THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me, William Searle, of the Parish of Saint Nicholas in Guildford in the County of Surrey, Yeoman. I desire that my body be decently interred in the Parish Church of Stoke next Guildford in the said County in the same vault in which the body of my late wife Sarah was interred in such manner as my executors hereinafter named and appointed shall in their discretion think proper. I will and direct that all my just debts and funeral and testamentary charges and expenses be in the first place fully paid and satisfied by my Executors as soon as conveniently may be after my death. I give and bequeath unto my niece Jane Mary Searle now residing with me (the daughter of my brother George Searle hereinafter named), the sum of one thousand pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to be paid to her within six calendar months after my decease. I give and devise unto my brother George Searle of Andover In the County of Southampton ironmonger and my sister Elizabeth Searle of Upper Brook Street Grosvener Square in the County of Middlesex, spinster, and my nephew George Fulham Staples Searle of Brentford in the County of Middlesex, Ironmonger, their heirs and assigns all that freehold messuage or tenement situate in part here? in the Parish of Saint Nicholas in Guildford aforesaid now in the occupation of Christopher _briot? together with all appurtenances thereunto belonging, and also all and every other my freehold and copyhold messuages buildings lands tenements hereditaments and premises and all other my real estate whatsoever and whosesoever which I am now seized or possessed of or entitled unto in possession residue? remainder or expectancy otherwise howsoever with their and every of their rights members? and appurtenances to hold unto and to the use of the said George Searle, Elizabeth Searle and George Fulham Staples Searle, their heirs and assigns forever upon such trusts and to and for such ______ intents and purposes as are hereinafter expressed and declared of and concerning the value. I also give and bequeath unto the said George Searle, Elizabeth Searle and George Fulham Staples Searle all that leasehold messuage or tenement situate at Upper Kennington in the Parish of Saint Mary Lambeth in the said County of Surrey being number 2 And now in the occupation of (blank) Sanders widow, together with all and every the appurtenances thereunto belonging, and also the sum of two thousand and two hundred pounds four percent Consolidated Bank Annuities, and also the sum of ninety six pounds per annum long annuities now respectively standing in my name in the books of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England and also all and singular my household goods furniture plate, linen, China, credits, ready money, money in the funds, securities for money, goods and chattels and all other my personal estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever the same may be where I may be possessed of or interested in or entitled to at the time of my decease, to hold unto the said George Searle, Elizabeth Searle, and George Fulham Staples Searle and the survivor of them and the Executors and Administrators of such Survivor upon such trusts and to and for such _____ intents and purposes as are hereinafter also expressed and declared of and concerning the same. And I do hereby declare that I have given bestowed and bequeathed all and singular my said real and personal estate unto the said George Searle, Elizabeth Searle and George Fulham Staples Searle as aforesaid upon trust as soon as conveniently may be after my decease to collect get in and reserve all and singular my said personal Estate and to sell absolutely dispose of and to convert into money all and singular my said messuages lands covenants hereditaments and real and personal estate in any manner in which they my said trustees shall think most appropriate and from and after such sale or disposition of my said real and personal estate my will is and I do hereby direct that they my said Trustees or the survivor or survivors of them or the executor or administrators of such Survivor shall and do stand stand possessed of and interests in monies to come by such sale, and conversion upon the trusts and to and for the several __ intents and purposes hereinafter expressed and declared of and concerning the same that is to say upon trust after payment of the said legacy or sum of money hereinbefore given and bequeathed to the said Jane Mary Searle to divide the those? monies, which shall constitute or arise or be produced from or by my said real and personal estate into seven equal parts or shares and shall and do dispose of the same several parts or shares in the manner hereinafter expressed and declared. That is to say upon trust that they my said Trustees and Executors or the Survivor or Survivors of them or the Executor or Executors or Administrators of such Survivors shall and do lay out and invest out one seventh equal parts or shares of the said monies and estates in the joint name or names of them my said Trustees or the Survivor or Survivors of them or the Executors or Administrators in the purchase of stock in some or one of the public funds or upon other Government or some good real security at interest and shall and reserve and all and singular the dividends interest and proceeds of such stock funds or securities do? and when the same shall from time to time respectively become due and payable and immediately pay over the same unto my brother Edward Searle of the Parish of Saint Mary in Guildford in the said County of Surrey _____ and his assigns and permit for and and suffer or receive and take the same for his own use and benefit for and during his natural life and from and immediately after his decease shall and do pay and apply assign and transfer the said stock funds or securities unto and equally between my sister Sarah Emm of Isleworth in the County of Middlesex widow, my brother Francis Searle of Upper George Street in the Parish of Saint Marylebone In the County of Middlesex Gentleman, my said brother George Searle and my sister Margaret Foster widow and to their respective Executors administrators or assigns in the event of any of them dying in the lifetime of the said Edward Searle absolutely for their own respective use and benefit. And upon further trust that they my said Trustees and Executors or Administrators of such Survivor shall do pay over assign or transfer out other seventh equal part or share of the said monies and estate unto my said sister Sarah Emm her Executor or Administrator absolutely for her and their own use and benefit […… transcription error here deleted……] and upon further trust that they my said trustees and executors or the survivors or survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators of such Survivor shall and do pay over assign? And transfer one other seventh Equal part or share of the said monies or estates unto my said brother Francis Searle, his Executors or Administrators absolutely for his and their own use and benefit and upon further trust that they my said Trustees and Executors or the Survivors or Survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators of such Survivor shall do lay out and invest one other seventh equal part or share of the said monies and Estates in the joint names or name of them my said Trustees or of the Survivor or Survivors of them his or her Executors or Administrators in the purchase of stock on some or one of the public funds or upon other Government or some good real security at interest, and shall and do receive and take all and singular the dividends interest and proceeds of such stocks funds and securities as and when the same shall from time to time respectively become due and payable, and immediately pay over the same unto my said sister Elizabeth Searle and her assigns or permit and suffer her to receive and take the same to and for her own use and benefit for and during the term of her natural life and from and immediately after her death shall and do pay apply assign and transfer the said stock funds unto and equally between my said sister Sarah Emm, my said brother Francis Searle, my said brother George Searle and my said sister Margaret Foster and to their respective Executors Administrators -- ---- in the event of any of them dying in the lifetime of the said Elizabeth Searle absolutely for their own respective use and benefit. And upon further trust that they my said Trustees and Executors or the survivors or survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators of such survivor shall and do lay out and invest one other seventh equal part or share of the said monies and Estate in the joint name or names of them my said Trustees or the survivor or survivors of them, his or her Executors or Administrators in the purchase of stock in some or one of the public funds or upon other Government or some good real security at interest and shall do and receive and take all and singular the dividend interest and proceeds of such stock funds or securities as and when the same shall from time to time respectively become due and payable, and immediately pay over the same unto my sister Charlotte, the wife of William Perry of South Street Manchester Square in the County of Middlesex Cook and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life, the same to be paid from time to time into her own proper hands independently of and not to be subject to the control debts or engagements of her present or any future husband, and I will and direct that her receipt and receipts alone notwithstanding her signature? Shall be a good and sufficient discharge for such payments and from and immediately after her decease that they my said Trustees and Executors or the survivors or survivor of them or the Executor or Administrators of such survivors shall and do pay apply assign and transfer the said stocks, funds and securities unto and equally between my said sister Sarah Emm, my said brother Francis Searle, my said brother George Searle and my said sister Margaret Foster And to their respective Executors Administrators or Assigns in the event of any of them dying in the lifetime of the said Charlotte Perry absolutely for the their own respective use and benefit and upon further trust that they my said Trustees and Executors or the survivors or survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators of such survivor shall and do pay over assign and transfer out other seventh equal part or share of the said monies and Estate unto my said brother George Searle his Executors or Administrators absolutely for his and their own use and benefit. And upon further trust that they my said Trustees and Executors or the survivors or survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators of the survivor shall and do pay out and invest one other equal seventh equal part or share of the said monies and estate in the joint name or names of them my said trustees and executors or the survivors or survivor of the, his or her executors or administrators, in the purchase of stock in some or one of the public funds or upon other Government or other good real security at interest and shall and do take all and singular the dividends interest and proceeds of such stock, stock funds or securities as and when the same shall from time to time become due and payable and immediately pay over the same to my sister Margaret Foster, widow and her assigns, or permit and suffer her to receive and take the same to and for her own use and benefit for and during the term of her natural life, and from and immediately after her decease shall and do pay and transfer the said stocks funds and securities unto and equally between all and every the child or children of her the said Margaret Foster to be equally divided between them if more than one such child and to his her or their respective Executors or Administrators in case of the death of any one or more such child or children for his her and their own respective use and benefit absolutely, and in order to facilitate the sale hereinbefore directed of my said real and personal estates or other of them or any part thereof I do hereby will and declare that the receipt and receipts of the said George Searle, Elizabeth Searle and George Fulham Staples Searle or of my Trustees or Trustee for the time being shall be good and sufficient discharges for the purchase monies or money money for my said real and personal estate or such part thereof as shall in such receipt or receipts be expressed to be received by them, and that the purchaser or purchasers of my said real and personal estate or any part thereof shall not be required to see to the application or be answerable or accountable for the misapplication or non- application thereof or any part thereof, and I hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said brother George Searle, my said sister Elizabeth Searle and my said nephew the said George Fulham Staples Searle EXECUTORS and EXECUTRIX of this my Will, and I do hereby further will and direct that it shall and may be lawful to and for my said Trustees and Executors out of any money which may come into their or any or other of their hands by virtue of the trust herby in them deposed to claim? to and reimburse themselves all such charges damages and expenses as they or any other of them shall or may sustain or be put unto in the execution of this my will notwithstanding the several legacies and bequests hereinbefore by me specifically made and given to each of them, and that neither of them shall be answerable or accountable for the deeds or defaults for the other or others of them but for each or her own willful actions deeds receipts and defaults only, nor shall my Trustees and Executors or any or either of them be answerable or accountable for any loss that shall or may happen from the failure of any Banker or other persons with whom such trust monies or estates or any part or parts thereof shall be lodged or deposited for safe custody only and ___ making void all and every former will and wills by me at any time heretofore made. I so publicize and declare this only to be and contain my last Will and Testament in witness whereof I the said William Searle the Testator have to this my Last Will and Testament contained in five sheets of paper set my hand to the first four sheets and my hand and seal to the fifth and last sheet this twenty ninth day of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Four. WILLIAM SEARLE (seal). Signed sealed published and declared by the said Testator as and for his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses to the ____ execution? hereof. Jn Smallpiece, Guildford. Geo. Smallpiece, Guildford. Wm Jackson Lovett, Guildford.. THIS IS A CODICIL to be taken as part of the Last Will and Testament of me William Searle of the Parish of Saint Nicholas in Guildford in the County of Surrey, Yeoman, bearing date the twenty-ninth day of January one thousand eight hundred and twenty four and which Codicil I direct to be taken as part thereof. Whereas I have in and by my said Will given and bequeathed unto my niece Mary Jane Searle (described in my Will as Jane Mary Searle) the sum of one thousand pounds payable to her within six months after my decease, now I do hereby altogether revoke and annul the said bequest, and in lieu thereof I hereby give and bequeath the said sum of one thousand pounds unto George Searle, Elizabeth Searle and George Fulham Staples Searle in my said Will also named, and the survivor of them and the Executors and Administrators of such survivor upon trust to invest the same in some Government or other good security at interest, and to pay the dividends interests and proceeds arising therefrom unto my said niece Mary Jane Searle and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life, and from and after her decease to pay apply assign and transfer the security in which the said one thousand pounds shall be invested as aforesaid unto the child or children if any or otherwise to the next of kin of the said Mary Jane Searle, and if there be more than one such child or next of kin to be equally divided amongst them share and share alike. And whereas my brother Francis Searle has departed this life since the date of my said Will leaving six children him surviving, namely Francis Searle, Mary Ann the wife of (blank) Lewis, Thomas Searle, Charles Searle, Henry Searle and Ann the wife of (blank) Mr? Cloud?, Now I do hereby will and direct my said Trustees to apply assign and transfer such seventh equal part or share of my said monies and estates as well as the several shares of my said estate payable after the death of my brother Edward Searle and my two sisters Elizabeth Searle and Charlotte Perry to which my said brother Francis Searle would have been entitled had he survived unto and equally between the said six children of him the said Francis Searle deceased in equal shares and proportions for their respective absolute use and benefit but my said will is. And I do hereby direct my said trustees to deduct the sum of four hundred and thirty nine Pounds or thereabouts due to me from the said Francis Searle borrowed on a note from and out of the said seventh part or share of my said monies and estates hereby bequeathed by me to his said six children as aforesaid, And I hereby further will and direct that if my sister Sarah Emm or my brother George Searle or my sister Margaret Foster shall depart this life at any time before their respective legacies shall become due and payable then and in such case the legacy or legacies of him her or them shall be paid by my trustees to the said children of him her or the so dying to be equally divided between them if more than one such child and to his her and there respective Executors or Administrators in case of the death of any one or more such child or children for his her and their own respective use and benefit absolutely. And I confirm my said Will in all matters not hereby varied or altered. In witness whereof I the said William Searle to this my Codicil contained in one sheet of paper have set my hand and seal this eleventh day of January one thousand eight hundred and thirty. WM SEARLE (seal). Signed sealed published and declared by the said William Searle as and for a Codicil to his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto. Geo Smallpiece Sol. Guildford, M Smallpiece. T. Lovett Junr his clerk. THIS IS A SECOND CODICIL to be taken as part of the Last Will and Testament of me William Searle of Saint Nicholas in Guildford Surrey, Yeoman, and which Codicil I direct to be taken as part thereof. Whereas I have in and by the first Codicil to my said Will given and bequeathed unto George Searle Elizabeth Searle and George Fulham Staples Searle the sum of one thousand pounds for the benefit of my niece Mary Jane Searle and her children or next of kin in manner therein mentioned, Now I do hereby altogether revoke annul and make void the said bequest and in lieu thereof I do hereby give and bequeath the sum of one thousand and five hundred pounds three and a half per cent reserved? bank annuities part of reserve? stock now standing in my name in the books of the Governors and Company of the Bank of England unto the said George Searle, Elizabeth Searle and George Fulham Staples Searle (in my will also named) and the survivor of them and the Executors and Administrators of each survivor upon trust to pay the dividends interest and proceeds arising therefrom unto my said niece Mary Jane Searle and her assigns for the term of her life, and after her decease to pay apply assign and transfer the said one thousand and five hundred pounds stock unto the child or children if any or otherwise to the next of in of the said Mary Jane Searle and if there should be more than one such child or next of kin to be equally divided amongst them share and share alike. And I confirm my said will and Codicil in all matters not hereby varied or altered. In witness whereof I the said William Searle have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty sixth day of May one thousand eight hundred and thirty two. WILLIAM SEARLE (seal). Signed sealed published and declared by the said William Searle in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses. Geo Smallpiece, Sol Guildford. Ann Sandford, servant to Mr Searle. THIS IS A THIRD CODICIL to be added and taken as part of the Last Will and Testament of me William Searle, of the Parish of Saint Nicholas in Guildford in the County of Surrey, Yeoman. Whereas in and by my said Will I have amongst other things given and bequeathed unto my brother George Searle, my sister Elizabeth Searle and my nephew George Fulham Staples Searle all that leasehold messuage or tenement situate at Upper Kennington in the Parish of Saint Mary Lambeth in the said County of Surrey being No 2 and now or late in the occupation of Widow Sanders? upon certain trusts in my said Will particularly declared, Now I do hereby revoke and make void the bequest of the said leasehold house as aforesaid and I do hereby -------- (1 ½ lines deleted) --------------- give and bequeath the same leasehold messuage or tenement and premises with all and every appurtenances unto my sister the said Elizabeth Searle to and for her own absolute use and benefit. I also give and bequeath unto my said sister Elizabeth Searle the sum of two hundred pounds of lawful English money to be paid to her within six calendar months after my decease, and I do hereby declare that the bequests hereby made are in lieu of the bequest made in favour of my said sister in and by my said Will, and I do hereby direct that the seventh part of share of the residue of my property given by my said Will to my sister for her life and also the seventh part thereof given to my brother Edward Searle who is since dead shall go to the same parties and in the same manner as the five other seventh part of the residue of my said property are given, And further I hereby revoke and make void the appointment of the said Elizabeth Searle as Trustee and Executrix of my said Will, and in her place and stead I do hereby nominate and appoint John Turner the younger, clerk to Messrs Haydon of Guildford aforesaid, Bankers, to be the trustee and Executor of my said will jointly with the said George Searle and the said George Fulham Staples Searle, and in all other respects I do hereby confirm my said Will. In witness whereof I have to this Codicil set my hand and seal this first day of July one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. The mark of the said Testator William Searle (SS). Signed, sealed published and declared by the said William Searle to be a third Codicil and to be taken as part of his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each othere have subscribed our names as witnesses. Geo Smallpiece, Sol Guildford. Richard Martin, Stoke next Guildford. Ann Sanford, servant to Mr Searle. PROVED at London with third Codicil 16th August 1832 before the Judge by the oath of George Searle the brother and George Fulham Staples Searle the nephew, the Executors named in the Will, and John Turner the younger, the Executor named in the third Codicil to whom Admon Was granted having been first sworn by _______ to administer.