In the name of God Amen. I William Marten of Bisley in the County of Surrey husbandman being sick and week in bodie but sound and perfect in memory thanks be to god doe ordain and make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following First I bequeath my Soule into the hands of allmighty god hoping to be saved by the merrits Of Christ and my body to the earth to be buried only decent buriall according to the laudable Custome of the Church of England Item I give to the poore of Bisley three shilling & foure pence Item I give and bequeath to my Sonne John Marten five pounds when the money oweing to me upon bond and mortgage and other securities Shalbe payed to my execut. hereafter named Item I give and bequeath to Henry Marten my Sonne twenty pounds to be paid unto him from my said money & Shalbe payed as aforesaid Item I give to William Marten my Sonne thirty pounds to be paid unto him when my sayd money & shalbe soe payed as aforesaid Item I give to Sarah Marten my daughter twentie pounds to be payed unto her when my said money & Shalbe payed as aforesaid Item I give to Jane Marten my daughter twenty pounds to be payed unto her when my money & Shalbe payed as aforesaid Item I give to Anne Marten my daughter all my houshould stuffe ????? dores intreating her to impart ????? some of the to her two Sisters for a remembrance of me their Father All the rest of my money & goods and Chattles not hereby given I give and bequeath to my said Sonne Henry Marten whome I make the full and sole executor of this my last will and testement willing him to call in any said moneys that the rest of my children may the sooner have their severall legacies And lastly I intreate my loveing frends William Collins and William Russell to be the overseers of this my will and to assist my executor with their best endeavors and I give unto each of them three shillings fower pence a peece for their paines In wittness whereof I have hereunto sett my hands and seale the seaven and twentieth daye of September Anno Salutis 1641. Anno qu??in Regis Caroli Anglie xvy The marke of William Marten testator witnisses Hereunder Ri: Massey Rector Gilie Jo Berley William Russell Bartho Fer????