This is the Last Will and Testament of me George Edward Turner late of Salisbury in the County of Wilts and now of Guildford in the County of Surrey, Grocer. First I commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it and my Body commit to the Earth to be decently and frugally interned at the discretion of my Exors hereinafter named and as to all my Worldly Estate whatsoever and wheresoever wherewith it may please God to Bless me being all personal. I give, devise, bequeath and dispose of the same as follows. Whereas I am possessed of ______ to the sum of four hundred pounds four per cent Bank Annuities now standing in my name in the Books of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England. Now I hereby give and bequeath unto my Brother John Turner and William Searle of Guildford part (past?) in the parish of St Nicholas in Guildford aforesaid yeoman and the Survivor of them and the Exors and Admons of such Survivors the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds stock part of the said four hundred pounds four per cent Bank Annuities, Upon Trust, that they my said Brother John Turner and William Searle and the Survivor of them or the exors or admons of such Survivor do and shall pay and apply the interest and dividends of the said two hundred and fifty pounds four per cent Bank Annuities in upon and for the Maintenance education and benefit of William Turner, Louisa Turner and Edward Turner Children of my late brother William Turner deceased in the manner as they my said Trustees in their discretion think proper and necessary until the youngest of such children shall attain the age of twenty one years and when such youngest child shall or any out of the said children who shall happen to become the youngest Child by the death of any one or more of the said Children shall attain the age of twenty one years then In Trust to pay assign and transfer the said sum of two hundred and fifty pounds four per cent Bank Annuities unto and equally between all the children of my said Brother William Turner as shall be then living share and share alike and if only one of such children shall live to attain the age of twenty one years then in trust to pay, assign and transfer the said sum of two hundred and fifty pounds four per cent Bank Annuities to such only child for his or her own benefit and I give and bequeath the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds stock the other and remaining part of the said four hundred pounds four per cent Bank Annuities unto my said Brother John Turner to and for his own use and benefit subject nevertheless to and my will is that my said Brother John Turner shall pay thereout all my just debts, funeral expenses, the expenses of proving this my will and all other Testamentary Expenses and whereas I am or shall be entitiled to some monies and personal estate under and by virtue of the last Will and Testament of Sarah Searle late wife of the said William Searle before her marriage with the said William Searle called Sarah Turner Spinster upon the death of the said William Searle. Now I do hereby give and bequeath one (our?) moiety or equal half part of such monies and personal estate unto the said William Turner, Louisa Turner and Edward Turner the children of my said Brother William Turner equally to be divided between them share and share alike and I do hereby give and bequeath the other moiety or equal half part thereof unto my said Brother John Turner for his own use and benefit and I nominate, constitute and appoint my said Brother John Turner and the said William Searle Executors of this my Will hereby revoking all former and other Wills by me made previded and my will is that my said Trustees and Executors shall and may at all times in the first place reimburse themselves out of the said Trust promises all such costs, charges and expenses as they may be put unto in the Execution of this my Will and that neither of them shall be answerable for any loss that may happen to the trust promises unless such loss happen through their or his wilful neglect or default nor the one for the other of them nor for more monies than shall actually come to each of their hands respectively. In Witness whereof I the said George Edward Turner the testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained in two sheets of paper set my hand to the first sheet thereof and my hand and seal to this second and last sheet thereof the thirty first day of July in the year of our Lord 1816. George Edward Turner, signed, sealed, published and d______ by the said George Edward Turner the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament and the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses hereto the name ‘George’ being first interlined? throughout this Will. Joseph Hockley Joseph Hockley Senior Richard Nyren? Proved at London 6th December 1816 before the Worshipful Richard Henry Crisswell? Dr of Law and Surrogate by the oaths of John Turner the Brother and William Searle the Exors to whom admon being first sworn duly to admon.