This is the last Will and Testament of me William RODGERS of The Lodge Lime Grove, New Malden in the County of Surrey, Gentleman. I give, devise and bequeath all my estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature and kind soever whether real or personal unto George WEATHERSBY and Alfred BREWER my executors hereinafter appointed their heirs executors administrators and assigns upon trust as soon as conveniently may be after my decease to call in sell and convert into money such part of my said estate and effects as shall not consist of money and to give good and effectual receipts and discharges for all purchases and other monies to be paid to or received by them in pursuance of the said powers hereinfore given to them and out of the proceeds of such calling in sale and conversion to pay all the costs charges and expenses of and incident to such calling in sale and conversion and also all principal and interest monies which shall or may be payable at my decease under and by virtue of any mortgage or mortgages of all or any part of my said real estate and to stand possessed of the residue of such proceeds and also for all such parts of my estate and effects as shall consist of money upon trust thereout in the first place to pay for my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts and then to pay the following legacies which I do hereby give and bequeath that is to say To my servant Hannah PENFOLD whether she be in my service at my decease or not the sum of fifty pounds sterling for her own and absolute use and benefit To my old servant James NORRIS of New Malden five pounds To Clara BROOK spinster of No 6 Gill Street Liverpool the sum of fifty pounds stirling for her own and absolute use and benefit To my friend William GRUNDALL of 5 Summer Hill Birmingham twenty five pounds To Mary PATCHING widow (one of the sisters of my deceased wife) thirty pounds To Caroline BELLEW spinster and Isabella GALLAGAR the wife of Edmund GALLAGAR (the other sisters of my deceased wife) the sum of twenty pounds each and to each of my executors ten guineas for mourning rings in the memory of their old friend And I direct that all the beforementioned legacies shall be paid to the legatees free of legacy duty And as to the residue (after paying such legacies) to pay and divide the same unto and equally between and amongst my nephews and nieces who shall be living at my decease (being the sons and daughters of my deceased brother John RODGERS and my deceased sisters Elizabeth PETCHELL Mary SAMUELS and Hannah BRUMMIT) share and share alike as tenents in common to and for his or her own absolute use and benefit And I herby declare that any interest taken under this my will by a married woman shall be for her own sole and separate use free from the control debts or engagements of her husband and her receipt alone notwithstanding coverture shall be good an sufficient discharge to my executors for the same. And I do hereby further decree that in case my said estate shall prove insufficient to pay all the specific legacies given by this my will in full then it is my expressed wish and desire and I do hereby will and direct that the legacies heinbefore given to Hannah PENFOLD and Clara BROOKS shall be paid in full in priority of all other gifts under this my will And I hereby appoint the said George WEATHERSBY of No 22 Little Britain in the City of London Ivory worker and dealer and comedian and Alfred BREWER of The Limes Lime Grove New Malden in the County of Surrey Photographer Executors of this my will and hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time heretofore made I declare this only to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I the said William RODGERS the testator have hereunto set my hand this sixth day of March one thousand eight hundred and seventy five WILLIAM RODGERS signed by the testator William Rodgers as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us both present at the same time who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses CHARLES STIRLING Vicar of New Malden and Coombe Surrey WILLIAM ELLIOTT Coombe Rd New Malden Surrey. Proved at London 2nd February 1876 by the oaths of George WEATHERSBY and Alfred BREWER the executors to whom admon was granted. On the 2nd February 1876 the will of William RODGERS late of The Lodge Lime Grove New Malden in the County of Surrey Gentleman, deceased, who died on 14th January 1876 at The Lodge, aforesaid, was proved in the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of the High Court of Justice by the oaths of George WEATHERSBY of No 22 Little Britain in the City of London Ivory Worker and dealer and comedian and Alfred BREWER of The Limes Lime Grove aforesaid Photographer. Executors named in the said Will they having been first sworn duly to administer Effects under £200 Re-sworn June 1876 £450