William Searle the Elder This is the last Will and Testament of me, William Searle the Elder of the Parish of Holy Trinity in Guildford in the County of Surrey, Carrier. First I declare it to be my will and intention that my Estate herein after given and bequeathed to Joseph Pickstone of the said Parish of the Holy Trinity, Gentleman and Robert Harrison of the same parish, Peruke maker and their heirs for the life of my son William Searle shall not be al____ed or sold or otherwise disposed of by my said son but that he shall have a right and power to dispose of the reversion thereof after his death in any manner he shall think proper and therefore I do hereby give devise and bequeath unto the said Joseph Pickstone and Robert Harrison and their heirs all that my messuage or tenement garden and backside with the appurtenances thereunto belonging situate lying and being in the Parish of St Nicholas in Guildford aforesaid lately in my own occupation but now in the occupation of John Glover and which I purchased of and from Charles Searle Esquire and also all that my piece or parcel of ground whereon there formerly stood a messuage, tenement, malthouse and outbuildings and all that garden thereunto adjoining and belonging and therewith used lying and being in the said Parish of St Nicholas in Guildford aforesaid heretofore in the occupation of William How? Since of William Smith and now of the said John Glover and which I purchased of and from Henry Flutter deceased to hold to the said Joseph Pickstone and Robert Harrison their heirs and assigns for and during the natural life of my said son William Searle Upon Trust nevertheless and to the intent that they shall and do receive the rents and profits thereof from time to time as the same shall become due during the life of my said son and shall and do pay the said rents and profits to him my said son until he, my said son, shall by any mortgage, sale or conveyance or by any other ways or means howsoever mortgage, sell or dispose or covenant or agree to mortgage, sell or dispose of his right to and interest in the said rents and profits or any part or parcel of such right, tithe or interest or of such rents and profits or until he my said son William Searle shall commit ny Act of Bankruptcy and a Commission of Bankruptcy shall be issued against him and immediately after the said William Searle shall sign or execute and Deed or Instrument in writing whatsoever for the mortgaging, selling or disposing of the said rents and profits or his right, tithe or interest therein or thereto or to any aprt or parcel of such, and such Commission shall issue as aforesaid then I give the whole of such rents and profits which shall become due and payable after the signing or executing of such Deed or Instrument in writing or the issuing of such Commission unto William Birknoll (Birknell) of Normandy in the Parish of Ash in the County of Surrey, Yeoman for the rest of the life of my said son, William Searle and from and after the death of him my said son William Searle then I give and devise the said messuage or tenement, garden, backside and other grounds, hereditaments and premises with the appurtenances unto such person or persons and for such Estate or Estates therein and under and subject and liable to such powers, provisos and limitations and charged and chargeable with such sum or sums of money as he my said son William shall be in or by any Deed or Instrument in writing to be by him duly executed in the presence of and attested by two or more credible witnesses or by his last Will and Testament to be by him duly executed in the presence of and attested by three or more credible witnesses nominate, direct, declare give will devise limit or appoint the same. And for want of or in default of any such nomination, direction, declaration, gift, will, devise limitation or appointment to the use and behoof of the right heirs of my said son for ever and all the rest and residue of my Real and Personal Estate and effects of what nature or kind soever and wheresoever the same shall be situate, lying or being at the time of my decease I give , devise and bequeath the same unto him my said sons his heirs Executors, Adminstrators and Assigns for ever subject to the payment of my just debts and funeral expenses and the expenses of proving this my Will with the two sums of five pounds herein after mentioned. And I nominate, constitute and appoint them the said Joseph Pickstone and Robert Harrison, Executors of this my last Will and Testament In Trust to see the same duly executed and I give unto each of them the sum of five pounds for the trouble they may have in executing the Trust hereby reposed in them over and besides all costs, charges, damages and expenses they may be put into on occasion of the said Trust and I will that my said Trustees shall not be answerable the one for the other or for the acts, deeds, receipts and defaults of the other but each of them for his own acts, deeds, receipts and defaults only. In testimony whereof I the said William Searle the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained in this and the preceeding sheet of paper to each sheet set my hand and seal the nineteenth day of August in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty two. Wm Searle, signed, sealed, published and declared by the said William Searle the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses, Rac Kettle, Sarah Ann Pickstone, Joseph Hockley This will was proved at London the first day of June in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven before the Worshipful George Harris, Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipful Peter Calvert Doctor of Laws, Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oaths of Joseph Pickstone and Robert Harrison the Executors named in the said Will to whom Administration was granted of all and singular the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the said deceased they having been first sworn duly to administer