Memorandum That Agnes Darby the Relict Widdow of Augustine Darby of Bisley in Surrey deceased lying upon her death bedd and being in perfect sense and memory intending to make her last Will and Testament Nuncupative did speake such words or the like to this effecte I give and dispose my whole Estate of goods Chattells and debts unto Henry Collier of Horsell yeoman to those esse That is to saye to pay unto Edward Darby in New England Tenn pounds when he shall come and demande the same, To Richard Darby five shillings to John Darby twelve pence and to Margarett Lee wife of John Lee five shillings And the rest of my whole Estate to be disposed by the sayd Henry Collyer for and towards the keeping and mayntenance of my yongest sonne Austen Darby with a deduction of Tenn pounds out of the sayd goods and money for the mayntenace and keeping of John Ellis my sonne Willing further that her best suite of apparrell should be given to Joane Bonbrick the wife of Thomas Bonbrick And for the due execution hereof shee nominated the sayd Henry Collier Executor In witnesse whereof wee whose names are enscribed doe atteste the same dated 21 of May one thousand sixe hundred fiftie Thomas Blondall Christopher Hopkins Henry Lee Thomas Blondell Xpher Hopkins Hen: Lee Wee the sayd witnesses have upon our oath attested the truth of the will & the contents thereof. Probatum fuit testamentum …