In the mame of God Amen I Thomas Turner of this Parish of Chobham in this County of Surry Weaver do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament as follows First I commend my Soul to the mercies of God and my Body to the earth to be Decently Buryed at the Discretion of my executors hereinafter named and as to my Worldly estate I give and Dispose thereof as followenth First my Will is that all of my Just Debts and funerall expenses and my executors expenses be fully satisfied and paid out of my personal estate-------- ------ I give and bequeathe to my son Joshua Turner all my working tools------- ----------- I give and bequeath to Elizabeth my beloved wife the use of all my Household goods for the term of her naturall life and from and after her Death I give said goods to be equally divided between all my Children share and share alike All the Rest of my whole Estate both Real and personal that is not herein by me before given I Give and Dispose thereof as followeth First my Will is their be an Inventory taken of my Personall estate as soon as conveniently can be after my Decease and the money that is Due to me to be gott in and then my executors to pay out of this same all my Just Debts and themselves reasonably for their time and their expenses in executing this my will and then what Remains of this said money my Will is that my executors do place it out at Interest on the best security they can gett for the same Which interest together with the Clear Profitts of my Real estates I Give and bequeath this same unto Elizabeth my said Wife for the term of her natural Life she paying out of this same all Rates and Taxes that may become Due for this same Likewise to keep all the premises in proper repair and from and after the death of my said wife I Give and bequeathe my whole estate both real and personall my Household goods as before excepted to my son Joshua Turner and his heirs and assigns for ever he paying out of this same in twelve months after the death of my said [“wife” omitted] the following legacies or Sums of money that is to say to my Son William the sum of Thirty Pounds and to my sons Thomas and James and to my Daughter Mary now the wife of John Everet [Everest ?] and my daughter Lydia now the wife of John Shott and my daughter Ann Turner to each of them the sum of Ten Pounds in Twelve months after the death of my said and my Will is if any of my Children should Happen to Die before their share or part becomes Payable and Leave any Children Lawfully begotten them such Child or Children to have their fathers or mothers part and I Charge my whole estate as above Directed and I nomonate and appoint my Son Joshua Turner sole executor of this my last Will and testament and I appoint my friends Henry Walden and John Hone both of the said Parish of Chobham trustees to see this my will faithfully executed In Witness wereof I have here unto this my last will and testament sett my hand and Seal this seventh day of Septemnber in the year of ourLord one thousand seven hundred and ninety four Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the testator to be his last will and testament in the presence of us who subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the testator Dated 7 September 1794 Witnesses: Philip Gyles Sr, Philip Gyles jr, John Gyles Joshua swore on 7 March 1803; “Testator died this year”; Value of personal estate not exceeding £300 Proved 17 March 1803