Transcribed by Vicki Turner August 5th 2003-08-05 This is the last will and Testament of me Mary RESTALL heretofore of Farnham in the County of Surrey and now of Portsea in the County of Southampton spinster whereby I dispose of all my worldly estate and effects in the manner following that is to say I give and bequeath the dividends and interest of the sums of three hundred and fifty pounds and five hundred and twenty five pounds making together the sum of eight hundred and seventy five pounds standing in my and the reduced three per cent annuities unto my good friend William SAUNDERS of Cottage View in Portsea aforesaid carpenter for and during the term of his natural life to and for his own proper use and benefit and from and immediately after his decease I give and bequeath the said annuities unto my two children by the said William SAUNDERS namely James SAUNDERS (otherwise called James RESTALL SAUNDERS) and Mary SAUNDERS to be equally divided between them share and share alike and to be transferred to them as they shall respectively attain the age of twenty one years the dividends or interest in the meanwhile to be applied towards their maintenance and education and in case either of them shall die under the age of twenty one years the money or share of him or her so dying to go and be transferred to the survivor to and for his or her own proper use and benefit as and when the said original share of such survivor shall become transferrable as aforesaid and in case both of them should die under the age of twenty one years then the whole of the said annuities to go and belong to the said William SAUNDERS his executors and assigns I give and bequeath the sum of ten pounds unto my nephew Charles RESTALL and the like sum of ten pounds to my neice Sarah KEEN I give and bequeath the sum of four hundred pounds bequeathed to me by the name of Mary the wife of [space] SAUNDERS in and by the last will and testament of my uncle Charles RESTALL of Farnham aforesaid or in whatever manner or by whatever name or description the same is or may be thereby bequeathed and all or any other sum or sums of money or personal estate given and bequeathed to me in and and by the will of my said uncle and also all and singular other my personal estate and effects of every description whatsoever and all other personal property over which I may have any disposing power at the time of my decease (after payment of my just debts funeral expenses and the costs of proving this my will and the expenses incidentally attending the execution thereof) and the two ??? of ten pounds hereinbefore bequeathed unto the said William SAUNDERS his executors administrators and assigns to and for his and their own proper use and benefit and I do hereby nominate and appoint the said William SAUNDERS sole executor of this my will and lastly I do hereby revoke all other wills by me at any time heretofore made and declare this only to be and contain my last will and testament in testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal that is to say my hand to first sheet and my hand and seal hereto this twentieth day of September one thousand eight hundred and twenty five Mary RESTALL signed sealed published and declared by the said Mary RESTALL the testatrix as and for her last will and testament on the day of the date in the presence us who in her presence and at her request have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses D HOWARD I (or J) HOWARD Proved at London 9th Febuary 1826 before the Judge by the oath of William SAUNDERS the sole executor to whom Admon was granted having first sworn by Common (Oath) duly to administer (admr)