ROBINSON Richard PROB 11/1798 Will written 29 July 1827 Will proved 5 April 1832 In the name of God Amen I RICHARD ROBINSON of the town of Farnham in the county of Surrey Inn Holder being in sound mind and good bodily health do declare this my last Will and Testament First I commit my soul into the hands of God who gave it 2nd It’s my wish that all my just debts shall be paid within a reasonable time after my decease 3rd That all my property of every description whatever whether lands tenements household furniture plate linen china and stock of every kind whatsoever and wheresoever I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife SARAH ROBINSON to be held in trust by her for the term of her natural life for her use and comfort and that after her decease her remains be decently buried and whatever property may then be left I appoint my sons CHARLES and HENRY ROBINSON one or both of them to dispose of the same in the least expensive manner the … which property shall be equally divided amongst all my children or their assigns. Witness my hand in the presence of Mrs. PAGE this 29th day of July 1827. RICHARD ROBINSON ~ JOSH KENT ~ CHARLES ROBINSON ~ HENRY ROBINSON. On the 5th April 1832 Administration with the Will annexed of the Goods Chattels and Cubits of RICHARD ROBINSON late of Farnham in the County of Surrey Innholder deceased was granted to CHARLES ROBINSON out of the natural and lawful children and as such out of the residuary legatees substituted in the said Will having been first sworn duly to administer SARAH ROBINSON Widow the Relict the Residuary Legatee for life named in the said Will but without having taken upon her the Letters of Administration with the said Will annexed of the Goods of the said deceased