This is the Last Will and Testament of me William Tichener of Wandsworth in the County of Surrey Licensee and Victualler I give and bequeath unto my executors and trustees hereinafter named their executors administrators and assigns the whole of my estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever upon trust nevertheless as soon as conveniently may be after my decease to pay and satisfy all my just debts and funeral and testamentary charges and expences and of my monies in the funds and upon further trust to distribute and divide my wearing apparel of every kind unto and equally between my seven children following named that is to say Edward Charles George Elizabeth Sarah shaw Widow Sophia the Wife of Daniel Harling Lydia the Wife of Richard Hancock and Mary Ann the Wife of William Cook and upon further trust to pay and retain unto my friend George Grimes hereinafter named the sum of ten pounds sterling as an acknowledgement for his trouble in the execution of this my Will and upon further trust that my dear wife Mary for the term of her natural life shall carry on my business as a Licensed Victualler at the house and premises known by the sign of the Two Brewers in Wandsworth aforesaid in her own name and shall be at liberty to have and occupy exclusively the said house and premises and all household furniture fixtures and other household effects and also all fixtures utensils and things whatsoever used or appertaining or in any way in or to the said business or the carrying on of the same and shall reserve have and enjoy the interest dividends and annual proceeds of thge said business momies in the house or funds and all other my Estate and Effects and rent outgoings charges and expenses from time to time being duly paid by her and upon further trust immediately after the decease of my said dear wife as regards the goodwill of my business and all benefit and advantage thereof and all my estate and interest in the said house and premises called The Two Brewers and all fixtures utensils and things whatsoever used or appertaining or in any way relating to the said business or the carrying on of the same and also a sum of money amounting to the estimated value of my stock in trade (if any) in my house and premises at my decease (that is to say) such stock in trade for which I shall have paid or be legally invested (such sum to be paid out of the residue of my estate and effects it appearing to me that it will be convenient to my said dear wife to have the immediate use after my decease and I give unto her therefore such stock in trade (if any) and I also give unto her my interest in any other stock in trade there may be in my said house and premises after my decease)to pay assign and transfer all and singular the same unto my said daughter Mary Anne and the same shall become and be a vested interest in her at and immediately after my decease and as regards all the rest residue and remainder of my estate and effects to pay and transfer and divide the same share and share alike as tenants in common and not as joint tenants untom and equally between and all and every my children above named excepting my said daughter Mary Anne and whereas there is due and owing unto me for monies lent and advanced unto my several children following named or their respective husbands the several sums of money as next after their several names that is to say from my son Edward two hundred pounds sterling Charles fifty five pounds sterling George one hundred pounds sterling from my daughter Sophia or her husband twenty nine pounds sterling Lydia or her husband eighty pounds sterling Mary Anne or her husband seventy pounds sterling it is my will and I do direct that the said several sums be accounted for and paid in full (but without interest) together with any other debts due to me for the benefit of my estae and effects nevertheless if my said dear wife shall be content to forgo the enjoyment of the interest dividends and annual proceeds to assure thereof thereof for her lifetimethen I direct that the same shall be accounted for and paid after her decease (but without interest) and it is my wil that after the decease of my said dear wife my said daughter Mary Anne shall have the option of purchasing any household furniture fixtures and any other household effects in my house at a fair value by private contract and I nominate and appoint my said dear wife and my son Edward and my friend George Grint of Wandsworth aforesaid Corn Dealer Executors and Trustees of this my will and hereby revoking all other wills and testamentary papers by me made I do declare this to be and contain my last will amd testament in witness whereof I the said William Tichener have set my hand and seal this twenty fifth day of April in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty Witnesses William Frewin grocer Wandsworth Surrey, Geo charles Fletcher Solr Wandsworth Surrey Proved PCC 11th July 1842 Mary Tichener Widow, Revt Edward Tichener son, George Grint Contributed by Ros Dunning