In the name of God amen. The xvith daye of Maye in the yere of or Lorde God a thousand five hundred xliti I SIR RICHARD WESTON of Sutton in the Countie of Surrey Knight now beinge of hole mynde and good memorie ordeyn and make my present Testament and last Wyll in maner and forme folowing As first I bequeth my Soule to Almightie God and to his blessed Mother our lady Saynte Mary & to all the holy Company of Hevyn and my body to be buryed in the Pyshe Churche of the Holy Trinitye wth in the Towne of Guldforde in a Chapell whiche I have caused to be made for the same yntent. Also I bequeth at the daye of my buryall to evry por man and woman that shall be there present iiijd a pece and to evy poure childe ijd Item at my moneths daye in lyke wyse to be done Also I bequeth to xxiiiiti por men to bere Torches at my buryall xxiiiiti gownes of black cloth and xxiiiis in money for thyr labor The torches to be given and to remayn in the seyd Churche of the Trynitie Also I will that there may be sayd immediately after my deceas fyften trentalls of Masses for my Soulle my fathers soule my Mothers sowle and all my frends soules for the execucon of the whiche myn Executors shall get as many preests as they can to the whiche they shall give viiid a pece for their labour Also I bequeath to my Lady Kyngston the Pownse Cup wt the cover which Mr Wyngfeld gave me Item to my doughter Rogers fyfty pounds To Henry Dungley fyfty pounds and to Richard Stafferton twenty pounds Item I bequeath to Ann my wyfe all my lands for terme of her lyfe and after her decease unto Henry Weston according to the infeofments which I have made And for lacke of the seyd Henry Weston my lands to retourne eqally to Richard Denys and Richard Rogers the sonnes and the heyres of my sayd daughters Item I bequeth to Henry Weston all my stuf of household as hanging sparvers beddes sheets fustyns Napery wt all other stuff belonging to household and all my plate Also I wyll that my wyfe have the keeping of all my sayd stuff and platte for terme of her life And after her deceas there where she shall then thinke best unto such tyme that the seyd Henry Weston comyth to the age of twenty and one yere then I wyll my seid stuff and plate retornyth to Richard Denys and Richard Rogers the sonnes and the heyres of my seyd daughters Also I bequeth toevery one of my servants that dwellith with me at the daye of my burying a black cote and half yeres wages at the ende of the same half yere that I do depte oute of thys Worlde Also I bequeth to Gylles Cowke my servnte twenty pounds Itm I bequeath to my servnts all my Mayres and coltes and some of my geldings to be devyded amonge theym as myne Executors shall thinke best and most convenient The residue of all my goodes after my wyll and this my present Testament pformyd I do give to Anne my wife to dispose the same as she shall thinke best and convenient for the welth of our Soules and our frends soules and all xten soules And I ordeyn and make myn Executors my Lord Prive Seal and my Lorde Admyrall Russell and Anne my wyfe the seyd lord Prive Seal and my Lorde Admirall to have for their labour twenty poundes In wytnes of this my last Wyll I have sett my signe and seale the daye and yeare above said Wytnes also Sir Richard Gruffen Vicar of the sayd Pishe of Woking – Anthony Cawsheys Clerke my Chapelyn pme Richardum Grummen Vicarm de Wokinge pme Richard Byg pme Anthonm Cawcheys Capellum – RICHARD WESTON. PROBATUM fuit supscriptum Testm coram duo apud London xxvii die mensis Novembris Anno Dni Millimo quingentesimo quadragesimo secundo Juramento xpoferi Robynson Norij pnti procurer Dne Anne Relicte et Executric. In hmoi testo noiat. Ac approbatu et insumatu Commissagz fuit adminerstratio om & singulor. Honorum Jurium et Creditorum dicti defuncti perfat Executric De bene &c. Ac de pleno et fideli Inventario &c consindend Necnon de plano et vero compoto reddend Ad Sancta Dei Evangelia in psona dict Procurator. Jurat Reservata ptate Due Russell Execiam &c cum venerint. INVENTORY OF GOODS at SUTTON & CLANDON belonging to Sr RICHARD WESTON made by one of his servants by order of his Executors. 33 Hen. VIII.,1542 INVENTORY of goods at SUTTON HOUSE Anno 33 Hen viij, 1542 Copied from the original by Revd Chas. Kerry, Puttenham SUTTON The gret Chambre Ffyrst . . . peces of hangyngs of the Story of the Egypcyons A gret carpet to the table there. The Chamber next the gret Chamb iiij pecys of hangyngs of Hollofernes and a nother pece of the story of Seynt George A gret carpet agreable to the table there. A bedstede of brasell wt a tester of crymsyn satyn wt a cultayn of tynsell apon it & a frenge. A tester of red sylke and gold & V curtayns toth bedstede of crymsyn sarcynat A bed of downe wt a fustyan tyke a fyne matrese A payre of fustyan blankats to the same & a bolster a quylte to the same of changeable sarcynat. the Md Chamb next to the gret Chamb vij pecis of hangyngs of the Story of the Egypcyons a trussynge bed wt a tester of purple satyn wt a . . . of cloth of golde of tyssue wt V cortens belongynge to the same of thecolor of carnacyon of crymsyn red a bedde of down to the same wt a fyne tyke a fyne matrese and a payre of fustyon blankets to the same. A red quylt of Turkey makynge lynd wt grene a cheyer of brassell and a lytle stole coverd wt clothe of gold frengyd wt red & also a bolstere to the same bedde belongynge. xiijl vis viijd A lytyll closet wtyn the seyd Chamb A trussynge bedde of Kervyd worke wt a tester paned wt yalowe and blewe satyn of brygys a bedde of downe wt a Fyne tyke a bolster a payre of Fustyan blankatts wt a cover of verder to the same bedd In the gret closet An aulter clothe paned wt tynsell satyn & crymsyn velvat In the lytle closet A hangynge of satyn of bridgys . . rounde all . . of one sorte all strykyd. Lxs. "vi pecs of hangynges of tapestry of lords, ladys, & gentylmen storyed callyd the story of" a trussynge bedde wt a tester of clothe of gold frenged wt whyte sylk a bedde of downe Wt a Fyne tyke a bolster to the same a payre of fustyans wt a quylte of rede of Turky makynge wt a skochyn to set yn armes in the same quylt and lynyd wt yalowe and iii cortens of grene sarcynate The Chamb over the gate vij pecs of smale verders storyed wt bests and Fowles The next Chamb over the joyners Chamb iiij pecs of verders paned wt redd and white borderyd wt sarsyns hedde, the Tonne and wt the Skochyn of armes The corner Chamb next the Chamb agaynst the Wodeyard iiij pecis of hangynge of the Story of Hollofernes a playne trussyng bedd wt a tester of clothe of gold frengyd wt whyte sylk and gold abedde of downe wt a Fyne tyke wt a bolster to the same a matrese a payer of fustyans wt a quylte of red of Turky makynge lynyd wt grene and V cortens of yalowe sarcynate The next Chamb agaynst the Wodeyard viij pecis of hangyngs Storyed wt bests and naked peple a trussynge bedde wt a tester of grene velvat frengyd wt yalowe and grene sylke wt a bedd of downe wt a fyne tyke and a bolster a matrese & iiij cortens of yelowe sarcynatt a quylt of the same of changeable sarcynat The lytle Chamb next Hanged wt Say paned wt yalowe and grene a trusyng bedd wt a fether bedde a bolster a payer of wollon blankats and a contpoynte of verder wt a tester of crayne colord sarcyna w a frenge of silk of yalowe and Russatt. The little Chamb next to that Chamb A lytle Rownde trussynge bed wt a tester of . . . and yelowe sarsynate wythe a bedd of downe wt a fyne tyke a bolster to the same a payer of wollon blankats and a counterpoynte of grene verder and the same chamb hangyd wt Say payned wt yalowe and grene The Chamb next the selyd Chamb vij pecs of hangyngs of the Story of the Founteyns and a standing bedd w a spver of russet velvate and tawnye wythe a fetherbede of downe a bolster to the same of fyne tyke a payer of wollon blankats and a counterpoynte of Imagery. The lytle mercery Chamb that is selyd A standyng bedd wythe a fetherbedd and a bolster a payre of wollon blankats a counterpoynte of verder and a spver of tawney damaske and dornyxe My masters Chamber vj pecs of hangyngs wt a lytle pece over the chemynye of byrds and bests of grene and yalowe a playne trussynge bedd wt a tester of blake velvate and tawney damaske a bedd and a bolster of downe wt a fyne tyke a payre of fustyans and a counterpoynte of grene verder and yalowe wt iiij cortens of tawney and changeable sarcynatt and iij matres upon the same bedd also a lytle trussynge bedd ther wt a tester of grene damaske and y alowe wythe V cortens of russate and yalowe sarcynat wt ij fetherbedds a bolster and a matras and a payer of fustyans and a counterpoynte of verder. The Dayne Chamber A trussynge bed wt ij fetherbedds and one bolster a payre of blankats and a counterpoynte of verder. The Selyd Chamber A trussynge bedd wt a tester of blake velvat and tawney embrawdred wt the Kyngys armes a bed of downe a bolster wt a tyke a payre of fustyans a conterpoynte of the story of Egypcyons ij matreses wt V . . . of blewe sarcynat a hangynge of satyn . . . yalowe blewe and . . . The plor Chamber vii pecis of hangyngs of the Story of Shepds and storyes of other wyld bests a bedstede of brasell wt a tester of ij colours of tawney velvat wt paynts trussyd of red sylke and gold cut yn panes losynge wise. vi cortens of blewe sarsynate to the same wt a bedde of downe a bolster and a payre of fustyans a matrese and a conterpoynte of blake velvat embrowdred wt garters and Heythornes wt V curtens of blewe sarcynate a fetherbed wt a bolster a payre of fustyons a counterpoynte of verders. The woman's lodgynge iij fetherbedds iij bolsters iij payre of blankats iij counterpoynts The corner Chamb in the covate wtin the joyners Chamb The hangynge of the chamb of bokeram paned wt yalow and rede and the same chamb a spver of fustyans in apes paned of the colours of redd and grene a bedstede wt a fetherbedd a bolster payer of blankats and a quylte a trussynge bedd wt a tester of red and grene say paned wt V curtens of the same coloure a fetherbede a bolster a payre of blankats and a counterpaynte of verder. The joyners Chamb in the courte The hangyngs of bokeram of the colore of yalowe and rede paned a trussynge bedd wt a tester of yalowe and grene say frengyd a fetherbedd a bolster a payre of blankats a quylte a nother trussynge bedd ther wt a tester of yalow and grene say frengyd a fetherbed a bolster a payre of blankatts and a conterpoynte of imagery work. The gestyn Chamb in The corner of the Courte The hangyngs there of grene and yalowe say paned, wt a trussynge bede a tester of blake bokeram wt iij cortens to the same of grene and yalowe saye a fetherbed wt a bolster a payre of blankats a quylte and a nother trussynge bed wt a tester of red and yalow say wt iij cortens of the same color a fetherbed . . . of blankats a quylt to the same bed. The prests Chamber (no inventory - In the year 1542 the priest and his vestments would be concealed.) The yoman's Chamber The hangyngs of yalow and grene say paned wt iij playne bedstedles wt iij fetherbedds iij bolsters iij payre of blankats iij quylts. The butler's Chamber A playne bedstede a fetherbed wt a bolster and a payre of blankats a counterpoynte of dornyxe The litle Chamber bi the mydell entre iij playne bedsteds a fetherbedd a bolster and a payre of blankatts a counterpoynte of dornyxe and one other bedd a matrese a bolster of fethers a payre of blankats and a quylte. The Chamber betwene the butler's Chamber & the buk house ij playne bedsteds a fetherbedd a bolster a payre of blankats a quylte and one other bedstede a matrese a bolster of floks a payre of blankats and a quylte. The fooles chamber wt the lads of the kechen ij playne bedsteds a fetherbedd a bolster a payre of blankats a counterpoynte of dornyxe and a matrese a bolster of floks a payre of blankats and an old conterpoynte of verders The Stewards Chamber ij bedsteds and a trukyll bedd iij fetherbedds iij bolsters iij payre of blankats iij conterpoynts a rownde tester of red and Grene say fengyd of say of red and grene ouer the bed ther same chamber hangyd wt bokeram of yalow and red paned. Sir John Rogers Chamber The hangyngs of yalowe and redd bokeram paned a trussynge bed wt a fetherbedd a bolster a matrese of fustyan a payre of blankats a conterpoynte of verders a tester of yalowe and grene say and V cortens to the same of the same sorte a pallet fetherbedd wt a bolster a payre of blankets and conterpoynte of dornyxe The p ...ners ward A bedstede wt a tester of yalowe and grene A fetherbede a bolster a payre of blankats and a conterpoynte of dornyxe Spenser lodge The masons Chamber A bedstede Carpets in the Wardrobe A gret carpet in the pler agreable wt the table there a turky carpet in the wardrobe a grete carpete to lay under the kyngs fete also xxv carpetts for wyndows in sondry chambers and over that there be of arrys work to lay in wyndows besyds the seyd xxv carpetts iiij carpetts iij verder pecs to lay in wyndows Cosshyns in the Wardrobe and other Stuff There be a xi of one fasshyon of arrys work and every coshyn is wt a woman apon also there is iij coshyns of blake velvate chekerd also it there is vi carpetts coshyns for the chambers also there is one coshyn wt beane flowers and a nother wt the newe tyche wtyoure armes a nother of sylke wrought wt crownes and flower de luce. Wa . . . iij bedsteds whereof ij be of joyned work and the thyrd is for to cary Itm there is there ij fetherbedds ij bolsters and of pyllowes there is xvi Itm there is of fustyans iij payre. Itm there is one Turky quylt of red and grene . . . and another Turky quylt of orenge coloure a nother quylte of yalowe sarcynate a nother fyne whyte quylte Itm there is a tester of a bedd of blake velvate and damaske paned also ij testers of satyn of brygys paned yalowe and grene and ix cortens to the same ij better of the same coloure and worke and a tester of red and grene say paned wt V cortens agreable to the same and a conterpoynte of flowers lynyd wt canvas and a conterpoyne wt wylde beasts pcell lyned wt canvas and a nother conterpoynte of flowers wt a hart and . . . bests and fowles. and iij conterpoyntes more of verders Itm ij Sumpter clothes wt youre armes Itm vi coshyn clothes in one pece of your armes Itm ij brusshynge clothes of verders. Chapel stuff Fyrst a Coope of clothe of gold and a nother of blewe damaske Itm a vestamente of clothe of gold wt all thyngs belongynge to the same. Wardrobe Itm a vestamente of crymsyn satyn and embrawdred wt clothe of gold wt a cute wt all thyngs belongyng to the same. Itm a nother vestement of purple velavet and flowers Wardrobe Itm an aulter clothe for the chapell of crymsyn velvate and clothe of tynsell paned Itm a nother alter clothe of white damaske and russet paned wt the armes of Cryste. Itm ij alter clothes of whyte bustyan for the tyme of . . . and a nother of lynen clothe wt the armes of the po . . . and also a vestament for lenton season. Wardrobe Itm a canape of changeable damaske of yalow wt yalow red and grene sylke . Napery Stuff in the Pantry A grete diap table clothe for the bord in the grete chamber branchede wt the flower de luce and the Roose A Towell accordynge to the same of the same work Itm iij diap table clothes flowered with paunces Itm a fyne clothe of damaske worke Itm ij towells accordynge to the same clothe Itm ij table clothe of dyap worke wt columbein flowers Item iij fyne dyap table clothes that were bowght at Calyce Itm a dosyn and a half of pewter potyngers Itm in the store howse as First on dosyn & ix chargers Itm in the store howse also xiiij dosyn platers Itm V dosyn dyshes Itm dosyn and X sawcers Itm there a dosen of pewter potyngers. Shepe Itm in Shepe of yonge and old to the Number of C, C, C, C, Catell Itm of oxon bulloks bulls mylche bests and other yonge catell to the number of one hundred 8 ma C. Horses &c itm there be in horses geldyngs mares colts and mules the wyche for the moste parte of them be wild to the servants XL CLANDON In the chamber at the estend over the rowme at the s . . . dore a bedstede wt a fether bee a bolster a cubbarde a hangynge of yalowe and blew say In the doble presse chamber there is too conterpoynts of verder and a carpet of verder for the table in the pler and a carpet for the cubbarde abrusshynge clothe a cheyer of lether a cheyer of brasell and a hangynge for the pler of blew and yalow say and a hangynge for the pler chamber of yalow and grene say and ij testers of red and green say and X cortens of red and grene say and a close cubbard wt V dores. In my maisters chamber ij bedstedes ij beds of down ij bolsters and one payre of fustyans a cubbarde and a yoyned cheyer And in the juner chamb next to the same chamb there is ij fetherbedds ij bolsters a trussynge bedstede In the gret chamber a table a payre of trestles ij cubbords. In the next chamb to that to the chapell warde a bedsted a fetherbedd a bolster a turnyd chayer & a cubbarde. In the chamb over the chappell a trussyng bedd a fether bedd and a bolster. Itm vii pecis of Verders beyinge in the wardrobe at Sutton that be for hangyngs of Clandon Place & vij other pecis of verders for hangyng there also of another sorte wt rowndells in the myds and also ij alter clothes of tawney velvat wt the crucyfyxe of Criste and your armes apon them for the chapell yn Clandon place. And besydes all this his cheyne ys not herein expressyd nor his apparel but at the tyme of apresement it must appere and many other smale thyngs whych for lake of tyme as yet cannot be browghte to lyght but yn as convenyante tyme as may be it shal be truly don as nere as I can as I wold god shold helpe me &c Md that the last day of Novemb the xxxiii yere of the reign of oure sovereign lord King Henry the eight that now is delyvered to the hands of Sr Rychard Gresshm Knyght Cytezen and alderman of London by the hands of Sr Xpofer More Knyght by the comandment of the Right honourable William Erle of Southampton Sr John Russell Knyght lord Admyrale and the lady Anne Weston wedow executors of the testament of Sr Rychard Weston Knyghte the som in angels after the new rate of CCLVli. XVIs VId and also a cheyne of fyne gold wt a crosse weying XLVIII ouncs lakyng a angel after XVIs the ownce wych amowntythe to the sum of a CVIIli XIIs VId Sum of all CCCLXIIIli Vs wherof is deducted for the kyngs subsydie iXli and so remaynethe in Sr Rychard gresshms hands CCCLIIIli Vs wych sum the setd Sr Rychard Gresshm hathe bownde himself by his Bill under his sygn and his seale safly to be kept and redelivered to the seyd executors when so ever they shall desyre hym to do it as by the seyd Bill more att large it dothe appere &c. "which Bill is delyvered by me the seid Sr Xpofer More to the hands of the seid Lady Weston" "and for the sum of CCCLIIIli as the sertyship of the person or bonder to the forseyd Executor & payd yerely as long as it shold remayne in their hnds over and above the seid sm of CCCLIIIli vz for every yere for every Cli as for the time whereof ys."