In the name of God Amen the thirtyth day of May Anno Dom 1710 in the ninth year of the Reign of our Gracious sovreign Lady Queen Ann etc I John Ticknor of Horsell in the County of Surrey yeoman being sick and wake in boddy but of perfect Mind and Memory thanks be to God for it too Mak and ordayne this my last Will and testament in Manner and forme following Revoking and annulling all former and other Wills by me heretoforemade and this to be taken for my last will and testament and no other (that is to say) First and principally I commend my soule unto the hande of Almighty God that gave it and my Body to the Earth from whence it cameto be Buried in such Decent Manner as my executors hereafter Named shall think fitt And as touching my temporall Estat my Will and meaning is the same shall be Imployed and bestowed as is hereafter by this my Will Expressed [Inpromis ??] I give and bequeath unto my Three Daughters Elizabeth Ann and Jane & to each and every of them the sume of ffifty Pounds of the lawfull money of great Britain to be payd by Executor hereafter named within Twelve months after my Dessece ‘Item I give and Bequeathe to my daughter Mary wife of Joseph Neal the sum of five shilling to be payd her within Twelve months after my Dessease by Executor hereafter named ‘Item I give and Bequeathe unto Elizabeth my beloved Wife the sume of tenn Pounds of good and lawfull money of Great Britain to be payd her by my Executor hereinafter named yearly and every yeare during the terme of her naturall life at the two most usall feasts in the year by even and equal porcions that is to say at the feast of St Micaell and the blessed Virging Mary Item I allsoe Give and bequeathe unto my said wife one ffeather bed with all the ffurnishing thereunto belonging one Brasse Pott one brasse Kittel one Brasse Skillet two smal drink Tubbs two Kiners and one open Tubb six pewter dishes Item; I give divise and bequeathe unto my son John all my Good and Chattels not above given and all my land and Tennements with the appurtenances thereunto belonging situate lying and being in the parishes of Horsell Woaking and Send in the County aforesaid to remayne and be to the soale use and behoofe of my sd son John his heirs and Assigns for ever he paying all my legacies as above given and all my Debts and ffuneral Expenses whome I make my Soale Executor of this my last Will and Testament in Wittnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written Signed Sealed Pronounced published and declared by the said John Tickner to be his last Will and testament in the presence of us Wm Wheller Sarah Godfrey Willm Collyer Sworn 19 Oct 1710