This is the last Will and Testament of me Elizabeth Turner of Guildford in the County of Surrey, Widow. First I direct all my just debts, funeral expenses and testamentary charges to be paid as soon as conveniently can be after my decease out of my personal estate. I bequeath all my wearing apparel and linen unto and equally between my daughters Sarah Holliss and Caroline Tomlin absolutely. And I devise and bequeath unto my son John Edward Turner all that my moiety or other share or interest in certain property in Bishopsgate Street in the City of London or County of Middlesex late the Estate of the Reverend Edward Fulham deceased and whether the same be freehold, copyhold or leasehold and all other my estate if any in the City of London or County of Middlesex to hold the same unto my said son John Edward Turner his heirs, executors administrators and assigns for his and their own absolute use, But I direct that my said son John Edward Turner, his heirs, executors or administrators shall pay to and for the benefit of my residuary personal estate hereinafter bequeath the sum of one hundred and sixty six pounds and thirteen shillings and four pence which I have advanced to him my said Son or so much of the same sum as shall not have been repaid to me at the time of my decease and I charge the said sum of one hundred and sixty six pounds and thirteen shillings and four pence on the said estates so devised to my said Son accordingly, And I devise and bequeath unto my said Son John Edward Turner and my friend Thomas Whitburn of Guildford aforesaid Upholsterer, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns all the rest and residue of the messuages, lands, tenements, hereditaments and real estate wheresover situate and of what nature and tenure soever of or to which I am now or at the time of my death shall or may be seized or entitled either at Law or in Equity for any devisable estate or interest or of which I now have power to dispose by this my Will and also all the residue of my goods, chattels, ____, _______, moneys, securities for money. Personal estate and Effects, whatsoever and wheresoever to hold the same (according to the nature and tenure thereof respectively), unto and to the use of them my said Son John Edward Turner and the said Thomas Whitburn, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns respectively upon the trusts following, (that it to say), Upon Trust as soon as may be conveniently thereafter my decease in the discretion and of the absolute authority of my said Trustees or the Survivor of them his executors, administrators or assigns to sell or dispose of and convert into money so much and such parts of my said residuary personal estate as shall not consist of money or securities for money of the nature hereinafter mentioned and to collect get in and receive the remaining parts of the said personal estate and upon trust to lay out and invest the moneys thereby arising in the names or name of my said Trustees or the Survivor of them his executors or administrators in or upon the Public Stocks or funds or other Government Securities or any real securities in England or Wales with all power from time to time as often as occasion may require to vary or transfer as well the stock funds or securities wherein such investment shall be made to the stocks fund or securities which may at my decease compose part of my said personal estate and I direct my said Trustees and the Survivor of them and their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns respectively of such survivor to stand seized and possessed of all my said residuary real and personal estate and the securities for the same personal estate or any part thereof and the rents, dividends, interest and annual income thereof respectively, upon the trusts following, (that is to say), As to one equal fifth part or share, (the whole into five equal parts or shares to be divided), of and in my said residuary real and personal estate and the stocks, interest? And securities in or upon which the said personal estate may be invested and the rents, interest, dividends and annual produce thereof upon trust during the life of my son William Turner to receive the rents, interest, dividends and annual produce of such one equal fifth part or share when and as the same shall arise and become payable and pay the same unto my said Son William Turner for and during the term of his natural life by yearly or quarterly or other periodical payments at the sole discretion of my said Trustees or the Survivor of them his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns. And I declare that if my said Son William Turner shall convey, assign, or otherwise charge or attempt to charge his life interest in the said share of and in my said real and personal trust? Estate and promises that then such life interest shall cease as if he were dead. And subject as aforesaid I direct my said Trustees and the Survivors of them his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns respectively to stand seized and possessed of the last mentioned of and in my said residuary real and personal trust estate and promises, upon the trusts hereinafter declared of the residue and remainder of my said residuary real and personal trust estate and promises and the stocks funds and securities in or upon which the same personal estate or any part thereof may be invested and the rents, dividends, interest and annual income thereof respectively. In Trust for such of my children (except my said Sons John Edward Turner and William Turner), as shall be living at the time of my decease and as being a son or sons shall have attained or shall thereafter attain the age of twenty one years or being a daughter or daughters shall have attained or shall thereafter attain that age or marry which shall be the first happen and such of the issue of any child or children of mine then dead or leaving issue, (including the issue of my late son George now deceased, but not including the issue of my said Sons John Edward and William ) as being a male or males shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a female or females shall attain that age or marry and the respective heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of such child, children and issue respectively, such child, children and issue objects? of this present trust to take as tenants in common but so nevertheless that the issue of my said child or children dying in my lifetime as aforesaid shall take through all the d_____? Equally among them the share or respective shares only which the parent or respective parents of such issue would have taken if living at my decease per stirpes and not per capita, And I declare and direct that it shall be lawful for my said Trustees or Trustee to apply during the minority of any child or children, grandchild or grandchildren all or any part of the income of the presumptive or routingent share or respective presumptive or routingent shares of such child or children, grandchild or grandchildren for his, her or their maintenance and education or otherwise for his, her or their benefit during such the period of his, her or their minority or respective minorities as to such Trustees or Trustee shall seem proper and if the whole of such income shall not be so applied then I direct that the unapplied income shall be improved? at interest and go in augmentation of the share or respective shares from which the same shall have arisen but so nevertheless that my said Trustees or Trustee shall not be precluded from applying such invested unapplied income and the proceeds thereof for the benefit of such child or children, grandchild or grandchildren at any subsequent period of his, her or their minority or respective minorities . And I further direct and declare that it shall be lawful for my said Trustees or Trustee for the time being at their or his own discretion to apply any part not exceeding one third of the principal of the presumptive or routingent share or respective presumptive or routingent shares of any one or more of my said children or grandchildren of and in my said personal estate before the said period of vesting in or towards his, her or their advancement or preferment in the World or otherwise for his, her or their benefit as my said Trustees or Trustee shall think proper and I hereby declare that it shall be lawful for the Trustees or Trustee for the time being of this my Will at any time or times during the continuance of the trusts hereby created or any of them if they or he shall think fit and at their or his sole discretion to sell all or any part of my said residuary real estate in such manner as they or he shall think fit and to invest the monies to arise by such a sale or sales in their or his names or name in the Public Stocks or funds or in or upon Government or real securities at interest to be held upon such or the like trusts and for such or the like _____ intents and purposes and subject to the such or the like powers and provisos and declarations as are hereinafter declared and contained concerning my said residuary personal estate and whereas I have advanced to my said Son George Turner, (now deceased), the sum of one hundred and sixty six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence and to my son Frederick Turner the sum of one hundred and ninety six pounds and thirteen shillings and four pence, now I do hereby declare and direct that the said respective sums of one hundred and sixty six pounds and thirteen shillings and four pence and one hundred and ninety six pounds and thirteen shillings and four pence so? such part thereof respectively as shall remain ue at my decease shall be deducted from and out of the shares hereby provided for such Sons respectively or their respective issue as aforesaid and whereas also I have advanced to my Son in Law, Charles Peachey Holliss, (the husband of my said Daughter, Sarah Holliss), the sum of four hundred and fifty pounds for which he has given his bond to my said Son John Edward Turner and Mr John Debenham. As Trustees for me Now I do also hereby declare and direct that the said principal sum of four hundred and fifty pounds or such part thereof as shall remain due at my decease, (but not any interest thereof which I do make? to be an associate gift in my lifetime and not to pass by this my Will), shall be deducted now and out of the share hereby provided for my said daughter Sarah Holliss or her issue as aforesaid and form part of my residuary personal estate and I hereby declare that the receipts of the Trustees or Trustee for the time being acting in the trusts of this my Will shall be sufficient discharges for any moneys whatsoever payable to them or him under the powers or trusts of this my Will and no person paying the same shall be obliged to see to the application thereof or to be answerable or accountable for the misapplication or non application or of any part thereof. And my will is that if the said Trustees hereby appointed, or either of them or any Trustee to be appointed as after mentioned shall die or be desirous to be discharged from the trusts of this my Will or become incapable of acting therein ay any time during the continuance of the same trusts it shall and may be lawful to and for the surviving or continuing Trustee of this my Will his executors or administrators by any writing or writings under his or their hand and seal or hands and seals to appoint any person or persons to be a Trustee or Trustees in the place of the Trustee or Trustees so dying or being desirous to be discharged or becoming incapable as aforesaid and when and so often as any new Trustee or Trustees shall be conveyed paid transferred and made over in such manner that the same may _____ vested in the new Trustee or Trustees alone or in the continuing Trustee and in any such new Trustee and his and their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns upon and for the trusts and purposes hereby declared concerning the same respectively and that such new Trustee or Trustees and his and their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns shall and may in all things act in the management and execution of the trusts and powers hereby declared and expressed as aforesaid every or any of them as full and effectively as if he or they had been originally by this my Will nominated or appointed a Trustee or Trustees. And I do declare that no Trustee of this my Will shall be personally responsible for any loss except such as may happen by his wilful neglect and every Trustee shall be allowed his full costs and shall allow the same to his cotrustees. And I hereby nominate my said Son John Edward Turner and the said Thomas Whitburn the executors of this my Will and lastly I revoke all former Wills by me made by witness whereof. I the said Elizabeth Turner the testatrix have to this my last Will and Testament contained in this and four proceeding sheets of a paper set my hand this eighth day of October one thousand eight hundred and fifty. Elizabeth Turner signed declared and acknowledged by the said Elizabeth Turner Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time and who in her presence at her request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses attesting the same. H, _. Marshall Solc, Godalming Chas. Newton? Clerk to Mr Marshall, Godalming Proved at London 10th Feby 1851 before the Worshipful Thomas Spinks Doctor at Laws and Surrogate by the oaths of John Edward Turner the Son and Thomas Whitburn the Executors to whom admon was granted having first been sworn duly to administer.