Will of Thomas Turner of Croyden This is the last Will and Testament of Thomas Turner, Butcher, Butter Market Place in the Parish of Croyden. In the name of God Amen the 19th June in the year of our Lord 1811. I Thomas Turner of the Parish of Croyden, Butcher, in the County of Surrey being sick but of perfect mind and memory and knowing that it is for all men once to die, so make my last Will and Testament in the manner following, that is to say I ask Sarah Turner my dearly beloved wife be my ___ Exor, and Thomas Hawkins Senior of Church Street the other Exor to whom I bequeath ten pounds first that the trade? Be disposed of in the best manner possible and likewise the stock in trade with all copyhold leasehold estates belonging to me and the money which the aforesaid Estates or premises to be put in the Bank to bring up the children till they arrive at the age of 21. Secondly that my freehold estates be fairly valued when my eldest son Thomas comes of age and the amount of said freehold estates to be given one half to my wife and the other half to be equally divided amongst the four children as they come of age. Thirdly that if Sarah Turner my dearly beloved wife should die without a Will that the whole of my property be then equally divided amongst my surviving children. In witnesses whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. Thos Turner Richard Messenger Junior, Jasper Page. Proved at London 26 July 1811 before the Worshipful Charles T______ley _______ by the oaths of Sarah Turner, Widow the Relict and Thomas Hawkins the Exors to whom admon was granted having been first sworn duly to administer