Will of John Stedman of Mayford in the Parish of Woking TESTATOR: John Stedman WRITTEN: 24 March 1830 PROVED: March 1837 REFERENCE: DW/PA/8/1837/25 Ann Stedman, wife John Stedman, son James Stedman, son Benjamin Stedman, son Henry Stedman, son Richard Stedman, son Thomas Stedman, son William Stedman, son Rose, daughter, wife of John Turner Sarah, daughter, wife of John Spong, Hannah Stedman, daughter Executors & Trustees: William Wilcox , Woking, Carpenter, friend John Wiblen, Guildford, Ironmonger, friend I John Stedman of Mayford in the Parish of Wokeing in the County of Surrey Blacksmith Do hereby revoke all Wills Codicils and other Testamentary dispositions made by me at any time heretofore and declare this to be my last Will and Testament I do hereby give to my dear Wife Ann Stedman all the provisions Wines and Liquors of which I shall die possessed for her absolute use and benefit And I hereby give devise and bequeath unto my Friends William Wilcox of Wokeing in the said County of Surrey Carpenter and John Wiblen of Guildford in the said County of Surrey Ironmonger their heirs executors administrators and assigns respectively All that my copyhold messuage or Tenement Buildings Garden Hereditaments and premises situate lying and being within and holden of the Manor of Wokeing in the said County now in my own occupation And also all that small piece or parcel of Leasehold Land and Ground adjoining or near the same also in my own occupation And also all my Household Goods and Furniture Plate Linen and China and all other my real and personal Estate and Effects of what nature or kind soever (not hereinbefore specifically disposed of whereof or whereunto I or any person or persons In trust for me am is or are or shall or may be seised possessed or entitled To hold the same unto the said William Wilcox and John Wiblen their heirs executors administrators and assigns according to the nature and quality thereof respectively And I declare my Will and mind to be that they my said Trustees their heirs executors administrators and assigns respectively do and shall stand and be seized and possess of all my said real and personal Estate so devised and bequeathed to them as aforesaid Upon Trust that they my said Trustees do and shall in the first place by with and out of my said personal Estate pay satisfy and discharge all my just Debts and the Legacies if any which I shall give by this my Will or any Codicil or Codicils hereto And also do and shall during the life of my said Wife (if they my said Trustees or Trustee for the time being shall be of opinion it will be most beneficial so to do conduct manage and carry on my Trade or business of a Blacksmith at Mayford aforesaid or wholly discontinue the same as to them shall see most advantageous and do and shall use and employ any part of my personal Estate in or about the carrying on of my said trade or business and pay and apply the nett gains profits and increase thereof unto and for the benefit of my said Wife Ann Stedman during her life And I declare that my said Trustees or Trustee shall not be answerable for any loss which may be incurred in or about the carrying on my said trade or business And I do hereby further declare that my said Trustees or Trustee do and shall stand and be seised of the said Messuage or Tenement Buildings Garden Land hereditaments and other my real and Leasehold Estate so devised to them as aforesaid Upon Trust during the life of my said Wife to permit and suffer her to reside in and occupy the same as if she shall think fit rent free or otherwise at her request to let the same at the best or most reasonable rent or rents that can or maybe obtained for the same And pay the nett rents, issues and profit thereof unto my said wife or for her offspring during her life for her and their proper use and benefit And shall during the life of my said wife permit and suffer her to use enjoy and possess all the household goods and furniture plate linen and china whereof I shall die possessed And do and shall cause an inventory to be taken of the same and signed by my said trustees And do and shall so far as respects the residue of my personal Estate immediately after my decease call in and sell or otherwise convert the same into money and so far as respects the said household goods plate linen and china do and shall after the decease of my said wife or in her lifetime if she shall so direct sell and dispose thereof And also do and shall with all convenient speed after the decease of my said wife or in her lifetime if she shall so direct absolutely sell and dispose of the copyhold messuage or tenement buildings garden land and hereditaments And real and leasehold estate so devised to them as aforesaid either by public sale or private contract to such price or prices or sum or sums of money as to my said Trustees and Trustee for the time being shall seem reasonable And I do hereby declare my will and mind to be that my said Trustees, their executors administrators and assigns do and shall stand and be possess of all and singular the monies to arise from the sale or sales hereinbefore by me directed to be made of my said messuage or tenement Buildings garden land hereditaments and real and leasehold estates And also of all my residuary personal Estates subject to the trust that they my said Trustees or the survivor of them or executors administrators or assigns of such survivor do and shall lay out and invest the same in their or his names or name in the purchase of a competent share or competent shares of the parliamentary stocks or public funds of Great Britain or at interest on Government or real securities in England And do and shall from time to time alter vary and transpose the said stocks funds and securities as to them or him shall seem reasonable And do and shall stand and be possessed of the said trust monies stocks funds and securities And the interest dividends and annual produce thereof upon trust that they my said Trustees or Trustee for the time being do and shall pay the said interest dividends and annual produce unto or permit the same to be received by my said wife and her assigns during her life for her and their proper use and benefit And from and after the decease of my said wife do and shall stand and be possess of all the said trust monies stocks funds and securities And the interest and dividends and annual produce thereof upon trust for and for the benefit of my sons and daughters John Stedman James Stedman Benjamin Stedman Henry Stedman Richard Stedman Thomas Stedman William Stedman Rose the wife of John Turner Sarah the wife of John Spong and Hannah Stedman or such of them that shall be living at the time of the decease of my said wife (in case she happens to survive me) and the issue of such of them who shall be then dead leaving lawful issue living at the time of the decease of my wife or if she shall die in my lifetime then in trust for my said sons and daughters John Stedman James Stedman Benjamin Stedman Henry Stedman Richard Stedman Thomas Stedman William Stedman Rose Turner Sarah Spong and Hannah Stedman or such of them as shall be living at the time of my decease And the issue of such of them that shall be then dead leaving lawful issue living at the time of my decease equally to be divided between them But so that the issue of either of them, the said John Stedman James Stedman Benjamin Stedman Henry Stedman Richard Stedman Thomas Stedman William Stedman Rose Turner Sarah Spong and Hannah so dying shall not be entitled to any other or greater share of the said trust monies stocks, funds and securities than his her or their parents or respective parents would have been entitled to under the Trusts aforesaid if then living. And I do hereby nominate and appoint the said William Wilcox and John Wiblen executors of this my Will and I declare my will and mind to be that the receipt or receipts in writing of the said William Wilcox and John Wiblen or the survivor of them or the heirs executors administrators or assigns of such survivor or other the trustees or trustee for the time being acting in the execution of the trusts of this my will shall effectually discharge the person or persons to whom the same shall be given his her or their heirs executors administrators and assign from all liability on account of the misapplication or non application nor shall such person or persons be concerned to see to the application of the monies therein respectively mentioned and acknowledge to be received or to enquire into the propriety or expediency of any such sale or sales as aforesaid And I do hereby authorize and empower my said executors to pay any debts owing by me or claimed from me upon any evidence they shall think proper and to accept any security real or personal for any debt or debts owing to me and also to compromise or compound any debtor or debts owing to me and to allow such time for payment thereof as to them as him shall appear reasonable And I do hereby further declare that if either of my said Trustees or any other Trustee or Trustees to be appointed in their or either of their stead as hereinafter is mentioned or their respective heirs, executors administrators and assigns shall depart this life or decline to act for the trusts and purposes hereinbefore mentioned or any of them then and so often as it shall so happen it shall be lawful for my said wife during her life and after her decease for the surviving or continuing Trustee or Trustees for the time being or the executors or administrators of the last surviving Trustee for the time being by any dead deeds instrument instruments in writing legally executed to appoint one or more persons or persons to act in the … of the Trustee or Trustees so departing this life or declining to act as hereinbefore is mentioned And further that upon the appointment of any such new Trustee or Trustees the said trust Estate monies and premises shall be vested in the new Trustee or Trustees jointly with the surviving or continuing Trustee or Trustees or solely as occasion may require And that every such new Trustee shall have the same powers and authorities as the Trustee in whose ..room? he shall be so appointed And that the Trustee or Trustees appointed or to be appointed as hereinbefore is mentioned shall not be answerable the one for the other or others of them Or for the signing of receipts for the sake of conformity as for any involuntary loss And that it shall be lawful for them respectively out of the monies which shall come to their respective hands by virtue of this my will to reimburse themselves respectively and to allow to their respective co-trustees the costs and expenses in discharging the trust hereby reposed in them In witness whereof I the said John Stedman the testator have to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal that is to say to each of the preceeding sheets my hand and to this last sheet my hand and seal This twenty fourth day of March in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Signed John Stedman The goods chattels and credits of the deceased do not amount in value to the sum of One Hundred Pounds and that the deceased died on the 1st Day of August 1834