My last Will and Testament made the 6 of June 1634 To my heavenly father I recommend my Soule by the meritt and blood of Jesus Christ which was shedd for mee which I steadfastly beleeve and that my sinnes are drownd in the bottomles sea and that they shall never rise upp in judgment against mee And for my bodie I desire to have it buried in Wooking church by night without pompe or (k)ind ceremony. Item I give to my daughter Sophia two thousand five hundred poundes to bee raised with all convenient speed my debtts first. To my daughter Doll fifteene hundred poundes To my daughter Belle fifteene hundred poundes when my wife shall think fitt after debtts To my Sonne Allan a 100 a yeare for terme of life after Captaine Barker?s decease out of Groweth To my Sonne Ned a 100 a yeare out of Groweth after Mr Morse decease I make my sole executrix of all land goodes cattell both in Surrey & Hamshire my deare beloved wife and Richard Blagrave and John Curtis my overseers Item I allow James Zouch two hundred poundes by yeare till my debtts are paid and my daughters? portions In witnes this is my last will and testament I have putt my Hand and Seale the day above written. Ed: Zouch Richard Blagrave Probatum fuit ? London ? Richarde Zouch legum doctoris curie? decimotertio die mensis Junii Anno Domini Millesimo Sexcentosimo tricesimoquarto ? domine Dorothee Zouch ?