Will of Robert Waith of Richmond, Surrey In the name of God Amen. I Robert Waith of Richmond in the County of Surry, Gent, being weake in body, but of a perfect and sound memorie and understanding doe make and ordaine this my present Will and Testament containing theirein my last will in a manner and former following. First I bequeath my soule to God that made it and my body to be decently buried according to the direction of my Executrix. And for my temporall estate whether real or personal I do dispose of it as followeth. Viz Imprimus I doe devise to my deare wife Katherine Waith all my Lands, tenements and heriditaments whether ffee simple, estate for life or lives or leases for yeares which I have in possession or reversion for and during her naturall life to her owne proper and sole use. And from and after her decease I devise all my said Lands, Tenements and hereditaments to such child as my said wife is now supposed to be with child with and ensient of and to the heires of such child forever provided always and my will and meaning is that if such child as shall happen to be borne as aforesaid shall dye before it has attained to the age of one and twenty yeares leaving not issue of it’s body the_____ of one full third part of all my said Lands, Tenements and hereditaments shall be and goe to my said wife Katherine Waith and her heires forever to the only use of her and her heires and one other third part of the said Lands, Tenements and hereditaments shall be and goe to my sister Elizabeth Waith and her heires forever and the other remaining third part of the said Lands, Tenements and hereditaments shall bee and goe to my sister Anne Waith and her heires forever. Item I give to my sister Elizabeth Waith the summe of six hundred pounds to bee added to her father’s Legacy. Item I give to my sister Anne Waith the summe of ffour hundred pounds to be added to her father’s Legacy. Item I give to my sister Mary Wilett(?) the summe of five pounds. Item I make and ordain my said deare wife Katherine Waith my full whole and only Executrix of this my last Will and Testament and my uncle? Dr Richard Meggott and my father Dr Edward Fulham I make and ordain Overseers of this my last Will and Testament and I give to the said Dr Meggott the summe of fifty pounds and to the said Dr Fulham the summe of one hundred pounds for their paines therein. And to this my last Will and Testament I have subscribed my name and confirmed it with my seale this eighth day of December Anno Dom one thousand, six hundred, eighty six. Robt Waith. Signed, sealed, published and declared by Robert Waith the Testator as his last Will and Testament in the presence of John Radcliffe, John Fulham, John Somes