In the name of God Amen I James Zouche of Wokeinge in the Countie of Surrey Esquire benige in health of bodie and sound memory praised bee God for the same Doe make my last Will and Testament in manner followinge First I commend my Soule into the handes of God who gave it And my bodie to the Earth from whence it came desireing it maie bee buryed in the Parish Church due in decent manner with such Ceremonies as maie bee fitt one of my wealth? stedfastly beleevinge the forgiveness of my Sinnes the resurrection of my bodie and life everlastinge through Jesus Christ Inprimis I give to my Daughter Sophia Zouch five thousand poundes Item I give to my Daughter Dorothy Zouche one thousand five hundred poundes to bee paid at their severall daies of marriage And in case Sophia shall dye before marriage Then Dorothy to have five hundred poundes added to the fifteen hundred poundes to make it upp two thousand poundes Item I give to my Sonne James Zouche One Annuitie of one hundred poundes per Annum for his life time to issue out of all my Landes in Wokeinge aforesaid To bee paid at the two usuall Feasts or daies of payment in the yeare That is to saie the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangell And the Anunciation of our blessed Lady Saint Mary the Virgin by even and equall portons That is to saie Fiftiee poundes at Each Feast the first daie to beginne at his age of one and twentie yeares and my heire to maintaine him till that age and to allowe him besides his mainternance fiftie poundes per Annum out of my said lands when hee shall attaine to the age of Fifteene yeares till hee shall bee one and twentie And it is my Will that my heire shall paie the said portons to my said Daughters And in case hee shall refuse soe to doe Then I doe will and devise that my lovinge Friends Mr Framitis Vincent Mr Woolley Lee George Dimcombe the Elder and Mr Mathewe Carleton or the Survivers of them shall Sell anie of my Landes in the Countie of Southton and Surrey and paie the said portons to my Daughters and restore the overplus to my said heire And my will is That all the residue of my Mannors Messuages landes Tenements and hereditaments after my Debts and the portons aforesaid paid shall remayne to the heires males of my bodie lawfully begotten And for want of such issue to my Brother Alane Zouche and to the heires males of his body lawfully begotten And for want of such Issue to my heires females for ever And all my personal Estate I give to my deare and lovinge wife Beatrice whome I make my Sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament And my fowor Friends aforesaid Overseers And give to Mr Vincent and Mr Lee two best horses geldinge or mares Whereof I shall dye possessed and Mr Vincent to make his first Choice And to the other two I give twentie poundes a peece if they undertake the trust aforesaid In Witnes whereof I the said James Zouche have to this my last Will and Testament sett my hand and Seale the Eight Daie of February in the Two and yeare of the raigne of Kinge Charles One thousand six hundreth fortie and two James Zouch Witnesses Robert Greene his marke William Mannd Aprill 3th 1643 Theis are to certifie all those that are thereby concerned That I James Zouch of Wokeinge in the Countie of Surrey Doe acknowledge my Will bearinge date the Eight daie of February last past to bee my last Will and Testament And that I would have all thinges mentoned in the same Will to stand firme Save only this which is That I give my beloved wife Beatrice Zouch power by this present noate under my hand and seale to rase out of the aforenamed Will the Annuitie of one hundred poundes which I gave therein to my Sister Elizabeth Zouch because shee marryed without my consent Ja: Zouch Signed and Sealed in the presence of William Gomelden Robert Greene his marke [It would appear that the clerk who copied the original will into the PCC register omitted the part where this bequest was made. TH] Probatum fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apus London Doram dilecto Subdito uro Nathaniele Brent Milite Legum Doctoro Magro Sivo Custede med ?ant Magro fivo ????? ???? cinstitut Decimo nono die Mensis Marty Anno Domini