Will Transcript of Samuel Ward PROB 11/1631 Written 14 September 1817 Proved 5 June 1820 This is the last will and testament of me, Samuel Ward of Richmond in the County of Surrey Esquire. First I will and direct that all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses be fully paid and satisfied. I give unto my friends Thomas Day of Walford in the county of Hereford Esquire, Thomas Abbot Green of Ludgate Street London Goldsmith and William Collins aforesaid Brewer the sum of ten Guineas each for rings as tokens of my esteem and regard for them. I give unto my two servants Benjamin Bingay and Margaret Brotherton, if they are shall be living with me at the time of my death, the sum of nineteen guineas each and I direct that the said legacies be paid within one month next after my decease. I give unto my son Edward Ward one moiety of the plate which I shall be possessed as at the time of my decease to and for his own use and benefit. I give unto my son Samuel Ward all the linen and one moiety of the china which I shall be possessed of at the time of my decease. I give and bequeath all the residure of my household goods household furniture and other articles of the like nature not hereinbefore by me given and disposed of which I shall be possessed of at the time of my decease and the other moiety of my china unto my son John Ward to and for his own use and benefit. I give and bequeath unto Dorothy Caulton of Regworth in the County of Leicester Spinster one annuity or ? yearly sum of thirty pounds for and during the term of her natural life to be paid to her by my executors hereinafter named by four equal payments on the twenty fourth day of June, twenty ninth day of September , twenty fifth day of December and the twenty fifth day of March in very year, clear? of all deductions whatsoever, the first payment thereof to be made on the first of those days which shall most happen after my by decease. I give and bequeath unto the trustees for the time being of the Richmond Charity School the sum of one hundred pounds four per cent annuities transferable at the Bank of England upon trust to apply the dividends thereof from time to time for ever hereafter as the same shall fall due to be by them applied in clothing and educating the children of the said school. And whereas my said son Edward is indebted to me in the sum of six hundred pounds for which I hold his promissory note, now I do hereby discharge him from the said debt and direct that the said note shall be delivered up to him to be cancelled. I give unto my said son John Ward all the share or interest which I shall be possessed in or entitled to at the time of my decease of and in the waterworks at Richmond aforesaid to and for his own use and benefit. I give unto my said sons Samuel Ward, John Ward and Edward Ward, respectively the shares in the bridge at Richmond aforesaid which I am entitled to during the respective lives of my said three sons. They to take of them, the shares holders, for his own life and as to for and concerning all the rest residue and remainder of my personal estate and effects of what nature or ? soever not hereinbefore by me otherwise disposed of, I give and bequeath the same unto and to be equally divided between my said three sons their respective executors admon and assign in equal portions and share and share alike to and for their respective own use and benefit absolutely. I give and direct all my freehold and messuages, lands and hereditaments whatsoever situate in or near the town of Derby or elsewhere in the county of Derby, with their and every of their rights members and appurtenances unto my said son Samuel Ward his heirs and assign for ever. I give and direct all that my copyhold rite? of land situate in the River Thames between Broulford and Kew and within and holdon? of the manor of Richmond aforesaid with its appurtenances unto my grandson George Ward, son of my said son John Ward, to hold the same unto and to the use of the said George Ward, his heirs and assign forever according to the custom of the said manor. I give and direct all that my freehold dwelling house where in I now reside situate at Richmond aforesaid and all other my freehold messuages lands and hereditaments situate in or near Richmond aforesaid or elsewhere in the said county of Surrey with their and every of their appurtenances unto and to the use of my said son John Ward his heirs and assign forever. I also give and devise unto my said son John Ward all those my there? Copyhold messuages or tenements situate on the west side of Church Court Richmond aforesaid and holdon of the said manor of Richmond to hold the same unto and to the use of the said John Ward his heirs and assign for ever according to the custom of the said manor. I give and devise unto my said son Edward Ward all that messuage or tenement situate in the High Street in the occupation of Caroloss? Baker formerly the Estate of Dorothy Collins and which has been surrendered to the use of my said son John Ward and all other my Copy hold estate not hereinbefore disposed of situate within and holdon of the said manor of Richmond to hold the same unto and to the use of the said Edward Ward his heirs and assign for ever according to the custom of the said manor And I do hereby constitute and appoint the said Samuel Ward, John Ward and Edward Ward executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former and other wills by me at any time heretofore made. In witness hereof I the said testator have to this my last will and testament contained in three sheets of paper set my hand and seal, that is to say to the first two sheets thereof my hand and to the third and last sheet thereof my hand and seal. The fourteenth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen. Sam. Ward (mark) signed sealed published and declared by the said testator as and for his last will and in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribe our names as witnesses. Daniel Ch. Delafosse Clerk Richmond Surrey, George Quiller? Clk, Wm Green Salisbury Square London Proved at London 5th June 1820 before the worshipful John Danbxxxx? Dr of Laws and surrogate by the oaths of Samuel Ward, John Ward and Edward Ward the sons the executors to whom admon was granted being first sworn duly to administer.