In the Name of God Amen This is the last Will and Testament of me Edward STAFF of Penton Row Walworth in the Parish of St Mary Newington in the County of Surry Wine Merchant. I give & bequeath unto my Brother Thomas STAFF & my Brother in Law David METCALFE & James GRAY of Charing Cross Grocer as my Trustees for them to dispose of for the benefit of my Wife & Children the house wherein I now dwell with all the household Furniture plate Linen China & likewise all Moveables on the premises excepting such as my Wife may chose to keep during her life; after her decease they shall become the property of my four Daurs. Share & Share alike. The Business & Utensils in Trade to be disposed of for the most Money that can reasonably be had for them & the Money so obtained to be put into the five or three per Cent Funded Stocks under Government Security for the benefit of my Wife & Children. I likewise give in trust to my Exors. the Freehold premises belonging to me Situated in Old Gravel Lane & Swan Court in the Parish of Christ Church in the County of Surry the ten small Houses to be disposed of for the benefit of my Family as my Exors. shall think proper but the Swan Public House let on Lease to Mr CALVERT & the two adjoining Houses let on lease to Mr DUFFLE. I wish to be settled on my Wife Jane Elizabeth STAFF during her natural life in part of payment of her Annuity & after her decease to be entailed on my four Daurs. & their Issue if they should marry but if either die without Issue their Share to go to the Surviving Sisters & in case all die without Issue it shall be in the power of the longest liver to dispose of the Premises as she thinks fit. I also give in trust to my said Exors. all my Funded property Bills Book Debts & all other Monies due or belonging to me at the time of my decease to be disposed of as follows. First to pay all my Just Debts secondly for my Wife Jane Elizabeth STAFF to receive Eighty Pounds a Year so long as she continues my Widow but if she should marry again it is my Will that she shall receive but Forty Pounds a Year; thirdly that Four hundred Poinds shall be allowed the said Jane Elizabeth STAFF for the purchase of a House which she shall enjoy during her life. I bequeath to my youngest Daur. Caroline STAFF the Sum of twenty pounds a Year until she attains the age of twenty one years & the remaining Interest of my property to be equally divided every year between my three other Daurs. Catharine Anne Harriet & Mary Ann STAFF but when my youngest Daur. shall have attained the age of twenty one years it is my Will that all my property shall then be equally divided between my four Daurs. excepting so much as shall pay my Wife's Annuity which after her decease shall with the House bought with the aforementioned Four hundred pounds be likewise divided equally amongst them to this my Will dictated by me in Sound State of mind thanks be to the Almighty. I sign my Name Edward STAFF June 27, 1811. Witness -- Thomas CARTER, Surgeon, Walworth; John BALLARD, Surgeon; Edward William SOUNLEY, Surveyor, Walworth Codicil I give & bequeath unto my three Exors. the Sum of Five pounds for the purchase of some trifling remembrance. 31st July 1811 Appeared Personally Mary Ann STAFF of Walworth in the County of Surry Spinster & Caroline STAFF of the same place Spinster & being sworn on the Holy Evangelists to depose the truth made Oath as follows & first the said Mary Ann STAFF for herself made Oath that she is the Daur. of Edward STAFF late of Penton Row Walworth in the County of Surry who departed this life the third Instant & is also the Writer of the last Will & Testament (now hereto annexed) of the Said Deceased which said Will begins thus "In the Name of God Amen This is the last Will & Testament of me Edward STAFF of Penton Place Walworth in the Parish of St Mary Newington in the County of Surry Wine Merchant" ending thus "to this my Will dictated by me in sound state of mine thanks be to the Almighty I sign my Name" & thus subscribed "Edward STAFF" also of the Manorandum or Codicil directly following the said Will as follows "Codicil I give & bequeath unto my three Exors. the Sum of Five pounds for the purchase of some trifling remembrance" which said Codicil she so wrote by the desire & at the command of her said Father the said Deceased & the said Caroline STAFF for herself maketh Oath & saith (having first viewed & perused the said paper writing purporting to be the last will & Testament of the said Deceased beginning ending & subscribed as aforesaid that she is also a Daur. of the said Deceased & was {perused} present at the Writing of the said Will & Codicil which was done by the dictation of her said Father by her said Sister the said Mary Ann STAFF. Mary Ann STAFF Caroline STAFF Same day the said Mary Ann STAFF & Caroline STAFF were duly sworn to the truth of the aforegoing Affidavit before me C.Coote Surr. Prest. Geo. BUCKTON, M.? Proved at London 3rd August 1811 before the worshipful Charles Coote Dr. of Laws & Surrate. by the Oaths of Thomas STAFF the brother & David METCALFE & James GRAY the Exors. according to the Te?or to whom Admon was granted being sworn duly to Administer.