Will of James Searle PROB 11/1769 This is the last Will and Testament of me JAMES SEARLE of Union Row, Albany Road, Camberwell in the County of Surrey, Gentleman. I direct my just debts, funeral and testamentary expenses to be in the first place paid and satisfied and my body to be decently and respectfully interred in Saint George Church, Southwark or vault belonging to the said Church and to be conducted by a hearse and one mourning coach according to the directions which I have given to Mr JAMES SIMCO (?) whom I trust to attend my funeral. I give and bequeath unto my brother GEORGE WILLIAM SEARLE fifty pounds to be paid as soon as convenient after my decease and my wearing apparel and my two watches and gold seal. To my brother HENRY SEARLE ten pounds. To Mr JAMES SIMCO a suit of mourning for his kind services. And as to all the rest, residue and remainder of my property of whatever nature or kind it may consist of or whatever I may be entitled to at my decease, the rents, dividends and proceeds thereof as the same may become due for time to time, I give to my mother ELIZABETH SEARLE for her sole use and benefit and for no other purpose whatsoever during her natural life. And my Will is that the same shall not be subject in any respect whatever to the debts or control of her present or any future husband with whom she may happen to intermarry. And I hereby direct that the receipt and receipts of my said mother from time to time and at all times shall be deemed and taken to be a good and sufficient discharge for so much money as shall be received and that she shall not sell or dispose of or mortgage the same or any part thereof in any way whatsoever. And after her decease I give the same to my brother GEORGE WILLIAM SEARLE absolutely. And should it happen that my said mother should survive my said brother GEORGE WILLIAM SEARLE then in that case I give the same to my other brother HENRY SEARLE after her decease absolutely. And I hereby nominate and appoint my said mother and EDWARD ALLFORD of the Dun Cow, Old Kent Road, Victualler joint Executrix and Executor of this my Will and hereby revoking all former Wills by me heretofore made I do declare this only to and contain my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal the twenty third day of February one thousand eight hundred and thirty. JAMES SEARLE. Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereto subscribed our names as witnesses. THOMAS WOOD, Albany Road. THOMAS BEVAN, Walworth Common. Proved at London the 26th March 1830 before the Worshipful ____ Addams, Doctor of Laws and surrogate by the oath of EDWARD ALLFORD one of the Executors to whom administration was granted having been first sworn duly to administer power reserved of making the like grant to ELIZABETH SEARLE (wife of JAMES SEARLE) the mother the other Executor when she shall apply for the same.