th February the 13 1766 I Henry Turner in the parish of Windlesham in the County of Surry being at this time in perfect Memory through the mercy of Goddo make this my last Will and Testament in the manner following that is to say, I do give to my Cosen John Edes twenty Pounds, I do give to mu Cosen Ann Harrad twenty Pounds, I do give to my Cosen Thomas Cooper twenty Pounds, I do give to my Cosen Hannah Matthews twentyPounds, I do give to my Cosen at Frail twenty pounds, I do give to my Cosen Miles dafter tenn pounds, I do give to my Cosen Mattew Edes tenn Pounds, I do give to my CosenWilliam Edes tenn pounds Lastly I do make and constitute my Cosen Joseph Cooper to be my Executor to pay all the legacyes in tenn months time this is my last will and testament Written with my own hand the thirteenth of february 1776 I Henry Turner hereby take my Seal and do declare this to be my last Will and testament (No separate signature) Witnesses John Walters, James Millbourne John (sic) Cooper sworn 30 October 1769 Testator died January Last at Windlesham Proved the same day