charged and chargeable to and with the payment of the Sum of fifty pounds of lawful money aforesaid unto my Son Richard Loveland and I do hereby give devise and bequeath unto my said Son Richard Loveland the further Sum Legacy or Sum of fifty pounds of lawful money aforesaid and direct the same to be paid to him at the end of twelve Calendar months next after my decease to and for his own use and benefit and I do hereby charge the said Messuage or Tenement Lands and Heredits above given and devised to my said Son Henry Loveland to and with the payment thereof accordingly I give devise and bequeath unto my Son Thomas Loveland all the Great Tythes in Wokeing which I purchased of the late Henry Halsey Esquire To have and to hold the same unto my said Son Thomas Loveland his heirs and assigns for Ever and I give devise and bequeath unto my Son John Loveland all the rest and residue and remainder of my Freehold Copyhold and Leasehold Messuages Lands Tenements Heredits and Real Estate whatsoever and wheresoever To have and to hold the said Rest and Residue of my said Freehold Copyhold and Leasehold Messuages Lands Tenements Heredits and Real Estate with their and every of their appurts unto and to the use of my said Son John Loveland his heirs Executors admors and assigns for ever according to the respective natures tenures and qualities thereof respectively Subject nevertheless and charged and chargeable to and with the payment of the Sum of fifty pounds of lawful money aforesaid unto my Son George Loveland and I do hereby give devise and bequeath unto my said Son George Loveland the Legacy or Sum of fifty pounds of lawful money aforesaid and direct the same to be paid to him at the end of twelve Calendar months next after my decease to and for his own use and benefit and I do hereby charge the said Rest and Residue of my said Freehold Copyhold and Leasehold Messuages Lands Tenements Heredits and Real Estate above devised to my said Son John Loveland to and with the payment thereof accordingly and I give devise and bequeath unto my said Wife Elizabeth and my said Sons John and Henry Loveland their Executors admors and assigns all and every my personal Estate and Effects of every sort and kind to and for their own use and benefit equally to be divided between them share and share alike Subject nevertheless to the payment of all my just Debts funeral and Testamentary expenses and the expenses of proving this my Will and I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said Sons John Loveland and George Loveland Executors of this my last Will and Testament and do hereby revoke and make void all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made and do declare these Presents only to be and contain my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said James Loveland the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained in six sheets of paper set my hand to the five first sheets thereof and my hand and seal to this sixth and last sheet thereof this 27th day of April in the year of our Lord 1819. The mark of James X Loveland. Signed Sealed published and declared by the said James Loveland the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses. Jno. Mears Solr Bagshott Surry // Thos. W Marlin his Clerk // Wm Smithers Post Master Bagshot Surry. Proved at London 13th December 1824 before the Worshipful Defoe Addams Dr of Laws and Surrogate by the Oaths of John Loveland and George Loveland the Sons the Executors to whom admon was granted being first sworn duly to administer.