This is the last Will and Testament of me Henry Stedman of the Parish of Wokeing in the County of Surrey Husbandman Whereby I commend my soul to Almighty God hoping for Salvation through Jesus Christ Any my Body I Committ to the Earth to be decently buried at the direction of my Executors hereinafternamed And as to my Worldly Estate I dispose thereof as follows viz, I Give and bequeath unto My Son in Law William Miles of Guildford in Surrey Perukemaker and Hairdresser and my Son James Stedman their Executors Administrators and Assigns the Principal Sum of Two Hundred Pounds due and owing to me from James Turner Nursery Man on Mortgage of certain copyhold lands in Goldworth within the Manor of Woking and also all interest to grow due for the same together with the surrender and Bond and all Securities for the same with full power to recover to lease and discharge the same. And also all and every my other Mortgages Bonds Securities for Money Notes ready money Debts rights credits effects And personal Estate (Except such Goods as hereinafter is mentioned whatsoever after payment of all my Just Debts funeral expenses and proving this my Will To hold unto the said William Miles and James Stedman their Executors Admons and Assigns upon Trust to and for the several uses intently and purposes following that is to say, Upon Trust that the said William Miles and James Stedman and the Survivor of them his Executors and Admons do and shall Pay and Apply the Interest and proceed of all my said monies and Estate unto and for the use of my Loving Wife Sarah for and during the term of her natural life, And for that purpose that they or the Survivor of them do collect together my said Personal Estate and place the same out in the best manner they can as soon after my decease as convenient. And from and after the decease of my said wife, upon trust to pay and divide the said Two hundred pounds And also the residue of my Personal Estate in manner and in the proportions following (that is to say) After payment of the Funeral Expenses of my said Wife to my son John Stedman the sum of twenty pounds To my son James Stedman the sum of twenty pounds and if he dies in the lifetime of my said Wife the said sum of Twenty Pounds to go to his child or children if he shall leave any living at his decease and for want of Child or Children to fall into the residium of my Estate To my daughter Ann Miles the sum of twenty five pounds To my Daughter Elizabeth Addis the sum of Twenty Pounds To my Daughter Rebecca Scutt the sum of Twenty Pounds to be paid them severally as aforesaid at the End of Twelve Months after my Wife’s decease To my Daughter Sarah Stedman the sum of Forty Pounds to be applied for her use in portions of Two shillings and Sixpence per week for her Maintenance or otherwise as my said Trustees or the Survivor of them his Execs or Administrators shall see fit during her natural life and if at her decease there shall remain any surplus of the said Forty Pounds unapplied after her Funeral Expenses are satisfied …. The same to fall into the residium of my Estate; To my daughter Mary Spooner the sum of Twenty Pounds to be paid to her by Two shillings and sixpence weekly during her life until the whole shall be expended And if there remain any part of the said Twenty Pounds at her decease unapplied the same shall be disposed of by my Trustees, or the Survivor his Execs or Admons to or for the benefit of her children. Also to my Grand-daughter Hannah Stedman the sum of Twenty One Pounds at her age of Twenty one years And my said Trustee or the survivor his execs or admons shall place out or improve the same at Interest and Apply the Interest for her benefit until she attain that age but if she shall die before she attains that age then the said Twenty One Pounds with the growing Interest from her decease shall fall into the residium of my Estate. And I give unto the said William Miles and James Stedman the sum of Five Pounds each for their care and trouble. And as to the residue of my Estate After my wife’s decease I direct to be equally divided between all my children then living And the child or children of such of my sons or daughters as shall be dead having left issue. Except the daughter of my late son Henry Stedman such child or children of my son or daughter to have their father’s or mother’s part equally between them. As also the remainder of my household goods after my wife’s decease I shall … by my executory or the survivor of them her estate or admons. And the produce applied as the residue of my estate above is directed. And I give unto my dear wife the use of all my household goods during her natural life. And after her decease I give my clock to my son John Stedman. And to my daughter Sarah Stedman I give my best bed with the bedstead and other furniture thereof. And I do hereby declare and this my will and meaning that if my Estate prove deficient for the payment of the several sums above given then each and every Legatee shall abate in proportion of their several legacies or sums of money. And I do hereby will and direct that my said Trustees or either of them shall not be accountable for any more money than he or they shall respectively actually receive or shall come to h is or their hands nor with or for the hope of any money that shall happen without his or their willful default nor one of them for the other or the receipt act or default of the other. And I direct them to claim their reasonable charges and expenses out of such monies as shall come to their hands respectively. And I do declare that if either of the persons above named a Legatee shall go about to hinder, obstruct or molest my said Trustees or Executory or the survivor of them this exectory or admonory in the execution of the trusts in them reposed or shall commence or prosecute any action or suit in law or equity against them or either of them except all the legatees or persons above named shall concur therein or unless my said trustees shall willfully or obstinately refuse to pay or divide the produce of my said Estate within a reasonable time after my wife’s decease then I write and direct that the legacy or sum of money to him or her given who shall so act or hinder or obstruct as aforesaid shall be void and the same shall fall into the residium of my Estate and be divided among the other persons to whom the residue is given aforesaid Except the person or persons so offending. And I nominate and appoint the said William Miles my son-in-law and James Stedman my son joint executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former and other wills by me made In witness I the said Henry Stedman have to this my last Will contained in another sheet of paper to the present sheet. I therefore set my hand and to this last sheet, my hand and seal. This Eleventh Day of July One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Five. The mark of Henry Stedman