This is the last Will and Testament of me Edward Smither of Hook Heath in the Parish of Woking Surrey Farmer as follows. I give devise and bequeath unto my son William Smither and my son in law John Percy of Woking aforesaid Innkeeper all my real and personal estates property and effects whatsoever. Upon trust that they or the survivor of them or the theirs executors or administrators of the survivor be and shall sell and dispose of the same and invest the whole thereof into money. And as to my real estate either by public aution or private contract or partly – each such most of sale with liberty to buy in at any auction and to ------ --any ----- for sale and generally in such manner in all respects as my said trustees may think proper. And for facillitating such sales I declare and direct that the receipts of my trustees and trustee for the time being shall be conclusive discharge to all purchases and other persons paying them monies under the trust hereof and that such puchasers and other persons shall not be liable to see to the application of their monies or be responsible for the misapplication of the same or any part thereof. And as to the monies arising by the means aforesaid upon trust that my said trustees and trustee so and shall pay and retain thereout all my debts (including any debt due to the said John Percy or any note of hand or otherwise) and funeral and testamentary expencesand so and shall pay ------ divide the residue thereof unto and equally between my said son William Smither and all other my children who shall be living at my decease and the issue of any of them who may have then died leaving issue for ----- and not per capita. And I appoint the said William Smither and John Percy Executors in trust of this my Will. And I will and declare that my said trustees and Executors shall not be responsible for any involuntary losses whatsoever. And also that my said trustees and Executors shall be at liberty to retain and reinburse themselves all such costs and expences as they may incur in and about the execution of the trusts of this my Will or testimony whereof I have herto set my hand this eighteenth day of May in the year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifty eight.____ the mark of X Edward Smither ____ This paper writing was signed by the said testator Edward Smither in our presence we being both present at the same time and we have subscribed our names in the presence of the said Edward Smither and of each other _ Chas Jno Woods solr Godalming _____ John Riley clerk to Mr CJ Woods. Proved at London 18th September 1860 by the Oath of John Percy one of the executors, to whom admon was granted. William Smither the son the other Executor and one of the residuary legatees in trust named in the said Will having renounced the probate and execution thereof and also admon with the Will annexed of the personal estate and effects of the said deceased.