This is the last Will & Testament of me Robert Tribe of the Harrow Inn Cheam in the County of Surrey Innholder being of sound mind revoking all former wills by the Grace of God Amen I will and bequeath unto my Wife Mary Tribe all the interest off my funded property for her lifetime And I also leave her all my Goods Chattels household furniture plate linen and everything belonging unto me at the time of my death and after her death the funded property and everything before mentioned to be sold and equally divided among my five Children that is to say Mary John Elizabeth catherine and Robert Tribe Should either of my sons and daughters die before their Mother Mary Tribe his or her proportion to be equally divided among their children And I also appoint James Grendon of the Parish of Cheam Carpenter with my son Robert Tribe to be my Executors to this my Will Dated the twenty fourth day of February 1849 Appeared Personally William Kelleck of Cheam in the County of Surrey Gentleman and made oath that he is one of the subscribed witnesses to the last Will and Testament of Robert Tribe late of the Harrow Inn Cheam in the county of Surrey Innholder deceased bearing date the twenty fourth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty nine hereunto annexed And he further made Oath that on the said twenty fourth day of February aforesaid the said Testator duly executed this said Will by duly subscribing his name at the foot or end thereof in the presence of this deponent and of Robert Rayner the other subscribed witness thereto both of whom were present at the same time And the deponent and the said Robert Rayner thereupon attested and subscribed the said Will in the presence of the Testator and of each other And he further made Oath that at the time of the Testator signing this said Will he was in bed and in a very weak state and having been raised up in the bed he attempted to subscribe his name thereto but of the pen that had been given to him was a very bad one and he found he could not subscribe his name thereto with it and another pen having been procured he was enabled to subscribe his name as now appears and that the whole of the marks now appearing about the said signature were all made at one and the same time by the Testator in the presence of this deponent and the fellow subscribed witness thereto - Wm Killick- On the twenty first day of August 1849 the said William Killick was duly sworn to the truth of this affidavit Proved 24th August 1849 PCC Prob 11/2098