In the name of God Amen I William Steere of Dorking in the county of Surrey yeoman being in good health perfect memory and understanding god be praised therefore Doe ordaine and make this my last will and Testamt in manner and forme following ffirst I bequeath my Soule into the handes of Allmighty God my Creator and blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ and my body to bee buryed in decent buryall according to the discretion of my Executors hereafter named Item I give will and bequeath to my eldest Daughter Anne Charlewood wyfe to Edward Charlewood of Leigh in Surrey the Summe of Twenty Shillinges It I give will and bequeath unto Daniel Thomas and Susan Charlewood Children of my sayd Daughter Anne Charlewood Twenty Nobles a peece And if any of them happen to depart their naturall lyfe before one yeare after my death then my will be that their portion or legacy by me given shall go to the other then living or Surviving Item I give will and bequeath to my Daughter ffrances Peeter wyef to Jeffery Peeter of Dorking the Somme of Twenty Shillinges It I give will and bequeath unto her ffowre Children Mathew, William, Anne and ffrances Peeter Twenty Nobles a peece and if any of them chance to dye and depart this lyfe before one yeare after my decease then my will ys that their portion or legacy by mee so given shall go to the other then Surviving and living Item I give will and bequeath unto my Servant A.... Davis the Somme of Twenty nobles within one whole yeare after my death All my Legacyes to be in good and Currant mony of England by my Executor It I give will and bequeath unto such poore of the Parish as my Executor and my Overseers heere after nominated shall in their Discretions see fittinge the Some of Thirty Shillinges of Current English money at my buriall to good People all other my Goodes debts bonds billes Chattells Cattell now owinge to mee or to me in any wyse belonging or appertaining e not after willed and bequeathed my debts Legacyes and funerall Charges discharged I doe give will and bequeath them unto my Grandchild Edward Charlewood the eldest Sonne of Edward Charlewood of Leigh above sayd whom I make ordayne and appoint to bee my full whole and sole Executor of this my last will and Testament Revoking hier by all other Willes and Testaments And further I alsoe ....and appoint Henry Payne and George Rogers of Dorkinge to be Overseers of this my last will and doe bequeath and give unto them tenn shillinges a peece for to helpe my Executor And in witnesse of this will and Testament I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the seaventh day of May Anno Dom 1645 Signed William Steere Signed and sealed in the presence of Joane Payne; Ed Day Proved 28 February 1647/8 PCC prob11/203