This is the last Will and Testament of me William Eacott of Bisley in the County of Surrey Farmer In the first place I order and direct the payment of all my just debts funeral and testamentary Expenses out of my Personal Estate And I give and devise unto my Son William Eacott his heirs and assigns All that my piece of Copyhold Land containing by estimation one acre more or less lying in the Common field called Nelho within and holden of the Manor of Bisley in the County of Surrey abutting towards the South on the Hedge there and towards the North on Land late of Sarah Sibthorpe and bounded on the East by Land late of James Nesmith and on the West by Land late of Hammond And also all that my Copyhold Messuage or Tenement in Bisley aforesaid called Bonnells otherwise Edmeads with the Barns Edifices Gardens Orchards Curtilages and three Closes of Land to the said Messuage adjoining and belonging containing by estimation Seven Acres One Close of Land called Long Close containing by estimation One Acre And also two Acres of Copyhold Land lying in the said Common Field called Nelho abutting on the Land formerly of Sarah Millest on the South Land late of John Hone on the North and Lands late of John Goreing on the East To hold the same and every part thereof with their appurtenances unto and to the use of my said Son William Eacott his heirs and assigns for ever according to the Custom of the said Manor Subject nevertheless to my wife Sarah Eacott having the use and occupation of such part and parts of my said Messuage or Tenement and Garden as she shall choose to reside in or occupy during the Term of her natural life rent free And also subject to and charged and chargeable with the Annuity Yearly rent or Sum of Eight Pounds hereinafter mentioned and devised to my said Wife Sarah Eacott And I do hereby give devise and bequeath unto my said Wife Sarah Eacott and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life one Annuity Yearly rent or Sum of Eight Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain free and clear of and from all taxes and deductions whatsoever parliamentary or others already imposed or hereafter to be imposed The said Annuity to be charged and chargeable on and issuing and payable out of the said Copyhold hereditaments hereinbefore given and devised to my said son William Eacott and to be paid and payable by him my said Son William Eacott his heirs executors administrators or assigns by two equal and even half yearly payments (that is to say) on the Feast days of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Michael the Archangel in every Year the first payment thereof to begin and be made on such of the said Feats as shall first and next happen after my decease And I do hereby charge and subject the said Copyhold hereditaments above mentioned to and with the payment of the said Annuity yearly rent or Sum of Eight Pounds accordingly And it is my Will and desire that in case the said Annuity yearly rent or Sum of Eight Pounds or any part thereof shall at any time during the life of my said Wife Sarah Eacott be behind or unpaid by the space of twenty days next over or after any or either of the aforesaid Feasts or days of payment whereon the same is hereinbefore directed to be paid as aforesaid being lawfully demanded that then and so often it shall and may be lawful to and for my said Wife and her assigns to enter upon the said Copyhold hereditaments hereby charged with the said Annuity as aforesaid or any of them or any part or parcel thereof and to distrain for the same Annuity or for so much thereof as shall be so in Arrear And the distress and distresses then and there found to detain and keep until the she shall be fully paid and satisfied all such Arrears of the said Annuity with costs and charges in and about the making and keeping the said distress for the same I give and devise unto my Son Stephen Eacott his heirs and assigns All that my Close of Copyhold Land called Hunger Hill containing by estimation One acre and an half and four Acres of Copyhold Land lying and being in the Common Field called Widecroft and two Acres of Copyhold land lying in the Common Field called South Earsh and one acre of Copyhold land lying in the Common Field called Beer Croft And also one Mead called Newbridge Mead and half an Acre of Meadow in Churchburn Mead Also all that one Meadow called Bisley Mead adjoining to Newbridge containing by estimation One Acre more or less All which said Lands are situate lying and being within and holden of the said Manor of Bisley in the said County of Surrey And also all those my Six Acres of Freehold Arable Land or thereabouts which I purchased of Joseph Blaker situate and lying in the Parish of Chobham in the said County of Surrey now in the occupation of myself — — — Together with the Tithes thereof To hold the same unto and to the Use of my said Son Stephen Eacott his heirs and assigns for ever Subject nevertheless to and charged and chargeable with the Annuity Yearly rent or Sum of Eight Pounds hereinafter mentioned and devised to my said Wife Sarah Eacott And I do hereby give devise and bequeath unto my said Wife Sarah Eacott and her assigns for and during the Term of her natural life one other Annuity or clear yearly rent or Sum of Eight Pounds of lawful Money aforesaid free and clear of and from all taxes and deductions whatsoever whether parliamentary or others already imposed or hereafter to be imposed The said last mentioned Annuity to be charged and chargeable on and issuing and payable out of the said Freehold and Copyhold hereditaments hereinbefore given and devised to my said Son Stephen Eacott and to be paid and payable by him my said Son Stephen Eacott his heirs executors administrators or assigns at the same times and in like manner and with like power of distress as hereinbefore is mentioned with respect to the said first mentioned Annuity payable out of the said Copyhold hereditaments above given and devised to my said Son William Eacott And I give and devise unto my Daughter Sarah the Wife of Daniel Gosden her heirs and assigns All that my parcel of Copyhold Land containing by estimation two Acres abutting on the Parsonage Mead on the East And also one other parcel of Copyhold Land containing by estimation four Acres more or less part of a certain parcel of Land late of Sarah Stimson containing five Acres or thereabouts heretofore inclosed out of the Common Field called Nelho with the appurtenances All which said parcels of Land are situate lying and being within and holden of the said Manor of Bisley in the said County of Surrey To hold the same unto and to the Use of my said Daughter Sarah Gosden her heirs and assigns for ever according to the Custom of the said Manor Subject nevertheless to and charged and chargeable with the Annuity yearly rent or Sum of Six Pounds hereinafter mentioned and devised to my said Wife Sarah Eacott And I do hereby give devise and bequeath unto my said Wife Sarah Eacott and her assigns for and during the Term of her natural life One other Annuity or clear yearly rent or Sum of Six Pounds of lawful Money aforesaid free and clear of and from all taxes and deductions whatsoever parliamentary or others already imposed or hereafter to be imposed The said last mentioned Annuity to be charged and chargeable on and issuing and payable out of the said Copyhold hereditaments hereinbefore given and devised to my said Daughter Sarah Gosden and to be paid and payable by her my said Daughter her heirs executors administrators or assigns at the same times and in like manner and with like power of distress as hereinbefore is mentioned with respect to the said first mentioned Annuity payable out of the said Copyhold hereditaments above given and devised to my said Son William Eacott And I give and devise unto my Daughter Ann the Wife of John Harding her heirs and assigns All that my Freehold Messuage or Tenements now in the two Tenements Barn Buildings garden Lands hereditaments with the appurtenances now in the occupation of Henry Mepham and John Harding situate lying and being at the West end in the Parish of Chobham in the said County of Surrey To hold the same unto and to the Use of my said Daughter Ann Harding her heirs and assigns for ever Subject nevertheless to and charged and chargeable with the Annuity yearly rent or Sum of Eight Pounds hereinafter mentioned and devised to my said Wife Sarah Eacott And I do hereby give devise and bequeath unto my said Wife and her assigns for and during the Term of her natural life One other Annuity or clear yearly rent or Sum of Eight Pounds of lawful Money aforesaid free and clear of and from all taxes and deductions whatsoever parliamentary or others already imposed or hereafter to be imposed The said last mentioned Annuity of Eight Pounds to be charged and chargeable on and issuing and payable out of the said Freehold hereditaments hereinbefore given and devised to my said Daughter Ann Harding and to be paid and payable by her my said Daughter Ann Harding her heirs executors administrators or assigns at the same times and in like manner and with like power of distress as hereinbefore is mentioned with respect to the said first mentioned Annuity payable out of the said Copyhold hereditaments above given and devised to my said Son William Eacott And as to all my Personal Estate and Effects of every sort and kind of which I shall be possessed I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto my said Wife Sarah Eacott to and for her absolute use and benefit And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said dear Wife Sarah Eacott sole Executrix of this my Will And I do hereby revoke and make void all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made and do declare these presents only to be and contain my last Will and Testament In witness whereof I the said William Eacott the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained in four sheets of Paper set my Hand and Seal that is to say to the first three sheets thereof my Hand and to this fourth and last Sheet my Hand and Seal this Fifth — day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty. William Eacott Signed Sealed Published and declared by the above named William Eacott the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses. Joseph Huren Edmund Vincent George Edwards 9th July 1842 Sarah Eacott Widow the relict of the Deceased the Sole Executrix named in the within Will was duly sworn to the truth and faithful performance of the same and as usual and that the whole of the Goods Chattels and Credits of the deceased do not amount in value to the Sum of One Hundred Pounds and that the deceased died on the twenty second day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty two