Will of John Veness of Farnhurst Proved 19 November 1824 In the name of God Amen this is the last Will and testament of me John VENESS labourer living in the Parish of Farnhurst in the County of Sussex being sick and weak in body but of sound memory and understanding I do hereby appoint my two brothers as my Executors for proving this my last Will and Testament David VENESS of Sanderstead in the County of Surrey and Moses VENESS of Easebourne in the County of Sussex after paying all testamentary expenses and my funeral expenses and proving this my last Will and Testament I do order and direct that my freehold estate shall be sold by auction and the money equally divided between my two daughters Mary VENESS and Harriet VENESS or their heirs or assigns or administrators and also all the residue of all my property to be equally divided between my two daughters my freehold estate being situated at Cobham …. In the County of Surrey left to me by will of my uncle James STOUT deceased I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my two brothers for performing my last will and testament revoking all former wills made by me paying themselves all monetary expenses out of my estate in witness whereof I have set my hand marked ….. and seal this twenty second of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty four The mark of me John VENESS X In the presence of Richard WEST. William WHITE. Aaron VENESS