The last will and testament of One William Sprake of the parish of Chobham Yeoman … To my daughter Elizabeth wife of Henry Underwood and her assigns All that my freehold messuage or Tenement garden grounds and premises with the appurtenances situate lying and being in the said Parish of Chobham and now in my own occupationand all other my Real Estate whatsoever and wheresoever to hold the same unto the said Elizabeth Underwood and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life subject nevertheless as hereinafter mentioned and from and immediately after her decease I give and devise the same unto her son George Underwood his heirs and assigns for ever Provided always and I do hereby declarethat if the said Elizabeth underwood shall depart this life during the minority of the sad george underwood then I direct that the Rents and Profits of all and singular my real Estate shall be received and taken by the said Henry Underwood for his own use and benefit until the said George Underwood shall reach the age of twenty one Years. I give and bequeath all and singular my personal estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever unto the said Elizabeth Underwood her executors and assigns for her benefit and use subject nevertheless to and I do hereby charge the same and also the life estate of the said Elizabeth Underwood and the contingent Estate of the said Henry Underwood in my said Real Estate with the payment of the Sum of five Pounds to my son James Sprake and the sum of Ten Pounds to my daughter Mary Hayes and which I direct shall be paid to them respectively by three equal payments the first payment thereof respectively shall commence and be made at the end of one year next after my decease And lastly I hereby appoint the said Elizabeth Underwood sole executrix of this my will and hereby revoke ………… Signed 10 December 1844 Witnesses John Mears, solicitor, Bagshot Simon Downer Dean, his clerk Sworn by Elizabeth 23 February 1847, value less than £20 Died on 28 September 1846 Proved 2 March 1847