IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. The sixteenthe daie of November in the thirtithe yere of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the Grace of God Queene of England Fraunce and Irelande Defender of the Faithe &c. I HENRIE WESTON of Sutton in the Pishe of Wookinge in the Countie of Surrie Knighte beinge in helthe and of good and pfecte memorie laude and praiz be unto Allmightie God therefor and knowinge that I am naturally borne and ordained to die and to passe from this mutable worlde and transitorie life and thearefore mindinge to put in order as well my goodes and chattels as my lands tenements and hereditaments to the intente thear should be noe strife for the same after my decease doe thearefore first of all after thankes given to Allmightie God for His great benifitts and blessings bestowed uppon me desier and pray my wiefe children frends and all others to be contented with this my last Will and Testamente without anie trouble busines or vexacon of anie of them againste the other for anie of my goods or landes as theie will answer for the same before the judgemente Seate of Allmightie God whoe is the Redeemer of all good psonns and a sevear Judge and revenger of all those that be evell And to avoid all occasions of strife and variance in this behalf I doe revoke and renounce all former Willes and Testamentes by me heeretofore made by worde writinge or otherwise and make and ordaine this to be my verie laste Will and Testamente concerning as well my goods and chattells as my landes tenementes and hereditamentes in manner and forme followinge that is to saye First I commend my Soule to Allmightie God and to His Sonn Jesus Christe my Saviour and Redeemer and to the Hollie Ghoste three psones and one God most humblie beseechinge the moste hollie and blessed Trinitie to have mercie on my Soule and to pdonn and forgive my Sinnes and offenses that I maie after this mutable lief arise with the Electe and have the lief and fruicon of the God head by the deathe and passion of our Lorde and Saviour Jesus Christe And I will that my bodie be buried in the Chappell adioyninge to the pishe Churche of the Hollie Trinitie in Guldeford als Gildforde in the Countie of Surrey accordinge to my degree and callinge Item I doe give and bequeathe unto the poore people inhabitinge at the time of my decease in the saide pishe of the Hollie Trinitie in Gildford afore saide The somm of tenn pounds of good and lawfull monie of Englande Yf I fortune to be buried in the same Chappell otherwise I doe give and will the said somm of tenn poundes to the poore people inhabiting at the time of my decease in the pishe whear my bodie shall happenn to be buried Item I doe give and bequeath unto the poore people inhabitinge at the time of my death in the pishe of Wookinge aforesaid the somme of five poundes of good and lawefull monie of Englande Item I do give and bequeathe to the poore people inhabitinge in the Parish of West Clandon in the said Countie of Surrey the somm of fortie shillinges of good and lawfull monie of England Item I doe give to the poore people inhabitinge in the Parish of Marrowe in the saide Countie of Surrey at the time of my decease the somm of fortie shillinges of good and lawfull monie of Englande Item I do give to the poore people inhabitinge at the time of my decease in the pish of Sende in the saide Countie of Surrey the somme of twentie shillings of good and lawfull money of Englande Item. I doe give unto the poore people inhabitinge within Parishe of Ockham in the County of Surrey at the time of my decease the sume of twentie shillinges of lawfull monie of Englande All wch said severall sommes of money I will shall be paide and distributed by the discrecon of my Executrix and Overseers of this my laste Will and Testamente To the saide poore people of the saide soever Parishes unto whome I have given the same as afore saide att the time or uppon the daie of my buriall Item I give to my wel beloved wief sixe hundred sheepe goinge usually upon the Downes and two teame of oxenn with their furnitur and twoe cartes with their furnitur And fower geldinges and mares twentie milch kyne twentie bullockes of twelve moneths old to be taken at Clandon Marrowe Coddun-hill and Sutton within my Parkes or without at the choice of my wief or her assignes And one double gelding with a pillion and pillion clothe of velvett with the furniture and one nagg for her maide with a side sadell and the furniture withall and one coach wch was my Lady my Mothers with all the furnitur there with belonginge And twoe coach horses or geldinges six feather beds and bolsters furnished wherof one of these bedds to be the greate downe bedd and bolster of fustian wch is at Sutton wth the bed stedd and linnen quilt and fustians and pillowes and the tester of Crimson sattenn ymbrodered with tinsell And the greatest best red redd silk quilt that I have and the reste of the six beddes and bed steeds furnished to be taken of my bedds and bed steeds wch are at Purforde whereof the one of them to be the bed that I nowe lie on with the Canopie and all the furniture as it standes wth all the hangings of my Chamber wheare I lie And all the hangings wch are called the Egiptians containinge seaven peeces Item I doe give and bequeath to my said wel beloved wief the one halfe of my plate and the Jugges of Ivorie bounde with ribbes of silver and the one halfe of all my linnen to be devided by twoe indifferent psonns the one chosen by my Executor and the other by my wief Item I give to my wief all the trunckes and coffers in my chamber as theie stande Item I give more to my wief my iron cheste but nothing that is in it Item I give to my saide wel beloved wief the testorie of clothe of golde with the curteines there unto belonginge And the yellowe silke bedd quilt Also I give to my wief all the whole furnitur of that Chamber whear that bedd standes being called and known by the name of my lord of Leicesters chamber being in Purforde Also I give to my wel beloved wief twoe long windowe cuissons of yellowe clothe of golde and one longe cuission of wroughte crimson vellett Item I give more to my wief the litell feild bed stead and the testorne of crane colored sattenn ymbroidered wth velvett and stitched uppon with red silke with all the whole furniture belonging to that bed and bed stead wth the curteans of russett sarcenett Provided alwaies that these twoe bedds afore named with the furnitures be noe pte of the six beddes wth their furniture wch afore given her Item I give to my said wief twoe large cuissions of needle worke wch have been used for her coach Item that I will that all suche implements of houshold being nowe at my house at Clandon shall remaine still in that house duringe my wives naturall life And my saide wief to have the use of them or her assignes duringe her lief Item I will that yf Richarde Weston my sonn or Jane Weston my daughter or either of them or their assignes will not suffer my wife quietlie to enioye take and carrie away to suche places and places as my wief shall think beste all suche goodes and cattells as I have given her by this my laste Will and Testament without molestinge or troublinge of her or doe with holde anie pte of suche cattell or goodes from her wch I have given my said wief by this my last Will and Testament then I will that all suche giftes and legacies and other benefitts as either the said Richarde Weston or Jane Weston should have had of my gifte by this my last Will and Testament shall be voide and of none effecte And all such giftes and legacies as I had given them by this my laste Will and Testament shall remaine to my said loveing wief Provided allwaies for the better performannc of theas my giftes and legacies givenn to my wieff I will that the saide Richarde Weston my sonne and Jane Weston my daughter shall stande bounde severallie to my wief in such bonds and with suche sufficient suerties as my wief shall well like of for her better assurancs for the delivering of those legacies wch I have given her Item I will that the saide Richarde Weston my sonn and Jane Weston my daughter nor anie of the saide Richarde and Jane shall enter receive or take into their possessions or theire assignes any pte of my goodes or cattells to claime them or take them as their owne by this my gifte by this my last Will and Testamente before theie have laide in suche sufficient bonds as afore named and suche as my wief shall like of as afore rehersed And if the saide Richard Weston and Jane Weston my children refuse soe to doe then I give to my wief all suche goodes and catell as the said Richarde my sonn and Jane Weston my daughter should have had yf they doe not pforme my will in all pointes to my wiefe according to my true good meaning to her Item I doe give and bequeath to William Lee Roger Jeanie and Roberte Westebrooke my olde servauntes the somme of three poundes six shillings and eighte pence a peece to be paide unto them within one yeere nexte after my decease Also I doe give unto everie other of my servinge men at the tyme of my decease the somm of tenn shillinges a peece And to everie other of my servaunts in husbandrie at that time the somm of six shillinges and eighte pence a peece the saide severall sommes of monie to be paide and delivered to my saide servantes within one yeare after my decease Item I do give unto everie of my maiden servantes at the saide time of my decease the somme of six shillinges and eight pence a peece to be paide unto them within one yeer after my decease Item I do give unto Richarde Weston my sonn all my catell corne and haie remaininge and beinge at Sutton and Coddishill alias Codesden Hill at the time of my decease and all my householde remaininge and beinge at Sutton house afore saide at the time of my decease other than suche as I have before herein given and bequeathed togeather with all my harneys and fower geldings three of my beste mares and my white stoned horse Item I doe give unto my nephewe Thomas Kellwaie the somm of fortie pounds of good and lawefull monie of Englande to be paide unto him wthin one yeer after my decease Item I doe give unto my wel beloved bretherene Sr Henrye Knyvett Knighte and Thomas Knyvett Esquier the somm of twentie poundes a peece to be paide unto them within one yeere after my decease in token of remembrance hartely desiringe them to take the same in good parte Item I doe give unto my sister Dakers the somm of tenn pounds in token of remembrance Item I doe give unto Jane my daughter all the reside we of my householde stuf remaininge and Purforde at the tyme of my decease And the other halfe of my plate and all my corne growing at Purford and Orkeham at the time of my decease and twentie milche kine twoe teame of Oxen furnished twentie heifords and younge steeres and all my horses geldinges and coltes other than suche as I have herein before given and bequeathed together also with all my heie remaininge at Purforde and Orkeham at the time of my decease and all other my goodes debts and chattells whatsoever not before herein given nor bequeathed towardes the paimente of my debtes and legacies and performance of this my laste Will and Testament in all things wch Jane I doe ordaine and make my sole and onlie Executrix of this my laste Will and Testamente And I doe ordaine and appointe my trustie and wel belovdd frendes Thomas Foster of the Inner Temple London Esquier and Thomas Cooper Gentleman my Overseers of this my laste Will and Testamente hartelie desiring them to be aidinge and assistinge to my saide daughter in the exequcon of this my laste Will and Testamente and to see the same well and trulie pformed accordinge to my meaninge and as my speciall trust and confidence is in them soe to doe And I doe give unto the saide Thomas Foster the somm of twentie poundes of good and lawfull monie of England To the said Thomas Coop the sum of tenn pounds Item I doe give unto everie of my said twoe brothers my cozen Thomas Kellwaie Sr William Moor Knight George Moore Esquier my cozen Morgan Esquier Edmunde Sleyfeild my cozen Stoughton Esquier and my saide Overseers a black mourning ringe and black coates for twoe men a peece Item I doe give unto the Preacher that shall prech at my buriall the somm of twentie shillings and a blacke murninge gowne Item I doe give unto everie of my saide serving men and men servauntes a blacke murninge coat Item I will that all my manners landes tenementes and hereditaments shall after my decease goe remaine and come to suche persone and psons and in suche manner and forme and of suche estates and limitacons as by twoe severall deedes indented of covenanntes and conveyance beringe date the seaventeenthe daie of September last whereof the one is made betweene me of the one pte and Jane Weston my daughter of the other pte and the other of the saide deedes indented and made between me of the one pte and Willm Morgan of Chillworth in the saide Countie of Surrey Esquier Edmunde Sley-feilde of Brookinge in the saide Countie of Surrey Esquier Frauncis Repps of Linn in the Countie of Norfolk gent and John Weston the younger of Ockeham in the saide Countie of Surrey gent of the other pte I have limited and appointed the same accordinge to the purporte of the same severall deedes indented anie impfection or defaulte of or in the same or either of them to the contrarie in anie wise notwithstandinge In witnes whereof I have subscribed my name and sette my seale the daie and yeer first above menconed, HENRIE WESTON. Sealed delivered and published as the laste Will and Testament of the within named Sr Henrie Weston in the presence of them whose names are subscribed the daie and yeer within writtenn. ROGERI SMITHSON per me WALTHERUM BULLOCK, ax mei GEORGIJ ERSBIE Scrr all dwellinge within Ludgate London. PROBATUM fuit suprascriptum testamentum apud London coram venti viro Mro Willimo Lewin legum Doctore curie Prerogative Cantr Magro Custode sive Comissario Sexto viz die Mensis Maij Anno Domini Millimo Quingefimo Nonagesimo Secundo in psona Thome Lovell Notarij pubci procuris Jane filie dci defuncti Et exequutricis in testo suo hmoi nominate cui comissa fuit Administracio omium et singulorum bonorum iurium et creditorum eiusdem defuncti de bene et fidelr administrando eadem nixta iuris in ea parte exigenciam et tenorem dci testa-menti ad Sancta Dei Evangelia in debita in debita iuris forma iurati