This is the last Will and Testament or writing in the nature thereof of me Jane King the wife of the Reverend John King Rector of Bisley in the County of Surrey First I desire to be buried in the vault of my dear Father the late Reverend Roger Bentley in Camberwell parish Church Whereas my dear Mother Ellen Bentley Widow of the Reverend Roger Bentley late Vicar of Camberwell in the County of Surrey by her last Will and Testament bearing date the eleventh day of December one thousand eight hundred and eleven and duly executed as in due form of Law is required gave devised directed limited and appointed all and singular her lands tenements and hereditaments situate at Leaning Lane in the parish of Kirkby Fleatham in the County of York formerly in the occupation of William Thorp and then of Henry Jackson or his undertenants and all other her freehold estate whatsoever and wheresoever in the Kingdom of great Britain or over which she had any disposing power (and which were devised to her by her late brother Conyers Doctor of Laws) unto the Reverend Basill Woodd and the said John King and Charles Montague Esquire and their heirs to the uses and upon the trusts and for the intents and purposes thereinafter expressed and declared of and concerning the same (that is to say amongst other things) as for one undivided moiety half part or share (the whole into two equal parts to be divided) of and in the said premises To the use of the said trustees and their heirs during the joint lives of my said husband and myself upon trust to pay unto or otherwise permit me during the joint lives of myself and my said husband to receive the rents and income of the same moiety to and for my separate use And in case I should die in the lifetime of my said husband then after my decease to the use of the said Trustees and their heirs during the life of my said husband In trust to permit him and his assigns during his life to receive the same rents and income and after the decease of my said husband in case he should survive me To the use of such person or persons for such estate and estates at such time and times and in such parts shares and proportions manner and form as I should at any time during the coverture between me and my said husband and notwithstanding the same by my last Will and Testament in writing executed by me in the presence of and attested by three or more credible witnesses or on any Codicil thereto or any writing purporting to be or in the nature of such last Will and Testament or Codicil and executed and attested as aforesaid give devise limit or appoint the same And my said Mother also gave and bequeathed the sum of two thousand pounds three pounds per cent consolidated Bank annuities(being part of the sum of six thousand pounds like annuities standing in her name in the books of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England) unto the said Basil Woods John King and Charles Montague their executors administrators and assigns upon trust to pay the dividends thereof to her daughter Ellen Bentley (who is now dead) during her life and as to the sum of four thousand pounds three pounds per cent consolidated Bank Annuities (the residue of the said sum of six thousand pounds like annuities) And also (after the decease of her said daughter Ellen) as to the said two thousand pounds like annuities she gave and bequeathed the same unto the said Basil Woods John King and Charles Montague their executors administrators and assigns upon the trusts and for the intents and purposes following (that is to say) amongst other things as to one moiety or half part of the said two thousand pounds (subject to her said daughter Ellen’s life interest therein as aforesaid) And as to one moiety of the said four thousand pounds during the joint lives of my said husband and myself to pay the dividends thereof unto me or otherwise permit me to receive the same for my separate use And in case I should die in the lifetime of my husband Then upon trust to pay the dividends thereof unto him or his assigns or otherwise permit him to receive the same during his life and after his decease (in case he should survive me) then upon trust to apply and dispose of the said last mentioned trust monies and the stocks funds and securities thereof unto such person and persons for such estate and estates at such time or times and in such parts shares and proportions manner and form as I by my last Will and Testament in writing executed in the presence of and attested by two or more credible witnesses or on any Codicil thereto or any writing purporting to be or in the nature of such last Will and Testament or Codicil executed and attested as aforesaid should notwithstanding my coverture give bequeath direct limit or appoint the same ????? pursuant to and by force and virtue and in exercise and execution of the several powers or authorities given reserved or limited to me by the hereinbefore in part recited Will of my said Mother and of every other power or authority in me vested or in anywise enabling me in this behalf I do by this my last Will and Testament or writing in the nature thereof by me duly executed in the presence of and attested by three credible persons whose names are or are intended to be hereunder written as witnesses attesting such execution of the same by me give bequeath devise direct limit and appoint in manner following (that is to say) I direct limit and appoint that the trustees for the time being acting under the trusts of my said dear Mother’s Will do and shall from and immediately after the decease of my said dear husband pay out of the said moieties or half parts of the said sums of two thousand pounds and four thousand pounds three pounds per cent consolidated annuities the sums next hereinafter mentioned (that is to say) unto Ann Richardson widow my second Cousin on my Father’s side the sum of four hundred pounds like annuities Unto Ellen the wife of Mr Amys (before her marriage with him called Ellen Ward) my second Cousin on my Father’s side the sum of four hundred pounds like annuities Unto Robert Hudson my second Cousin on my Mother’s side the sum of five hundred pounds like annuities unto his brother Charles Hudson the sum of five hundred pounds like annuities unto his sister Ellen Hudson the sum of two hundred pounds like annuities unto his sister Ann Hudson the sum of two hundred pounds like annuities unto Mrs Harriet Brooks Widow of Portman Place in the County of Middlesex the sum of fifty pounds like annuities and unto Miss Sophia Beedle of the same place the sum of fifty pounds like annuities and to whom I give and bequeath the same accordingly And I also direct limit and appoint that the same trustees do and shall at the same time pay out of the same moieties or half parts of the said sums of two thousand pounds and four thousand pounds three pounds per cent bank consolidated annuities unto John Conyers Hudson my second Cousin on my Mother’s side and the said Charles Hudson their executors administrators and assigns the sum of four hundred pounds like annuities and to whom I give and bequeath the same accordingly But to be held for them upon the trusts following (that is to say) Upon trust for and to be equally divided between Mary Hudson Conyers Hudson and Ann Hudson the children of the said John Conyers Hudson by Mary his wife and Marian Hudson the daughter of the said Robert Hudson by Dorothy his wife or such of them as shall attain the age of twenty one years and to be payable on their respectively attaining that age and if only one of them shall attain that age then the whole for such one And upon further trust in the mean time until the same shall be payable to lay out and invest the dividends and interest thereof in the purchase of like three pounds per cent consolidated Bank annuities in the names of them my said trustees and also the dividends and interest of any such purchased Bank annuities in order that the most shall be made by way of accumulation and that the same may go along and be distributable with the principal thereof and I also direct limit and appoint that the trustees for the time being acting under the trusts of my said dear Mother’s Will do and shall from and immediately after the decease of my said dear husband pay and divide the remainder of the moieties or half parts of the said sums of two thousand pounds and four thousand pounds three pounds per cent consolidated Bank annuities unto and equally between John Bridgewater James Bridgewater and Basil Bentley Bridgewater my second cousins on my Father’s side and the said Ann Richardson and Ellen Amys and to whom I give and bequeath the same accordingly and to whom in like manner I also give and bequeath direct limit and appoint any other personal estate or effects over which I have any disposing power And Lastly I give devise limit and appoint the said undivided moiety half part or share of and in the lands tenements and hereditaments in the County of York and other freehold estates mentioned in the said Will of my dear Mother from and after the decease of my said dear husband unto and to the use of the said John Conyers Hudson his heirs and assigns for ever But upon condition nevertheless that he and they do and shall thereout pay unto each of his said sisters Ellen Hudson and Ann Hudson the yearly rent or annual sum of twenty five pounds during their joint lives and unto the survivor of them the yearly rent or annual sum of fifty pounds during the remainder of her life by equal half yearly payments and the first payment to be made at the end of six calendar months next after the decease of my said dear husband And which yearly rents or annual sums I give limit and appoint unto the said Ellen and Ann Hudson from and out of the same premises accordingly And it is my further Will and I also limit and appoint that in case any half yearly payments of any of the said yearly rents or annual sums or any part thereof shall be in arrear or unpaid by the space of twenty one days next after the half yearly day on which the same ought to be paid then and so often as the same shall happen it shall and may be lawful for the person or persons for the time being entitled to the yearly rent or annual sum the half yearly payment whereof shall be so in arrear into and upon all the said premises or any part thereof to enter and distrain for the same rent or sum so in arrear and the distress then and there found to take lead drive carry away and impound and in pound to detain and keep until the rent or sum so in arrear together with all costs charges and expenses attending or occasioned by taking and keeping such distress shall be fully paid and satisfied And in default of payment thereof in due time after such distress shall be taken to appraise sell and dispose of such distress according to the due course of Law in like manner as in cases of distress taken for nonpayment of rent reserved upon common leases And further that in case any half yearly payment of any of the said yearly rents or annual sums or any part thereof shall be in arrear or unpaid the space of forty days next after the half yearly day on which the same ought to be paid then and so often as the same shall happen (although no formal or legal demand thereof shall be made) it shall and may be lawful for the person or persons for the time being entitled to the yearly rent or annual sum the half yearly payment whereof shall be so in arrear into and upon all the said premises or any part thereof in the name of the whole to enter and the same to have hold occupy possess and enjoy and the rents issues and profits thereof to have receive and take to and for her and their own use and benefit until she or they shall thereby and therewith or by any other means be fully paid and satisfied the rent or sum so in arrear and all such arrears thereof as shall grow due or incur during the time that she or they shall by virtue of such entry or entries be in possession of the premises together with all costs charges and expenses whatsoever attending or occasioned by the nonpayment or recovery of the same or in relation thereto and such possession when taken to be without impeachment of waste And I nominate and appoint my said dear husband Executor of this my Will in testimony of all which I have hereunto set my hand and seal in manner following (that is to say) my hand to the four first sheets hereof and my hand and seal to this fifth and last sheet this twenty eighth day of October in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty one – Jane King (#) – Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Jane King as and for her last Will and Testament or writing in the nature thereof in the presence of us who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses Will. Bramley Bedford Rise – Edwin Pilsen do: -- Tho.s Corball do: This is a Codicil to the last Will and Testament of me Jane King the wife of the Reverend John King Rector of Bisley in the County of Surrey Clerk and which Will bears date the twenty eighth day of October one thousand eight hundred and thirty one Whereas I have by my said Will nominated and appointed my said dear husband sole Executor thereof Now I do hereby nominate and appoint James Clement Bridgewater of No 31 Southmolton Street in the County of Middlesex Printer to be an Executor of my said Will and of this Codicil thereto jointly with my said dear husband And I do hereby in pursuance of the several powers and authorities mentioned and referred to in my said Will direct limit and appoint that the Trustees acting for the time being under the trusts the therein recited Will of my late Mother Ellen Bentley do and shall from and immediately after the decease of my said dear husband out of the moieties or half parts of the sums of two thousand pounds and four thousand pounds three pounds per cent consolidated Bank annuities therein mentioned and thereby appointed retain pay or transfer the sum of fifty pounds like annuities to the said James Clement Bridgewater for his absolute use and benefit And in all other respects I confirm my said Will and the appointments thereby made In Testimony whereof I the said Jane King have hereunto set my hand and seal the day of May One thousand eight hundred and forty four -- Jane King (#) – Signed sealed published and declared by the said Jane King the testatrix as and for a Codicil to her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses James Jerram Clerk Chobham Surrey – Samuel John Jerram Witney Oxfordshire Gentleman: -- In the Prerogative court of Canterbury In the Goods of Jane King: Wife of the Reverend John King Clerk deceased Appeared Personally James Clement Bridgewater of No 31 South Molton Street, Oxford Street in the County of Middlesex Printer the Reverend James Jerram Vicar of the parish of Chobham in the County of Surrey Clerk Master of Arts and The Reverend Samuel John Jerram of the parish of Witney in the County of Oxford Clerk and severally made oath as follows and first the said James Clement Bridgewater for himself made oath that he is the surviving executor named in the Codicil to the last Will and Testament of the said Jane King (wife of the Reverend John King Clerk) late of Chobham in the County of Surrey deceased the said Will and Codicil being now hereunto annexed the said Will beginning thus “this is the last Will and Testament or writing in the nature thereof of me Jane King the wife of the Reverend John King Rector of Bisley in the County of Surrey Clerk” and ending thus “ my hand and seal to this fifth and last sheet this twenty eighth day of October in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty one” and the said Codicil beginning thus “This is a Codicil to the last Will and Testament of me Jane King the wife of the Reverend John King Rector of Bisley in the County of Surrey Clerk” and ending thus “In Testimony whereof I the said Jane King have hereunto set my hand and seal the day of May One thousand eight hundred and forty four” and having viewed and perused the said Will and particularly referring to the Name “Marian” partly written on an erasure in the seventeenth line in the third sheet of the said Will the said Marian Hudson being therein described as the daughter of Robert Hudson (Testator’s second cousin) by Dorothy his wife he the said James Clement Bridgewater for himself further made oath that Marian Hudson was at the time of the date of the said Will and now is the only child of the said Robert Hudson and all the deponents having viewed and perused the said Codicil and referring to the space left in the last line but one thereof for but not supplied with the day of the date of the execution of the same they the said Reverend James Jerram and The Reverend Samuel John Jerram for themselves lastly made oath that in the said recited Month of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty four and as they verily believe on or about the twentieth day of the said Month but the time more particularly each speaking for himself they are from memory or otherwise unable to set forth she the said Testatrix duly executed the said Codicil by signing her name Jane King at the foot or end thereof in the presence of them the Deponents then both present at the same time and that thereupon they both set and subscribed their names as witnesses to the said Codicil in the presence of the said Testatrix and of each other He the said Reverend Samuel John Jerram not being at that time in Holy Orders and the said James Clement Bridgewater for himself further made oath that very shortly after the death of the said Testatrix her husband the Reverend John King in reference to the said blank space in the said Codicil for the day of the date of the execution thereof stated to him the Deponent that the said Codicil was executed on the twentieth day of May aforesaid And lastly made oath that he hath carefully and diligently searched amongst all the papers of moment and concern of the said Testatrix but hath not found and he verily believes that she the said Testatrix did not leave any other testamentary paper whatever than her said last Will and Testament And the said Codicil thereto beginning and ending as aforesaid – J C Bridgewater – James Jerram – Samuel John Jerram – On the first day of April in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty five the said Reverend Samuel John Jerram Clerk was in virtue of the annexed Commission duly sworn to the truth of the aforegoing affidavit – Before me Cha.s Jerram Commissioner – On the first day of May in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty five the within named Reverend James Jerram Clerk master of Arts was in virtue of the annexed Commission duly sworn to the truth of the aforegoing affidavit – Before me William Henry Stevens Commissioner -- On the second day of May in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty five the said James Clement Bridgewater was duly sworn to the truth of the aforegoing affidavit – Before me J Parker Deane Sur.r – Nathaniel Roberts Notary Public. On the 4th day of June 1845 Admon with the Will and Codicil annexed of all and singular the Goods chattels and credits of Jane King (wife of the Reverend John King Clerk) late of Chobham in the County of Surrey deceased was granted to James Clement Bridgewater the Executor named in the said Codicil having been first sworn duly to administer. The said Reverend John King the Executor named in the said Will and as the lawful husband of the said deceased the sole person entitled to the lawful personal estate and effects over which she had no disposing Power and concerning which she is dead intestate survived the said deceased and died without having proved the said Will The said James Clement Bridgewater being the sole Executor of the Will and Codicil of The said Reverend John King.