This is the last Will and Testament of me, JOHN EDWARD TURNER of Waterden Place, Stoke next Guildford in the County of Surrey, Gentleman. I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator and Father believing in the Redemption of Body, Soul and Spirit through the sacrifice and death of the Lord Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redeemer and having confident expectation of the resurrection to Eternal Life. I commend my Body to the Earth to be decently interred at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named. I revoke all former Wills at any time made by me. I bequeath unto each of my Trustees and Executors hereinafter named the Legacy or sum of Ten pounds, ten shillings for their care and trouble and to my granddaughter FRANCES CHARLOTTE TURNER the legacy of fifty pounds for her kindness and attention to myself the said legacy to be paid to her free of duty. I devise all that my house and premises situate on Chertsey Street, Guildford, aforesaid now in the occupation of WILLLIAM YALE unto my son JOHN GORDON TURNER his heirs and assigns. I devise all that tenement or cottage also situate in Chertsey Street and late in the occupation of Mrs Withall unto my son JAMES EDWARD TURNER his heirs and assigns. I devise all that other tenement or cottage adjoining the last mentioned tenement and late in the occupation of MR TABE? Unto all and every the children or child of my late deceased daughter FRANCES GORDON VERCHERE late the wife of ALBERT MARC VERCHERE, Army Surgeon, who shall be living at my decease their, his or her heirs and assigns in equal shares and the issue of such of them that shall be their dead leaving lawful issue, such issue to take per stipes and if more than one as tenants in common. And whereas I an indebted to Messrs Haydon and Company, Bankers, Guildford, upon an overdrawn account in considerable sums of money occasioned by my having made advances to my said sons JOHN GORDON TURNER and JAMES EDWARD TURNER and my son in law ALBERT MARC VERCHERE for which they are respectively jointly liable with me, and it is my intention that they shall not be called upon to repay my estate the amount of their respective advances. Now I do therefore devise unto my said son JAMES EDWARD TURNER and DODSWORTH HAYDON of Guildford, aforesaid Banker their heirs and assigns hereinafter called my said trustees, all that my estate consisting of messuages and premises situate in Bishopsgate Street in the City of London, Upon Trust as soon as conveniently can be after my decease or at such time as my said Trustees shall in their sole discretion think most convenient to make sale and dispose of my said estate at Bishopsgate Street London either by Public Auction or Private Contact or partly by one or partly by the other as to my said Trustees shall seem expedient. And I declare that my said Trustees or the survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators of such survivor shall stand possessed of the monies to arise from the sale of my said estate at Bishopsgate Street London Upon Trust in the first place to pay off and discharge the amounts which shall be owing to the said Messrs Haydon and Co either by me or jointly with either my said sons JOHN GORDON TURNER and JAMES EDWARD TURNER or my son in law ALBERT MARC VERCHERE and shall apply the rents of my said estate at Bishopsgate Street London in the meantime and until sale thereof in reduction of the same amounts and stand possessed of the residue of money to arise from the sale of my said estate at Bishopsgate Street London Upon the Trusts hereinafter declared Concerning my Residuary Real and Personal Estate I bequeath unto my said son JAMES EDWARD TURNER all my household furniture plate linen books pictures wine and other liquors goods chattels and effects whatever in and about my dwelling place No 11 Waterden Place for his won use and benefit absolutely Nevertheless it is my wish that he shall render unto my son in law ALBERT MARC VERCHERE on his return to England all drawings and effects of his late wife my said beloved daughter and it is my further wish that the eight large family portraits and the two small ones shall be handed over to my said son JOHN GORDON TURNER I can confidently believe that my said son JAMES EDWARD TURNER will attend to the carrying out of these my wishes and further that he will attend to the comfort and well being of his late dear sister’s children while any of them may be in England I devise and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my Real and Personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever and of what kind soever unto the said JAMES EDWARD TURNER and DODSWORTH HAYDON their heirs executors administrators and assigns respectively according to the nature thereof respectively Upon Trust in the first place to pay thereout all my just debts and my funeral and testamentary expenses and to stand possessed of the then residue thereof Upon Trust as to one equal third part thereof for my said son JOHN GORDON TURNER his heirs executors administrators or assigns absolutely As to one other third part thereof Upon Trust for my said son JAMES EDWARD TURNER his heirs executors administrators and assigns absolutely And to the remaining third part thereof Upon Trust for all and every the children of child of my said deceased daughter the late wife of the said ALBERT MARC VERCHERE who being sons or a son shall attain 21 years or being daughters or a daughter shall attain that age or marry and if more than one in equal shares PROVIDED ALWAYS and I hereby direct that in the event of any or either of my said children or Grandchildren dying in my lifetime leaving lawful issue them surviving my said Trustees and the survivor of them and the executors or administrators of such survivor shall stand possessed of the share or respective shares which such deceased child or Grandchild would have received under this my Will in case they he or she had not died in my lifetime Upon Trust for and equally to divide the same unto and between all and every the children of such deceased child or Grandchild who shall be living at my decease persipes And I hereby declare that my said Trustees may in their absolute discretion apply the whole or such part as they shall think fit of the rents and annual income of the property to which any child shall for the time being be entitled in expectancy under any of the devises or bequests hereinbefore contained for and towards the maintenance and education of such child I devise and bequeath all estates vested in me as a mortgagee or Trustee unto my said Trustees their heirs executors administrators and assigns subject to the equities affecting the same estates respectively And I declare that the receipt of receipts of my said Trustees or the survivor of them or the executor administrator or assigns of such survivor for any monies payable to them or him under of by virtue of the Trusts of this my Will shall be a sufficient discharge to the persons or person respectively and that the persons or person paying such monies respectively shall not be obliged to see to the application nor be answerable or accountable for any loss misapplication or nonapplication of the same monies respectively or any part thereof respectively And I appoint my said son JAMES EDWARD TURNER and DODSWORTH HAYDON Executors of this my Will whereof I have to this Last Will and Testament contained in this and the two preceding sheets of paper set my hand this second day of May One thousand eight hundred and seventy one. Signed acknowledged and declared by the said JOHN EDWARD TURNER the Testator as and for his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnessed MR CRANE 57 North Street Guildford JOHN DEBENHAM Godalming Surrey Testator died the 4th December 1871 The Will was proved by both Executors 3rd May 1872 in the Principal Registry of Her Majesty’s Court of Probate. Smallpeice Sons and Smallpeice, Guildford