In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Wood of Capell in the County of Surrey yeoman being in good health of Body and sound and perfect Mind and Memory praise be therefore given to Almighty God yet knowing that all Men are Mortall and Subject to Death and the time thereof being most uncertain doe thereupon hereby make and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following ffirstly I commit my soul to God my Maker hopeing assuredly through the Merritts Death and Passion of Jesus Christ my Lord and only Saviour to have pardon and forgiveness of all my Sins and as for my Body I leave to be buried according to the discretion of my Executrix hereinafter named Item I give and bequeath unto Katharine Wood my loveing and well deserving wife all my Goods Chattells and personal Estate whatsoever and I doe ordain constitute and make the said Katharine Wood my Wife full and sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament she paying my Debts and ffunerall Expences and in Witness that this is my last Will and Testament I have hereunto sett my hand and seal (revoking all former Wills and Testaments made by me) the ffive and twentieth day of January in the twelfth year of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord William the Third by the Grace of God King of Scotland ffrance and Ireland Defender of the ffaith and in the Year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred (Thomas Wood his mark and seal) Witnesses Rob: Gardiner William Ansell Mary Passell her Marke Proved 20 December 1726 PCC Ref PROB11/612 Contributed by Ros Dunning