I William Wallden the Elder of Horsell in the County of Surrey Yeoman being infirm of Body but of sound mind and memory thanks be givento God therefore do make and ordaine this my present last Will and Testament in manner and form as followeth (that is to say) First and principally I commend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God hopeing to be saved by the merrits of my crucifyed Saviour Jesus Christ And my Body I committ to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named And as for my temporal Estate I give and dispose of the same as followeth Imprimis I give and bequeath unto Jane my loveing Wife One Shilling Item I give and bequeath unto Henry my Eldest Son One Shilling Item I give and bequeath unto my Two Daughters Jane and Sensiah to each of them One Shilling Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Anne Ten Shillings Item I give and devise unto my Son James Wallden and to his Heirs and Assigns for ever All that my Messuage or Tenement in Horsell in which I now dwell together with all Buildings Orchards Gardens and Yards to the same belonging and appertaining with all and every the Appurtenances Item all the Rest and Residue of my Personal Estate Goods and Chattles whatsoever or wheresover I do also give and bequeath unto my said Son James he paying all my just Debts and legacyes above by me bequeathed and also defraying my Funeral Charges And I do make and ordaine him full and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament revoaking all former Wills by me made. In Testimony whereof to this my present last Will I have thereunto sett my Hand and Seale ths Fifteenth day of September And in the seventh year of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord George the Second by the Grace of God King of Great Britain &cr And in the Yeare of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Three /--- /William Wallden /---/ Signed Sealed published pronounced and Declared by the above named William Wallden the Testator to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us the Subscribers who subscribed our Names as Witnesses hereto in the Presence of the said Testator. Thomas Fulk, William Hayward , Daniel Stevenson. This Will was proved on the Twenty Second day of April in the Yeare of our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Four before the Worshipfull William Bramston Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Worshipfull Charles Pinfold also Doctor of Laws Surrogate throughout the whole Arch Deaconry of Surrey Official lawfully constituted By James Wallden the Son of the Deceased and Sole Executr in the said Will named To whom Admon was granted he being first Sworne faithfully to Administer /----