In the Name of God Amen I John Trimmer of Farnham in the County of Surry Tin Plate worker being desirous that all my Worldly Affairs may be found ready Settled when it shall please God to take me hence which I know not how soon he may to a Blessed State which I hope for with the Faithful in Christ Jesus son and while I enjoy a sound and disposing mind memory and understanding make and ordain my last Will and Testament in manner and form following whereas I have only two Children to wit two Sons John and Robert both of whom are at present under the Age of twenty one years the Eldest of whom is bred to my own Trade and by this time is Qualified to follow the same now therefore I do hereby appoint constitute make and ordain my loving Brother Robert Trimmer of Guildford in the said County of Surry Baker to be Guardian over both my said Sons untill their respectively attaining their Ages of twenty one years and that my said Eldest Son may be enabled at my decease to take to and follow the Trade of a Tin Plate Worker I do give and bequeath unto him my said Son John all my Household Furniture Utensils Linnen Goods and Things of what kind soever by me used in and about my Household and all my Stock in Trade Working Tools and Things used in and about my said Trade but first and before he my said Son John do take Possession thereof I will and order my said Brother to take a fine full and Particular Inventory and account of all and singular my said Stock in Trade Working Tools and things used in my said Trade and that my said Brother do cause the same to be fairly appraised and valued by two sensible discreet and indifferent men and that such Inventory Appraisement and Valuation be made in writing and fairly entered into a Book to be kept untill my youngest Son shall attain hes Age of twenty one years And whereas I am seised of a Freehold Messuage or Dwelling house situtate in Basingstoke in the County of Southampton now I do hereby give and devise the same Messuage or Dwelling House and all the Buildings Land and Tenements thereto belonging with all other the Appurtenances thereto and also all other my Messuages Buildings Lands Tenements and Hereditaments of whatsoever Tenure or Quality the same be and all other my Real Estate wheresoever and all my Estate Right Title and Interest thereof therein and thereunto unto my said Brother Robert Trimmer and his Heirs in Trust to be by him my said brother Robert Trimmer or his Heirs sold to the best Purchaser or Purchasers which he or they can get for the same as soon as conveniently may be after my decease and out of the monies thereby arising to pay in the first place all my Just Debts as well as what I do owe to my said brother and after payment of all my Just Debts then in Trust to pay unto my said younger Son Robert his Executors or Administrators out of the residue of the moneys arising by such said Sale a Sum of Money equal to the whole that my Household Furniture Untensils Linnen Goods and things and Stock in Trade Working Tools and things hereby or before given unto my Eldest Son shall have been appraised and valued at as aforesaid and afterwards in Trust to divide the overplus of the monies arising by such Sale as aforesaid into two equal Parts and to pay one of the said Parts or Moieties unto my said Eldest Son John his Executors or Administrators and the other of the said parts or Moieties unto my youngest Son Robert his Executors or Administrators it being my intention that the whole of my Real and Personal Estate shall be equally divided between my said two Sons as to the Value thereof Also I do hereby give and bequeath unto my said Brother Robert all my Goods Chattels monies Book Debts and Securities for money and all other my Personal Estate whatsoever not hereby before otherwise disposed of in Trust to be by him equally divided paid and delivered unto my said two Sons John and Robert on their respectively attaining the Age of twenty one years he my said Brother having first paid and satisfied the expenses of my Funeral (which I will to be in a decent Christian mannner at his discretion) and all his reasonable Charges in and about his Execution of the Trust hereby in him reposed Also I do hereby appoint and ordain him my said Brother Robert full and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament in Trust to and for the Benefit of my said two Sons John and Robert and I do hereby revoke every former Will by me made In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this Eleventh day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty five John Trimmer Signed sealed and declared by the Testator John Trimmer as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request have hereunto subscribed our names in attestation thereof John Bradly John Bradly John Peck This Will of John Trimmer late of Farnham in the County of Surry deceased was proved on the fourth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Fifty five before the Reverend Cornelius Jeal Clerk a Surrogate by the oath of Robert Trimmer the Executor to whom Administration was granted being first sworn duly to administer