The Will of William ffrancis Wye. I William ffrancis Wye of Newington in the county of Surrey I hereby revoke all former wills and declare this to be my last will and testament. I will and bequeath to my dear wife Margaret Wye all the Plate linen china Books Watches coins Liquors, pictures, Prints and household furniture which shall be in or about my dwelling house at the time of my death for her absolute use and benefit and I will and bequeath all the residue and remainder of my Estate and Effects of Whatever nature or description and whosever unto my brothers in law the Rev’d James Hadow and Richard Howard the younger and to my brother Charles John Wye their executors, Administrators and assignees Upon Trust to convert the same into money as soon as conveniently may be and out of the Monies thereby produced to pay my debts and my funeral and testamentary expenses and to invest the residue of the said Trustees or the survivors or survivor of them or the Executors, Administrators or Assignees of such survivor in the public ffunds of Great Britain or at Interest upon Government or real Securities and from time to time sell and dispose of and to alter vary and transpose such stocks funds and securities for others of the like nature when and as often as they or he shall think fit and stand possessed of all such stocks, funds and securities and the dividends and interest of the same respectively upon and for the trusts interest and purposes hereinafter expressed that is to say In Trust to pay the dividends and interests of the said Trust Stocks and Securities to my said wife Margaret Wye and her assignees during so long as she shall continue my Widow and immediately after her death or second marriage of my said Wife upon Trust that they my said Trustees and the survivors and survivor of them and the Executors and Administrators of such survivor do and shall stand possessed of the said Trust, Stocks and Securities and Dividends and Interest thereof in trust for all and ------ my Children now born or hereafter to be born who being Sons shall attain that age of twenty one years or being Daughters shall attain that age or marry to be Divided between or among such Children if more than one in equal shares and if there shall be but one such Child then In Trust for that one Child his or her Executors, Administrators and Assignees and if there shall be no such Child nor any issue of my sons as hereinafter is mentioned and my said wife shall be living at the time of the failure of all such Children and issue as hereinbefore is mentioned and the death of my said Wife and her assignees thenceforth during her natural life for her and their own use and benefit although and not withstanding the bequest hereinbefore contained in her favour may have been previously determined by her having married after my death and from and after the failure of all such Children and issue as hereinbefore is mentioned and the death of my said wife then Upon Trust that they my said Trustees and the survivors and survivotr of them and the Executors Admins and assignees of such survivor do and shall pay or transfer and assign our Moiety of the said Trust, Stocks and Securities and the dividends and interest thereof to my sister Sarah the wife of the said James Hadow, her executors, administrators and assignees for her and their absolute use and benefit and the other Moiety of the said Trust Stocks and Securities and the Dividends and interest thereof to my sister Ann Muller widow her executors Administrators and Assignees for her and their absolute use and benefit provided always and I direct that after the decease or second marriage of my said wife and during the minority of any child of my body my said trustees and the survivors and survivor of them and the executors, Administrators and of such survivor shall pay for and towards the maintenance education or support of each such Child the whole or any part of the yearly dividends or interest of the ffortune to which under the Trusts of this my will he or she shall or may be there presumptuously entitled And that after the decease or second marriage of my said wife or (with her consent in writing first obtained for that purpose at any time during her widowhood) and during the minority of any Child of my body my said Trustees and the survivors and survivor of them and their Executors Administrators of such survivor shall and may raise and apply for the apportioning preferment advancement or otherwise for the benefit of any such Child the whole or any part of his or her then presumptive ffortune provided also and it is my will that if any son I now have or hereafter shall have shall depart this life in my lifetime or before this ffortune hereby provided for him shall --- ---- --------- having issue one or more child or children living at the time of his death or born in the time afterwards there and in that ------ the Child or Children of any son so dying shall be entitled to the ffortune to which his her or their respective ffather would have been entitled under the trusts of this my will if he had survived me and had attained the age of twenty one years and the same be divided between such children if more than one in equal shares and I appoint the said James Hadow, Richard Howard the younger and Charles John Wye joint executors of this my will and I constitute my said Executors and also my said wife during her widowhood Guardians of my children during their minorities and I declare that each of my said Trustees and Executors shall be answerable only for his own particular Costs Receipts and Defaults and shall not responsible or in anyway chargeable for casual or involuntary losses nor for joining in Receipts for the sake of conformity and shall be reimbursed all expenses which he shall incur in executing the Trusts of this my Will out of the monies which her or his Co trustees shall arise by virtue of the same trusts In witness whereof I the said William ffrancis Wye the testator have to this my last will and testament contained in four sheets of paper set my hand and seal that is to say the bottom of the three providing sheets I have subscribed my name and to this fourth and last sheet I have subscribed my name and affixed my seal this fourth day of September in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and six. [1806] William F Wye (sign) Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said William Francis Wye the testator as and for his last Will and Testament in presence of us David Griffiths assistant to Mr Wye, James Spurgeon servant to Mr Wye. Codicil My brother, Charles John Wye being dead and as I do not intend my brother in law viz Richard Howard the Younger should remain as trustee, executor or guardian as mentioned in my will I hereby nominate and appoint in lieu of the said Richard Howard the Younger, viz William Wye of ------- Buildings, Grays Inn ------ and in lieu of my late brother Charles John Wye Mr William Robinson solicitor of Harford Red Lion Square to be joint Trustees Executors and Guardians with my brother in law the Rev’d James Hadow. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the second day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven. [1811] Wm F Wye Signed sealed published and declared by the said William Francis Wye the testator as a Codicil to his above will in the presence of us Charlotte Bloom Rivers Sarah Rivers. Proved at London with a Codicil 29th March 1819 before the Worshipful Augustus Eastling, Dr of Laws and Surrogate by the Oath of the Reverend James Hadow Clerk the Executor named in the Will and William Wye and William Robinson to executors named in the Codicil to whom Administration was granted they having been first sworn duly to administer