In the name of God Amen The sixth day of March in the year of our LordGod one thousand six hundred seaventy and seven according to the computation of the Church of England I Thomas Blundell of Bisley in the County of Surrey yeoman being sick in body but of perfect memory and remembrance praised be God Doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament and I hereby declare this to be my last Will and Testament revokeing and annulling all and every Testament and Testaments Will and Wills hereto fore by me made and declared either by word or writing First I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Maker hopeing that through the meritorious death and passion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer to receive free pardon and remission of all my sinns And my body to be buryed as my Executrix hereafter named shall thinke fitt And now for the setting of my temporall estate and such goods and chattells and debts as it hath pleased God farre above my deserts to bestow upon me I doe order give and dispose the same in order and manner following that is to say First I will that all those debts and dutyes as I owe in right and conscience to any manner of person and persons whatsoever shall be well and truely contented and paid or ordained to be paid within convenient time after my decease by my Executrix hereafter named Item whereas I have formerly lent unto James Zouch of Woking in the County of Surrey Esq.r Three hundred and twenty pounds of good money of England whereof Two Hundred Hundred pounds he had of me at one time and a hundred and twenty pounds at another time as may appear by two severall Deeds of sale made unto me by the said James Zouch for security of the said money unto me The one bearing date the eighth day of October in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred sixty and six and the other in the two and twentyeth of May one thousand six hundred seaventy and one I doe dispose of the said moneys hereafter in this my last Will in manner and forme following viz.t I give and bequeath unto my cozen John Soloway of the parish of Christ Church in the County of Surrey on the Bankeside neare Southwarke gent his Executors and Administrators Fifty pounds out of the aforesaid three hundred and twenty pounds in Mr Zouches hands he they or any of them giving first such security as shall be sufficient in Law to my Executrix hereafter named for the payment of three pounds a yeare viz.t by thirty shillings halfe yearly unto my deare Wife Jone Blundell during her life And after her decease Then for the payment of twenty shillings a yeare to my daughter Rachel during her life Alsoe I give and bequeath unto my cozen Elizabeth Blundell younger daughter of my Nephew John Blundell her Executors and Administrators Fifty pounds more out of the said three hundred and twenty pounds above mentioned She they or any of them giving in first such security as shall be sufficient in the Law to my said Executrix hereafter named for the payment of three pounds a yeare viz.t by thirty shillings halfe yearly to my deare wife during her life and after my wifes decease for the payment of twenty shillings unto my daughter Rachell twenty shillings a year during her life Also I give and bequeath unto my cozen Thomas Redford of Yeourst in the County of Surrey Yeoman his Executors and Administrators Fifty pounds more out of the above mentioned Three hundred and twenty pounds he they or any of them giving first such security as shall be sufficient in the Law to my Executrix for the payment of three pounds a yeare viz.t by thirty shillings halfe yearly during her life And after her decease for the payment of twenty shillings a yeare unto my daughter Rachel during her life Moreover I give and bequeath unto my cozen Thomas Redford of Warnam in the County of Sussex husbandman his Executors and Administrators Fifty pounds more out of the above mentioned three hundred and twenty pounds he they or any of them giving first such sufficient security in Law to my Executrix for the paymt of three pounds yearly viz.t by thirty shillings halfe yearly to my wife for her use during her life And after her decease for the payment of twenty shillings a yeare unto my daughter Rachel during her life I alsoe give and bequeath unto the children of my said cozen Thomas Redford of Warnham aforesaid Fifty pounds out of the above mentioned three hundred and twenty pounds to be equally divided among them share and share alike My said cozen Thomas Redford or some other giving first such sufficient security likewise in Law to my Executrix for the payment of three pounds a yeare to my deare wife during her life viz.t by thirty shillings halfe yearly And after her decease for the payment of Fifty shillings a yeare unto my daughter Rachel during her life I alsoe give and bequeath unto my cozen Margarett Blabes children of Horsley in the County of Surrey Fifty pounds more to be equally divided among them share and share alike in case their Father or any other for them shall first give sufficient security in Law for the payment of Fifty shillings a yeare viz.t by five and twenty shillings halfe yearly to my Wife during her life And after her decease for the payment of Fifty shillings a yeare unto my daughter Rachel during her life Alsoe I give and bequeath unto my cozen Sarah Redford Daughter of George Redford of Yeourst deceased ten pounds and her Executors or Administrators she or they or any of them first giving sufficient security in Law to my Executrix for the payment of Ten shillings a yeare to my Wife during her life And to my daughter Rachel during her life Alsoe I give and bequeath unto my cozen Michael Harmes children of Ridgick in Sussex Ten pounds more out of the three hundred and twenty pounds aforementioned my said cozen Michael Harmes or any other for them first giving sufficient security in Law to my Executrix for the payment of Ten shillings a yeare to my Wife during her life and Ten shillings a yeare to my daughter Rachel during her life And my further will is That the said severall yearly payments of money by the said severall legatees to whom I bequeathed anything in this my last Will and Testament be paid halfe yearly to my Wife at her House in Bisley And my further Will and desire is That in case my cozen Thomas Redford should outlive my Wife and my Daughter Rachel be liveing at the time of my Wifes decease That he should take my Daughter Rachel into his care and custody and receive the said yearly sumes of money that are to be paid unto my Daughter Rachel And in case my cozen Thomas Redford of Yeourst should be then dead My will is that my cozen Thomas Redford of Warnam and cozen Michael Harmes of Ridgwick will take care of my said Daughter Rachel and receive the said yearly moneys that shall be due to her Moreover my will is That if any one should marry her he shall have noe power to receive any of the yearly moneys that shall be due to her But my will is that he in whatsoever custody she is of those above named to witt Thomas Redford of Yeourst Thomas Redford of Warnam or Michael Harmes of Ridgwick should receive and dispose of the said severall yearly moneys for her benefitt according to their discretions that see she may not be undone by her Husband And I make my loveing and deare Wife Executrix of this my last Will and Testament And I make my cozens Thomas Redford of Yeourst Thomas Redford of Warnam and Michael Harmes of Ridgwick Supervisors thereof Five shillings apeice for their paynes takeing beside what I have given to them already in this my last Will Alsoe I will that their reasonable costs and charges be duely answered to every one of them of my whole goods fromtime to time with recompence of their travel In Witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hand and sett my seale unto this my last Will and Testament the day and yeare first above written. Thomas Blundell. Signed sealed and delivered by the said Testator for and as her last Will and testament in the day and date of these psents in the presence of Elizabeth Cooke the marke of Henry Float the marke of Elizabeth Edmunds. Memorandum That before the ensealing and delivery of these psents these words viz.t (the said moneys) between 28 and 29th lyne of the first side of this Will and those words viz.t (To myDaughter Rachel) betweene the 37 and 38th lynes And those words viz.t (Twenty pounds) betweene the 48 and 49th lynes of the first side And those words (to my Executrix) betweene 57 and 58 line of the first side and alsoe those words viz.t (To receive) betweene the 32 and 33 lines of the last side And alsoe those words viz.t (fifty shillings) was written under the last lyne of the first side of this Will WItnesse Elizabeth Cooke, marke of Henry Floate marke of Elizabeth Edmunds.