In the name of God Amen The eleventh day of March in the yeare of our Lord One thousand sixe hundred fifty foure I Christopher Banford of Bisley in the county of Surrey husbandman Being sicke in body but in good and perfect memorie (Thankes be to God) Doe here make and ordayne my last will and Testament in manner and forme followinge (That is to say) First I bequeath my Soule to God And my body to be buried in Christian buriall Item I give unto Christopher Banford my Sonne tenn pounds of currant money of England to bee paid him by myne Executor hereafter named within nine monthes after my decease Item I give unto John Banford five pounds To be paid out of my goods after the decease of my said Executor Item I likewise give unto Anne my daughter the wife of John Beryman The like summe of five pounds to be paid out of my said goods after the decease of my said Executor Item I give unto all my Grandchildren five shillings a peece to be paid within three months after my decease that be now borne Item I doe make Mary my wife my full and whole Executor of all my Chattells goods and debts during her natural life and after her decease All that shall ??? to my Sonne Christopher Banford Item I make John Beryman and John Banford myne Overseers of this my last will and Testament And doe give unto them five shillings a peece for theire paines In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand the day and year above written. The marke of Christopher Banford In the presence of The marke of John Abard the marke of Henry ?ickman Thomas Marten the marke of Joseph ????? This Will was proved the nineteenth day of November in the yeare of our lord God One thousand six hundred fifty and five at London; before the Judges for probate of Wills and granting Administrations lawfully authorized By the oath of Mary Banford the relict and sole Executrix named in the said Will and Testament to whom Administration of all and singular the goods Chattells and debts of the said deceased were Committed She beinge first sworne well and truly to Administer.